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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsMsgCompUtils.h"
#include "nsIPrefService.h"
#include "nsIPrefBranch.h"
#include "nsStringFwd.h"
#include "prmem.h"
#include "nsIStringBundle.h"
#include "nsIIOService.h"
#include "nsIHttpProtocolHandler.h"
#include "nsMailHeaders.h"
#include "nsMsgI18N.h"
#include "nsINntpService.h"
#include "nsMimeTypes.h"
#include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
#include "nsIURI.h"
#include "nsNetCID.h"
#include "nsMsgPrompts.h"
#include "nsMsgUtils.h"
#include "nsCExternalHandlerService.h"
#include "nsIMIMEService.h"
#include "nsComposeStrings.h"
#include "nsIMsgCompUtils.h"
#include "nsIMsgMdnGenerator.h"
#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
#include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h"
#include "nsMemory.h"
#include "nsCRTGlue.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "mozilla/EncodingDetector.h"
#include "mozilla/Components.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
#include "mozilla/ContentIterator.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "nsIMIMEInfo.h"
#include "nsIMsgHeaderParser.h"
#include "nsIMutableArray.h"
#include "nsIRandomGenerator.h"
#include "nsID.h"
void msg_generate_message_id(nsIMsgIdentity* identity,
const nsACString& customHost,
nsACString& messageID);
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsMsgCompUtils, nsIMsgCompUtils)
nsMsgCompUtils::nsMsgCompUtils() {}
nsMsgCompUtils::~nsMsgCompUtils() {}
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompUtils::MimeMakeSeparator(const char* prefix,
char** _retval) {
*_retval = mime_make_separator(prefix);
return NS_OK;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompUtils::MsgGenerateMessageId(nsIMsgIdentity* identity,
const nsACString& host,
nsACString& messageID) {
// We don't check `host` because it's allowed to be a null pointer (which
// means we should ignore it for message ID generation).
msg_generate_message_id(identity, host, messageID);
return NS_OK;
nsMsgCompUtils::DetectCharset(const nsACString& aContent,
nsACString& aCharset) {
mozilla::UniquePtr<mozilla::EncodingDetector> detector =
mozilla::Span<const uint8_t> src = mozilla::AsBytes(
mozilla::Span(ToNewCString(aContent), aContent.Length()));
mozilla::Unused << detector->Feed(src, true);
auto encoding = detector->Guess(nullptr, true);
return NS_OK;
// Create a file for the a unique temp file
// on the local machine. Caller must free memory
nsresult nsMsgCreateTempFile(const char* tFileName, nsIFile** tFile) {
if ((!tFileName) || (!*tFileName)) tFileName = "nsmail.tmp";
nsresult rv =
GetSpecialDirectoryWithFileName(NS_OS_TEMP_DIR, tFileName, tFile);
rv = (*tFile)->CreateUnique(nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 00600);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsPIExternalAppLauncher> appLauncher =
if (appLauncher) {
return NS_OK;
* Checks if the recipient fields have sane values for message send.
nsresult mime_sanity_check_fields_recipients(const char* to, const char* cc,
const char* bcc,
const char* newsgroups) {
if (to)
while (IS_SPACE(*to)) to++;
if (cc)
while (IS_SPACE(*cc)) cc++;
if (bcc)
while (IS_SPACE(*bcc)) bcc++;
if (newsgroups)
while (IS_SPACE(*newsgroups)) newsgroups++;
if ((!to || !*to) && (!cc || !*cc) && (!bcc || !*bcc) &&
(!newsgroups || !*newsgroups))
return NS_OK;
* Checks if the compose fields have sane values for message send.
nsresult mime_sanity_check_fields(
const char* from, const char* reply_to, const char* to, const char* cc,
const char* bcc, const char* fcc, const char* newsgroups,
const char* followup_to, const char* /*subject*/,
const char* /*references*/, const char* /*organization*/,
const char* /*other_random_headers*/) {
if (from)
while (IS_SPACE(*from)) from++;
if (reply_to)
while (IS_SPACE(*reply_to)) reply_to++;
if (fcc)
while (IS_SPACE(*fcc)) fcc++;
if (followup_to)
while (IS_SPACE(*followup_to)) followup_to++;
// TODO: sanity check other_random_headers for newline conventions
if (!from || !*from) return NS_MSG_NO_SENDER;
return mime_sanity_check_fields_recipients(to, cc, bcc, newsgroups);
// Helper macro for generating the X-Mozilla-Draft-Info header.
#define APPEND_BOOL(method, param) \
do { \
bool val = false; \
fields->Get##method(&val); \
if (val) \
draftInfo.AppendLiteral(param "=1"); \
else \
draftInfo.AppendLiteral(param "=0"); \
} while (false)
nsresult mime_generate_headers(nsIMsgCompFields* fields,
nsMsgDeliverMode deliver_mode,
msgIWritableStructuredHeaders* finalHeaders) {
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefs(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv));
bool isDraft = deliver_mode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsDraft ||
deliver_mode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsTemplate ||
deliver_mode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgQueueForLater ||
deliver_mode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgDeliverBackground;
bool hasDisclosedRecipient = false;
MOZ_ASSERT(fields, "null fields");
nsTArray<RefPtr<msgIAddressObject>> from;
fields->GetAddressingHeader("From", true, from);
// Copy all headers from the original compose field.
rv = finalHeaders->AddAllHeaders(fields);
bool hasMessageId = false;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(fields->HasHeader("Message-ID", &hasMessageId)) &&
hasMessageId) {
/* MDN request header requires to have MessageID header presented
* in the message in order to
* coorelate the MDN reports to the original message. Here will be
* the right place
bool returnReceipt = false;
if (returnReceipt && (deliver_mode != nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsDraft &&
deliver_mode != nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsTemplate)) {
int32_t receipt_header_type = nsIMsgMdnGenerator::eDntType;
// nsIMsgMdnGenerator::eDntType = MDN Disposition-Notification-To: ;
// nsIMsgMdnGenerator::eRrtType = Return-Receipt-To: ;
// nsIMsgMdnGenerator::eDntRrtType = both MDN DNT and RRT headers .
if (receipt_header_type != nsIMsgMdnGenerator::eRrtType)
finalHeaders->SetAddressingHeader("Disposition-Notification-To", from);
if (receipt_header_type != nsIMsgMdnGenerator::eDntType)
finalHeaders->SetAddressingHeader("Return-Receipt-To", from);
PRExplodedTime now;
PR_ExplodeTime(PR_Now(), PR_LocalTimeParameters, &now);
int gmtoffset =
(now.tm_params.tp_gmt_offset + now.tm_params.tp_dst_offset) / 60;
// Use PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish() to format the date in US English format,
// then figure out what our local GMT offset is, and append it (since
// PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish() can't do that.) Generate four digit years as
// per RFC 1123 (superseding RFC 822.)
char dateString[130];
PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish(dateString, sizeof(dateString),
"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S ", &now);
char* entryPoint = dateString + strlen(dateString);
PR_snprintf(entryPoint, sizeof(dateString) - (entryPoint - dateString),
"%c%02d%02d" CRLF, (gmtoffset >= 0 ? '+' : '-'),
((gmtoffset >= 0 ? gmtoffset : -gmtoffset) / 60),
((gmtoffset >= 0 ? gmtoffset : -gmtoffset) % 60));
finalHeaders->SetRawHeader("Date", nsDependentCString(dateString));
// X-Mozilla-Draft-Info
if (isDraft) {
nsAutoCString draftInfo;
draftInfo.AppendLiteral("internal/draft; ");
APPEND_BOOL(AttachVCard, "vcard");
draftInfo.AppendLiteral("; ");
bool hasReturnReceipt = false;
if (hasReturnReceipt) {
// slight change compared to 4.x; we used to use receipt= to tell
// whether the draft/template has request for either MDN or DNS or both
// return receipt; since the DNS is out of the picture we now use the
// header type + 1 to tell whether user has requested the return receipt
int32_t headerType = 0;
draftInfo.AppendInt(headerType + 1);
} else
draftInfo.AppendLiteral("; ");
draftInfo.AppendLiteral("; ");
draftInfo.AppendLiteral("; ");
APPEND_BOOL(AttachmentReminder, "attachmentreminder");
draftInfo.AppendLiteral("; ");
int32_t deliveryFormat;
finalHeaders->SetRawHeader(HEADER_X_MOZILLA_DRAFT_INFO, draftInfo);
bool sendUserAgent = false;
if (prefs) {
prefs->GetBoolPref("mailnews.headers.sendUserAgent", &sendUserAgent);
if (sendUserAgent) {
bool useMinimalUserAgent = false;
if (prefs) {
if (useMinimalUserAgent) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> bundleService =
if (bundleService) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> brandBundle;
rv = bundleService->CreateBundle(
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
nsString brandName;
brandBundle->GetStringFromName("brandFullName", brandName);
if (!brandName.IsEmpty())
finalHeaders->SetUnstructuredHeader("User-Agent", brandName);
} else {
nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpProtocolHandler> pHTTPHandler =
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && pHTTPHandler) {
nsAutoCString userAgentString;
// Ignore error since we're testing the return value.
mozilla::Unused << pHTTPHandler->GetUserAgent(userAgentString);
if (!userAgentString.IsEmpty())
"User-Agent", NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(userAgentString));
finalHeaders->SetUnstructuredHeader("MIME-Version", u"1.0"_ns);
nsAutoCString newsgroups;
finalHeaders->GetRawHeader("Newsgroups", newsgroups);
if (!newsgroups.IsEmpty()) {
// Since the newsgroup header can contain data in the form of:
// we need to turn that into: "netscape.test,netscape.junk"
// (XXX: can it really?)
nsCOMPtr<nsINntpService> nntpService =
do_GetService(";1", &rv);
nsCString newsgroupsHeaderVal;
nsCString newshostHeaderVal;
rv = nntpService->GenerateNewsHeaderValsForPosting(
newsgroups, getter_Copies(newsgroupsHeaderVal),
finalHeaders->SetRawHeader("Newsgroups", newsgroupsHeaderVal);
// If we are here, we are NOT going to send this now. (i.e. it is a Draft,
// Send Later file, etc...). Because of that, we need to store what the user
// typed in on the original composition window for use later when rebuilding
// the headers
if (deliver_mode != nsIMsgSend::nsMsgDeliverNow &&
deliver_mode != nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSendUnsent) {
// This is going to be saved for later, that means we should just store
// what the user typed into the "Newsgroup" line in the
// HEADER_X_MOZILLA_NEWSHOST header for later use by "Send Unsent
// Messages", "Drafts" or "Templates"
finalHeaders->SetRawHeader(HEADER_X_MOZILLA_NEWSHOST, newshostHeaderVal);
// Newsgroups are a recipient...
hasDisclosedRecipient = true;
nsTArray<RefPtr<msgIAddressObject>> recipients;
finalHeaders->GetAddressingHeader("To", false, recipients);
hasDisclosedRecipient |= !recipients.IsEmpty();
finalHeaders->GetAddressingHeader("Cc", false, recipients);
hasDisclosedRecipient |= !recipients.IsEmpty();
// If we don't have disclosed recipient (only Bcc), address the message to
// undisclosed-recipients to prevent problem with some servers
// If we are saving the message as a draft, don't bother inserting the
// undisclosed recipients field. We'll take care of that when we really send
// the message.
if (!hasDisclosedRecipient &&
(!isDraft || deliver_mode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgQueueForLater)) {
bool bAddUndisclosedRecipients = true;
if (bAddUndisclosedRecipients) {
bool hasBcc = false;
fields->HasHeader("Bcc", &hasBcc);
if (hasBcc) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> stringService =
if (stringService) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> composeStringBundle;
rv = stringService->CreateBundle(
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
nsString undisclosedRecipients;
rv = composeStringBundle->GetStringFromName("undisclosedRecipients",
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !undisclosedRecipients.IsEmpty()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgHeaderParser> headerParser(
nsCOMPtr<msgIAddressObject> group;
nsTArray<RefPtr<msgIAddressObject>> noRecipients;
headerParser->MakeGroupObject(undisclosedRecipients, noRecipients,
finalHeaders->SetAddressingHeader("To", recipients);
// We don't want to emit a Bcc header to the output. If we are saving this to
// Drafts/Sent, this is re-added later in nsMsgSend.cpp.
// Skip no or empty priority.
nsAutoCString priority;
rv = fields->GetRawHeader("X-Priority", priority);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !priority.IsEmpty()) {
nsMsgPriorityValue priorityValue;
NS_MsgGetPriorityFromString(priority.get(), priorityValue);
// Skip default priority.
if (priorityValue != nsMsgPriority::Default) {
nsAutoCString priorityName;
nsAutoCString priorityValueString;
NS_MsgGetPriorityValueString(priorityValue, priorityValueString);
NS_MsgGetUntranslatedPriorityName(priorityValue, priorityName);
// Output format: [X-Priority: <pValue> (<pName>)]
priorityValueString.AppendLiteral(" (");
priorityValueString += priorityName;
finalHeaders->SetRawHeader("X-Priority", priorityValueString);
nsAutoCString references;
finalHeaders->GetRawHeader("References", references);
if (!references.IsEmpty()) {
// The References header should be kept under 998 characters: if it's too
// long, trim out the earliest references to make it smaller.
if (references.Length() > 986) {
int32_t firstRef = references.FindChar('<');
int32_t secondRef = references.FindChar('<', firstRef + 1);
if (secondRef > 0) {
nsAutoCString newReferences(StringHead(references, secondRef));
int32_t bracket = references.FindChar(
'<', references.Length() + newReferences.Length() - 986);
if (bracket > 0) {
newReferences.Append(Substring(references, bracket));
finalHeaders->SetRawHeader("References", newReferences);
// The In-Reply-To header is the last entry in the references header...
int32_t bracket = references.RFind("<");
if (bracket >= 0)
finalHeaders->SetRawHeader("In-Reply-To", Substring(references, bracket));
return NS_OK;
#undef APPEND_BOOL // X-Mozilla-Draft-Info helper macro
static void GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(unsigned char* buf, int32_t len) {
// Attempt to generate bytes from system entropy-based RNG.
nsCOMPtr<nsIRandomGenerator> randomGenerator(
MOZ_ASSERT(randomGenerator, "nsIRandomGenerator service not retrievable");
uint8_t* tempBuffer;
nsresult rv = randomGenerator->GenerateRandomBytes(len, &tempBuffer);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
memcpy(buf, tempBuffer, len);
// nsIRandomGenerator failed -- fall back to low entropy PRNG.
static bool firstTime = true;
if (firstTime) {
// Seed the random-number generator with current time so that
// the numbers will be different every time we run.
firstTime = false;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) buf[i] = rand() % 256;
char* mime_make_separator(const char* prefix) {
unsigned char rand_buf[13];
GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(rand_buf, 12);
return PR_smprintf(
prefix, rand_buf[0], rand_buf[1], rand_buf[2], rand_buf[3], rand_buf[4],
rand_buf[5], rand_buf[6], rand_buf[7], rand_buf[8], rand_buf[9],
rand_buf[10], rand_buf[11]);
// Tests if the content of a string is a valid host name.
// In this case, a valid host name is any non-empty string that only contains
// letters (a-z + A-Z), numbers (0-9) and the characters '-', '_' and '.'.
static bool isValidHost(const nsCString& host) {
if (host.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
const auto* cur = host.BeginReading();
const auto* end = host.EndReading();
for (; cur < end; ++cur) {
if (!isalpha(*cur) && !isdigit(*cur) && *cur != '-' && *cur != '_' &&
*cur != '.') {
return false;
return true;
// Extract the domain name from an address.
// If none could be found (i.e. the address does not contain an '@' sign, or
// the value following it is not a valid domain), then nullptr is returned.
void msg_domain_name_from_address(const nsACString& address, nsACString& host) {
auto atIndex = address.FindChar('@');
if (address.IsEmpty() || atIndex == kNotFound) {
// Substring() should handle cases where we would go out of bounds (by
// preventing the index from exceeding the length of the source string), so we
// don't need to handle this here.
host = Substring(address, atIndex + 1);
// Generate a value for a Message-Id header using the identity and optional
// hostname provided.
void msg_generate_message_id(nsIMsgIdentity* identity,
const nsACString& customHost,
nsACString& messageID) {
nsCString host;
// Check if the identity forces host name. This is sometimes the case when
// using newsgroup.
nsCString forcedFQDN;
nsresult rv = identity->GetCharAttribute("FQDN", forcedFQDN);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !forcedFQDN.IsEmpty()) {
host = forcedFQDN;
// If no valid host name has been set, try using the value defined by the
// caller, if any.
if (!isValidHost(host)) {
host = customHost;
// If no valid host name has been set, try extracting one from the email
// address associated with the identity.
if (!isValidHost(host)) {
nsCString from;
rv = identity->GetEmail(from);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !from.IsEmpty()) {
msg_domain_name_from_address(from, host);
// If we still couldn't find a valid host name to use, we can't generate a
// valid message ID, so bail, and let NNTP and SMTP generate them.
if (!isValidHost(host)) {
// Generate 128-bit UUID for the local part of the ID. `nsID` provides us with
// cryptographically-secure generation.
nsID uuid = nsID::GenerateUUID();
char uuidString[NSID_LENGTH];
// Drop first and last characters (curly braces).
uuidString[NSID_LENGTH - 2] = 0;
messageID.AppendPrintf("<%s@%s>", uuidString + 1, host.get());
// this is to guarantee the folded line will never be greater
// than 78 = 75 + CRLFLWSP
/*static */ char* RFC2231ParmFolding(const char* parmName,
const char* parmValue) {
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(parmName && *parmName && parmValue && *parmValue, nullptr);
bool needEscape;
nsCString dupParm;
nsCString charset("UTF-8");
if (!mozilla::IsAsciiNullTerminated(parmValue)) {
needEscape = true;
MsgEscapeString(dupParm, nsINetUtil::ESCAPE_ALL, dupParm);
} else {
needEscape = false;
dupParm.Adopt(msg_make_filename_qtext(parmValue, true));
int32_t parmNameLen = PL_strlen(parmName);
int32_t parmValueLen = dupParm.Length();
parmNameLen += 5; // *=__'__'___ or *[0]*=__'__'__ or *[1]*=___ or *[0]="___"
char* foldedParm = nullptr;
if ((parmValueLen + parmNameLen + strlen("UTF-8")) < PR_MAX_FOLDING_LEN) {
foldedParm = PL_strdup(parmName);
if (needEscape) {
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, "*=");
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, "UTF-8");
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, "''"); // We don't support language.
} else
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, "=\"");
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, dupParm.get());
if (!needEscape) NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, "\"");
} else {
int curLineLen = 0;
int counter = 0;
char digits[32];
char* start = dupParm.BeginWriting();
char* end = NULL;
char tmp = 0;
while (parmValueLen > 0) {
curLineLen = 0;
if (counter == 0) {
foldedParm = PL_strdup(parmName);
} else {
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, ";\r\n ");
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, parmName);
PR_snprintf(digits, sizeof(digits), "*%d", counter);
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, digits);
curLineLen += PL_strlen(digits);
if (needEscape) {
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, "*=");
if (counter == 0) {
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, "UTF-8");
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, "''"); // We don't support language.
curLineLen += strlen("UTF-8");
} else {
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, "=\"");
curLineLen += parmNameLen;
if (parmValueLen <= PR_MAX_FOLDING_LEN - curLineLen)
end = start + parmValueLen;
end = start + (PR_MAX_FOLDING_LEN - curLineLen);
tmp = 0;
if (*end && needEscape) {
// Check to see if we are in the middle of escaped char.
// We use ESCAPE_ALL, so every third character is a '%'.
if (end - 1 > start && *(end - 1) == '%') {
end -= 1;
} else if (end - 2 > start && *(end - 2) == '%') {
end -= 2;
// *end is now a '%'.
// Check if the following UTF-8 octet is a continuation.
while (end - 3 > start && (*(end + 1) == '8' || *(end + 1) == '9' ||
*(end + 1) == 'A' || *(end + 1) == 'B')) {
end -= 3;
tmp = *end;
*end = 0;
} else {
tmp = *end;
*end = 0;
NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, start);
if (!needEscape) NS_MsgSACat(&foldedParm, "\"");
parmValueLen -= (end - start);
if (tmp) *end = tmp;
start = end;
return foldedParm;
bool mime_7bit_data_p(const char* string, uint32_t size) {
if ((!string) || (!*string)) return true;
char* ptr = (char*)string;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if ((unsigned char)ptr[i] > 0x7F) return false;
return true;
// Strips whitespace, and expands newlines into newline-tab for use in
// mail headers. Returns a new string or 0 (if it would have been empty.)
// If addr_p is true, the addresses will be parsed and reemitted as
// rfc822 mailboxes.
char* mime_fix_header_1(const char* string, bool addr_p, bool news_p) {
char* new_string;
const char* in;
char* out;
int32_t i, old_size, new_size;
if (!string || !*string) return 0;
if (addr_p) {
return strdup(string);
old_size = PL_strlen(string);
new_size = old_size;
for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++)
if (string[i] == '\r' || string[i] == '\n') new_size += 2;
new_string = (char*)PR_Malloc(new_size + 1);
if (!new_string) return 0;
in = string;
out = new_string;
/* strip leading whitespace. */
while (IS_SPACE(*in)) in++;
/* replace CR, LF, or CRLF with CRLF-TAB. */
while (*in) {
if (*in == '\r' || *in == '\n') {
if (*in == '\r' && in[1] == '\n') in++;
*out++ = '\r';
*out++ = '\n';
*out++ = '\t';
} else if (news_p && *in == ',') {
*out++ = *in++;
/* skip over all whitespace after a comma. */
while (IS_SPACE(*in)) in++;
} else
*out++ = *in++;
*out = 0;
/* strip trailing whitespace. */
while (out > in && IS_SPACE(out[-1])) *out-- = 0;
/* If we ended up throwing it all away, use 0 instead of "". */
if (!*new_string) {
new_string = 0;
return new_string;
char* mime_fix_header(const char* string) {
return mime_fix_header_1(string, false, false);
char* mime_fix_addr_header(const char* string) {
return mime_fix_header_1(string, true, false);
char* mime_fix_news_header(const char* string) {
return mime_fix_header_1(string, false, true);
bool mime_type_requires_b64_p(const char* type) {
if (!type || !PL_strcasecmp(type, UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TYPE))
// Unknown types don't necessarily require encoding. (Note that
// "unknown" and "application/octet-stream" aren't the same.)
return false;
else if (!PL_strncasecmp(type, "image/", 6) ||
!PL_strncasecmp(type, "audio/", 6) ||
!PL_strncasecmp(type, "video/", 6) ||
!PL_strncasecmp(type, "application/", 12)) {
// The following types are application/ or image/ types that are actually
// known to contain textual data (meaning line-based, not binary, where
// CRLF conversion is desired rather than disastrous.) So, if the type
// is any of these, it does not *require* base64, and if we do need to
// encode it for other reasons, we'll probably use quoted-printable.
// But, if it's not one of these types, then we assume that any subtypes
// of the non-"text/" types are binary data, where CRLF conversion would
// corrupt it, so we use base64 right off the bat.
// The reason it's desirable to ship these as text instead of just using
// base64 all the time is mainly to preserve the readability of them for
// non-MIME users: if I mail a /bin/sh script to someone, it might not
// need to be encoded at all, so we should leave it readable if we can.
// This list of types was derived from the comp.mail.mime FAQ, section
// 10.2.2, "List of known unregistered MIME types" on 2-Feb-96.
static const char* app_and_image_types_which_are_really_text[] = {
"application/mac-binhex40", /* APPLICATION_BINHEX */
"application/pgp", /* APPLICATION_PGP */
"application/x-pgp-message", /* APPLICATION_PGP2 */
"application/postscript", /* APPLICATION_POSTSCRIPT */
"application/x-uuencode", /* APPLICATION_UUENCODE */
"application/x-uue", /* APPLICATION_UUENCODE2 */
"application/uue", /* APPLICATION_UUENCODE4 */
"application/uuencode", /* APPLICATION_UUENCODE3 */
"image/x-portable-pixmap", /* IMAGE_PPM */
"image/x-xbitmap", /* IMAGE_XBM */
"image/x-xbm", /* IMAGE_XBM2 */
"image/xbm", /* IMAGE_XBM3 */
const char** s;
for (s = app_and_image_types_which_are_really_text; *s; s++)
if (!PL_strcasecmp(type, *s)) return false;
/* All others must be assumed to be binary formats, and need Base64. */
return true;
return false;
// Some types should have a "charset=" parameter, and some shouldn't.
// This is what decides.
bool mime_type_needs_charset(const char* type) {
/* Only text types should have charset. */
if (!type || !*type)
return false;
else if (!PL_strncasecmp(type, "text", 4))
return true;
return false;
// Given a string, convert it to 'qtext' (quoted text) for RFC822 header
// purposes.
char* msg_make_filename_qtext(const char* srcText, bool stripCRLFs) {
/* newString can be at most twice the original string (every char quoted). */
char* newString = (char*)PR_Malloc(PL_strlen(srcText) * 2 + 1);
if (!newString) return NULL;
const char* s = srcText;
const char* end = srcText + PL_strlen(srcText);
char* d = newString;
while (*s) {
// Put backslashes in front of existing backslashes, or double quote
// characters.
// If stripCRLFs is true, don't write out CRs or LFs. Otherwise,
// write out a backslash followed by the CR but not
// linear-white-space.
// We might already have quoted pair of "\ " or "\\t" skip it.
if (*s == '\\' || *s == '"' ||
(!stripCRLFs &&
(*s == '\r' && (s[1] != '\n' ||
(s[1] == '\n' && (s + 2) < end && !IS_SPACE(s[2]))))))
*d++ = '\\';
if (stripCRLFs && *s == '\r' && s[1] == '\n' && (s + 2) < end &&
IS_SPACE(s[2])) {
s += 3; // skip CRLFLWSP
} else {
*d++ = *s++;
*d = 0;
return newString;
// Utility to create a nsIURI object...
nsresult nsMsgNewURL(nsIURI** aInstancePtrResult, const nsCString& aSpec) {
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
if (nullptr == aInstancePtrResult) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER;
nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> pNetService = mozilla::components::IO::Service();
if (aSpec.Find("://") == kNotFound && !StringBeginsWith(aSpec, "data:"_ns)) {
// XXXjag Temporary fix for bug 139362 until the real problem(bug 70083) get
// fixed
nsAutoCString uri("http://"_ns);
rv = pNetService->NewURI(uri, nullptr, nullptr, aInstancePtrResult);
} else
rv = pNetService->NewURI(aSpec, nullptr, nullptr, aInstancePtrResult);
return rv;
char* nsMsgGetLocalFileFromURL(const char* url) {
char* finalPath;
NS_ASSERTION(PL_strncasecmp(url, "file://", 7) == 0, "invalid url");
finalPath = (char*)PR_Malloc(strlen(url));
if (finalPath == NULL) return NULL;
strcpy(finalPath, url + 6 + 1);
return finalPath;
char* nsMsgParseURLHost(const char* url) {
nsIURI* workURI = nullptr;
nsresult rv;
rv = nsMsgNewURL(&workURI, nsDependentCString(url));
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !workURI) return nullptr;
nsAutoCString host;
rv = workURI->GetHost(host);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return nullptr;
return ToNewCString(host);
char* GenerateFileNameFromURI(nsIURI* aURL) {
nsresult rv;
nsCString file;
nsCString spec;
char* returnString;
char* cp = nullptr;
char* cp1 = nullptr;
rv = aURL->GetPathQueryRef(file);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !file.IsEmpty()) {
char* newFile = ToNewCString(file);
if (!newFile) return nullptr;
// strip '/'
cp = PL_strrchr(newFile, '/');
if (cp)
cp = newFile;
if (*cp) {
if ((cp1 = PL_strchr(cp, '/'))) *cp1 = 0;
if ((cp1 = PL_strchr(cp, '?'))) *cp1 = 0;
if ((cp1 = PL_strchr(cp, '>'))) *cp1 = 0;
if (*cp != '\0') {
returnString = PL_strdup(cp);
return returnString;
} else
return nullptr;
cp = nullptr;
cp1 = nullptr;
rv = aURL->GetSpec(spec);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !spec.IsEmpty()) {
char* newSpec = ToNewCString(spec);
if (!newSpec) return nullptr;
char *cp2 = NULL, *cp3 = NULL;
// strip '"'
cp2 = newSpec;
while (*cp2 == '"') cp2++;
if ((cp3 = PL_strchr(cp2, '"'))) *cp3 = 0;
char* hostStr = nsMsgParseURLHost(cp2);
if (!hostStr) hostStr = PL_strdup(cp2);
bool isHTTP = false;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aURL->SchemeIs("http", &isHTTP)) && isHTTP) {
returnString = PR_smprintf("%s.html", hostStr);
} else
returnString = hostStr;
return returnString;
return nullptr;
// This routine will generate a content id for use in a mail part.
// It will take the part number passed in as well as the email
// address. If the email address is null or invalid, we will simply
// use for the interesting part. The content ID's will
// look like the following:
// Content-ID: <>
char* mime_gen_content_id(uint32_t aPartNum, const char* aEmailAddress) {
int32_t randLen = 5;
unsigned char rand_buf1[5];
unsigned char rand_buf2[5];
const char* domain = nullptr;
const char* defaultDomain = "";
memset(rand_buf1, 0, randLen - 1);
memset(rand_buf2, 0, randLen - 1);
GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(rand_buf1, randLen);
GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(rand_buf2, randLen);
// Find the string...
if (aEmailAddress && *aEmailAddress)
domain = const_cast<const char*>(PL_strchr(aEmailAddress, '@'));
if (!domain) domain = defaultDomain;
char* retVal = PR_smprintf(
aPartNum, rand_buf1[0], rand_buf1[1], rand_buf1[2], rand_buf1[3],
rand_buf2[0], rand_buf2[1], rand_buf2[2], rand_buf2[3], domain);
return retVal;
void GetFolderURIFromUserPrefs(nsMsgDeliverMode aMode, nsIMsgIdentity* identity,
nsCString& uri) {
nsresult rv;
// QueueForLater (Outbox)
if (aMode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgQueueForLater ||
aMode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgDeliverBackground) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefs(
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return;
rv = prefs->GetCharPref("mail.default_sendlater_uri", uri);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || uri.IsEmpty())
else {
// check if uri is unescaped, and if so, escape it and reset the pef.
if (uri.FindChar(' ') != kNotFound) {
uri.ReplaceSubstring(" ", "%20");
prefs->SetCharPref("mail.default_sendlater_uri", uri);
if (!identity) return;
if (aMode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsDraft) // SaveAsDraft (Drafts)
rv = identity->GetDraftFolder(uri);
else if (aMode ==
nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsTemplate) // SaveAsTemplate (Templates)
rv = identity->GetStationeryFolder(uri);
else {
bool doFcc = false;
rv = identity->GetDoFcc(&doFcc);
if (doFcc) rv = identity->GetFccFolder(uri);
* Check if we should use format=flowed (RFC 2646) for a mail.
* We will use format=flowed unless the preference tells us not to do so.
* In this function we set all the serialiser flags.
* 'formatted' is always 'true'.
void GetSerialiserFlags(bool* flowed, bool* formatted) {
*flowed = false;
*formatted = true;
// Set format=flowed as in RFC 2646 according to the preference.
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefs(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
prefs->GetBoolPref("mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed", flowed);
already_AddRefed<nsIArray> GetEmbeddedObjects(
mozilla::dom::Document* aDocument) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> nodes = do_CreateInstance(NS_ARRAY_CONTRACTID);
if (NS_WARN_IF(!nodes)) {
return nullptr;
mozilla::PostContentIterator iter;
nsresult rv = iter.Init(aDocument->GetRootElement());
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return nullptr;
// Loop through the content iterator for each content node.
while (!iter.IsDone()) {
nsINode* node = iter.GetCurrentNode();
if (node->IsElement()) {
mozilla::dom::Element* element = node->AsElement();
// See if it's an image or also include all links.
// Let mail decide which link to send or not
if (element->IsAnyOfHTMLElements(nsGkAtoms::img, nsGkAtoms::a) ||
(element->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::body) &&
element->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::background))) {
return nodes.forget();