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* Test bug 228842 to make sure multiple selections work in the download
* manager by making sure commands work as expected for both single and doubly
* selected items.
<window title="Download Manager Test"
function test()
var dm = Cc[";1"]
var db = dm.DBConnection;
// Empty any old downloads
db.executeSimpleSQL("DELETE FROM moz_downloads");
var stmt = db.createStatement(
"INSERT INTO moz_downloads (source, state, target, referrer) " +
"VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4)");
try {
for (let site of ["", "", "", ""]) {
let file = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
let fileSpec =;
stmt.bindByIndex(0, "http://" + site + "/file");
stmt.bindByIndex(1, dm.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED);
stmt.bindByIndex(2, fileSpec);
stmt.bindByIndex(3, "http://referrer/");
// Add it!
finally {
// Close the UI if necessary
var win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("Download:Manager");
if (win) win.close();
var obs = Cc[";1"]
const DLMGR_UI_DONE = "download-manager-ui-done";
var testPhase = 0;
var testObs = {
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
if (aTopic != DLMGR_UI_DONE)
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function () { continueTest(aSubject) }, aSubject);
function continueTest(win) {
var downloadView = win.document.getElementById("downloadTree").view;
// Default test/check for invocations
var invokeCount = 0;
var counter = () => invokeCount++;
// Accessors for returning a value for various properties
var getItems = () => downloadView.rowCount;
var getSelected = () => downloadView.selection.count;
var getClipboard = function() {
var clip = Cc[";1"]
var trans = Cc[";1"]
clip.getData(trans, clip.kGlobalClipboard);
var str = {};
trans.getTransferData("text/unicode", str, {});
return str.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString)
// Array of tests that consist of the command name, download manager
// function to temporarily replace, method to use in its place, value to
// use when checking correctness
var commandTests = [
["pause", "pauseDownload", counter, counter],
["resume", "resumeDownload", counter, counter],
["cancel", "cancelDownload", counter, counter],
["open", "openDownload", counter, counter],
["show", "showDownload", counter, counter],
["properties", "showProperties", counter, counter],
["retry", "retryDownload", counter, counter],
["openReferrer", "openUILink", counter, counter],
["copyLocation", null, null, getClipboard],
["remove", null, null, getItems],
["selectAll", null, null, getSelected],
// All the expected results for both single and double selections
var allExpected = {
single: {
pause: [0, "Paused no downloads"],
resume: [0, "Resumed no downloads"],
cancel: [0, "Canceled no downloads"],
open: [0, "Opened no downloads"],
show: [0, "Showed no downloads"],
properties: [1, "Called properties for one download"],
retry: [0, "Retried no downloads"],
openReferrer: [1, "Opened one referrer"],
copyLocation: ["", "Copied one location"],
remove: [3, "Removed one download, remaining 3"],
selectAll: [3, "Selected all 3 remaining downloads"],
double: {
pause: [0, "Paused neither download"],
resume: [0, "Resumed neither download"],
cancel: [0, "Canceled neither download"],
open: [0, "Opened neither download"],
show: [0, "Showed neither download"],
properties: [0, "Called properties for neither download"],
retry: [0, "Retried neither download"],
openReferrer: [0, "Opened neither referrer"],
copyLocation: ["\n", "Copied both locations"],
remove: [1, "Removed both downloads, remaining 1"],
selectAll: [1, "Selected the 1 remaining download"],
var cmdName;
// Run two tests: single selected, double selected
for (let whichTest of ["single", "double"]) {
let expected = allExpected[whichTest];
if (whichTest == "double")
// Select the first 2 downloads for double
downloadView.selection.rangedSelect(0, 1, false);
// Select the first download for single;
for (let [command, func, test, value] of commandTests) {
// Make a copy of the original function and replace it with a test
let copy;
[copy, win[func]] = [win[func], test];
// Run the command from the menu
if (command == "selectAll")
cmdName = "menu_" + command;
cmdName = "dlMenu_" + command;
// Make sure the value is as expected
let [correct, message] = expected[command];
is(value(), correct, message);
// Restore original values
invokeCount = 0;
win[func] = copy;
// We're done!
obs.removeObserver(testObs, DLMGR_UI_DONE);
obs.addObserver(testObs, DLMGR_UI_DONE);
// Show the Download Manager UI
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display:none;"></div>
<pre id="test"></pre>