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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef nsParseMailbox_H
#define nsParseMailbox_H
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "nsIURI.h"
#include "nsIMsgParseMailMsgState.h"
#include "nsIStreamListener.h"
#include "nsMsgLineBuffer.h"
#include "nsIMsgDatabase.h"
#include "nsIMsgHdr.h"
#include "nsIMsgStatusFeedback.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsCOMArray.h"
#include "nsIDBChangeListener.h"
#include "nsIWeakReferenceUtils.h"
#include "nsIMsgWindow.h"
#include "nsImapMoveCoalescer.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsIMsgFilterList.h"
#include "nsIMsgFilter.h"
#include "nsIMsgFilterHitNotify.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
class nsOutputFileStream;
class nsIMsgFolder;
/* Used for the various things that parse RFC822 headers...
typedef struct message_header {
const char* value; /* The contents of a header (after ": ") */
int32_t length; /* The length of the data (it is not NULL-terminated.) */
} message_header;
// This object maintains the parse state for a single mail message.
class nsParseMailMessageState : public nsIMsgParseMailMsgState,
public nsIDBChangeListener {
nsresult ParseFolderLine(const char* line, uint32_t lineLength);
nsresult StartNewEnvelope(const char* line, uint32_t lineLength);
nsresult ParseHeaders();
nsresult FinalizeHeaders();
nsresult ParseEnvelope(const char* line, uint32_t line_size);
nsresult InternSubject(struct message_header* header);
// Returns true if line looks like an mbox "From " line.
static bool IsEnvelopeLine(const char* buf, int32_t buf_size);
// Helpers for dealing with multi-value headers.
struct message_header* GetNextHeaderInAggregate(
nsTArray<struct message_header*>& list);
void GetAggregateHeader(nsTArray<struct message_header*>& list,
struct message_header*);
void ClearAggregateHeader(nsTArray<struct message_header*>& list);
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDBHdr> m_newMsgHdr; /* current message header we're building */
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDatabase> m_mailDB;
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDatabase> m_backupMailDB;
nsMailboxParseState m_state;
int64_t m_position;
// The start of the "From " line (the line before the start of the message).
uint64_t m_envelope_pos;
// The start of the message headers (immediately follows "From " line).
uint64_t m_headerstartpos;
nsMsgKey m_new_key; // DB key for the new header.
// The "From " line, if any.
::nsByteArray m_envelope;
// These two point into the m_envelope buffer.
struct message_header m_envelope_from;
struct message_header m_envelope_date;
// The raw header data.
::nsByteArray m_headers;
// These all point into the m_headers buffer.
struct message_header m_message_id;
struct message_header m_references;
struct message_header m_date;
struct message_header m_delivery_date;
struct message_header m_from;
struct message_header m_sender;
struct message_header m_newsgroups;
struct message_header m_subject;
struct message_header m_status;
struct message_header m_mozstatus;
struct message_header m_mozstatus2;
struct message_header m_in_reply_to;
struct message_header m_replyTo;
struct message_header m_content_type;
struct message_header m_bccList;
// Support for having multiple To or Cc header lines in a message
nsTArray<struct message_header*> m_toList;
nsTArray<struct message_header*> m_ccList;
struct message_header m_priority;
struct message_header m_account_key;
struct message_header m_keywords;
// Mdn support
struct message_header m_mdn_original_recipient;
struct message_header m_return_path;
struct message_header m_mdn_dnt; /* MDN Disposition-Notification-To: header */
PRTime m_receivedTime;
uint16_t m_body_lines;
// this enables extensions to add the values of particular headers to
// the .msf file as properties of nsIMsgHdr. It is initialized from a
// pref, mailnews.customDBHeaders
nsTArray<nsCString> m_customDBHeaders;
struct message_header* m_customDBHeaderValues;
nsCString m_receivedValue; // accumulated received header
virtual ~nsParseMailMessageState();
// NOTE:
// nsMsgMailboxParser is a vestigial class, no longer used directly.
// It's been left in because it's a base class for nsParseNewMailState, but
// ultimately it should be removed completely.
// Originally, a single parser instance was used to handle multiple
// messages. But that made lots of inherent mbox-specific assumptions, and
// the carried-between-messages state made it very hard to follow.
class nsMsgMailboxParser : public nsIStreamListener,
public nsParseMailMessageState,
public nsMsgLineBuffer {
explicit nsMsgMailboxParser(nsIMsgFolder*);
nsresult Init();
// we support the nsIStreamListener interface
void SetDB(nsIMsgDatabase* mailDB) { m_mailDB = mailDB; }
// message socket libnet callbacks, which come through folder pane
nsresult ProcessMailboxInputStream(nsIInputStream* aIStream,
uint32_t aLength);
virtual void DoneParsingFolder(nsresult status);
virtual void AbortNewHeader();
// for nsMsgLineBuffer
virtual nsresult HandleLine(const char* line, uint32_t line_length) override;
void UpdateDBFolderInfo();
void UpdateDBFolderInfo(nsIMsgDatabase* mailDB);
void UpdateStatusText(const char* stringName);
// Update the progress bar based on what we know.
virtual void UpdateProgressPercent();
virtual void OnNewMessage(nsIMsgWindow* msgWindow);
virtual ~nsMsgMailboxParser();
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgStatusFeedback> m_statusFeedback;
virtual void PublishMsgHeader(nsIMsgWindow* msgWindow);
// data
nsString m_folderName;
nsCString m_inboxUri;
::nsByteArray m_inputStream;
uint64_t m_graph_progress_total;
uint64_t m_graph_progress_received;
nsWeakPtr m_folder;
void ReleaseFolderLock();
nsresult AcquireFolderLock();
class nsParseNewMailState : public nsMsgMailboxParser,
public nsIMsgFilterHitNotify {
nsresult Init(nsIMsgFolder* rootFolder, nsIMsgFolder* downloadFolder,
nsIMsgWindow* aMsgWindow, nsIMsgDBHdr* aHdr,
nsIOutputStream* aOutputStream);
virtual void DoneParsingFolder(nsresult status) override;
void DisableFilters() { m_disableFilters = true; }
nsOutputFileStream* GetLogFile();
virtual void PublishMsgHeader(nsIMsgWindow* msgWindow) override;
void GetMsgWindow(nsIMsgWindow** aMsgWindow);
nsresult EndMsgDownload();
nsresult AppendMsgFromStream(nsIInputStream* fileStream, nsIMsgDBHdr* aHdr,
nsIMsgFolder* destFolder);
void ApplyFilters(bool* pMoved, nsIMsgWindow* msgWindow);
nsresult ApplyForwardAndReplyFilter(nsIMsgWindow* msgWindow);
virtual void OnNewMessage(nsIMsgWindow* msgWindow) override;
// These two vars are public because they need to be carried between
// messages.
// this keeps track of how many messages we downloaded that
// aren't new - e.g., marked read, or moved to an other server.
int32_t m_numNotNewMessages;
// Filter-initiated moves are collected to run all at once.
RefPtr<nsImapMoveCoalescer> m_moveCoalescer;
virtual ~nsParseNewMailState();
virtual nsresult GetTrashFolder(nsIMsgFolder** pTrashFolder);
virtual nsresult MoveIncorporatedMessage(nsIMsgDBHdr* mailHdr,
nsIMsgDatabase* sourceDB,
nsIMsgFolder* destIFolder,
nsIMsgFilter* filter,
nsIMsgWindow* msgWindow);
virtual void MarkFilteredMessageRead(nsIMsgDBHdr* msgHdr);
virtual void MarkFilteredMessageUnread(nsIMsgDBHdr* msgHdr);
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFilterList> m_filterList;
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFilterList> m_deferredToServerFilterList;
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> m_rootFolder;
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgWindow> m_msgWindow;
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> m_downloadFolder;
nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> m_outputStream;
nsCOMArray<nsIMsgFolder> m_filterTargetFolders;
bool m_msgMovedByFilter;
bool m_msgCopiedByFilter;
bool m_disableFilters;
// we have to apply the reply/forward filters in a second pass, after
// msg quarantining and moving to other local folders, so we remember the
// info we'll need to apply them with these vars.
// these need to be arrays in case we have multiple reply/forward filters.
nsTArray<nsCString> m_forwardTo;
nsTArray<nsCString> m_replyTemplateUri;
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDBHdr> m_msgToForwardOrReply;
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFilter> m_filter;
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgRuleAction> m_ruleAction;