AddressCollector.sys.mjs |
Collects a single name and email address into the address book.
By default, it saves the address without checking for an existing one.
@param {string} email - The email address to collect.
@param {string} displayName - The display name associated with the email
@param {boolean} createCard - Set to true if a card should be created if the
email address doesn't exist (ignored if skipCheckExisting is true).
@param {boolean} [skipCheckExisting=false] - If this is set then the
implementation will skip checking for an existing card, and just create
a new card.
3066 |
components.conf |
7834 |
MailtoProtocolHandler.sys.mjs |
Protocol handler for mailto: url.
@implements {nsIProtocolHandler}
1207 |
MessageSend.sys.mjs |
A class to manage sending processes.
@implements {nsIMsgSend}
@implements {nsIWebProgressListener}
49620 |
MimeEncoder.sys.mjs |
A class to pick Content-Transfer-Encoding for a MimePart, and encode MimePart
body accordingly.
13658 |
MimeMessage.sys.mjs |
A class to create a top MimePart and write to a tmp file. It works like this:
1. collect top level MIME headers (_gatherMimeHeaders)
2. collect HTML/plain main body as MimePart[] (_gatherMainParts)
3. collect attachments as MimePart[] (_gatherAttachmentParts)
4. construct a top MimePart with above headers and MimePart[] (_initMimePart)
5. write the top MimePart to a tmp file (createMessageFile)
NOTE: It's possible we will want to replace nsIMsgSend with the interfaces of
MimeMessage. As a part of it, we will add a `send` method to this class.
18922 |
MimeMessageUtils.sys.mjs |
Generate an NS_ERROR code from a MAILNEWS error code. See NS_ERROR_GENERATE
in nsError.h and NS_MSG_GENERATE_FAILURE in nsComposeStrings.h.
@param {number} code - The error code in MAILNEWS module.
@returns {number}
33993 |
MimePart.sys.mjs |
A class to represent a RFC2045 message. MimePart can be nested, each MimePart
can contain a list of MimePart. HTML and plain text are parts as well. Use
class MimeMultiPart for multipart/*, that's why this class doesn't expose an
addPart method
10930 | |
1496 |
nsComposeStrings.cpp |
3915 |
nsComposeStrings.h |
String Ids used by mailnews\compose
To Do: Convert the callers to use names instead of ids and then make this file obsolete.
4192 |
nsMsgAttachedFile.cpp |
4609 |
nsMsgAttachment.cpp |
attribute wstring name; |
7025 |
nsMsgAttachment.h |
_nsMsgAttachment_H_ |
1051 |
nsMsgAttachmentData.cpp |
2749 |
nsMsgAttachmentData.h |
5960 |
nsMsgCompFields.cpp |
16374 |
nsMsgCompFields.h |
Note that all the "Get" methods never return NULL (except in case of serious
error, like an illegal parameter); rather, they return "" if things were set
to NULL. This makes it real handy for the callers. |
6676 |
nsMsgCompose.cpp |
180035 |
nsMsgCompose.h |
this macro defines QueryInterface, AddRef and Release for this class |
8976 |
nsMsgComposeContentHandler.cpp |
588595FE-1ADA-11d3-A715-0060B0EB39B5 |
4203 |
nsMsgComposeContentHandler.h |
673 |
nsMsgComposeParams.cpp |
the following macro actually implement addref, release and query interface
for our component. |
4408 |
nsMsgComposeParams.h |
921 |
nsMsgComposeProgressParams.cpp |
attribute wstring subject; |
1270 |
nsMsgComposeProgressParams.h |
611 |
nsMsgComposeService.cpp |
50627 |
nsMsgComposeService.h |
2085 |
nsMsgCompUtils.cpp |
Checks if the recipient fields have sane values for message send.
38732 |
nsMsgCompUtils.h |
subject |
3271 |
nsMsgCopy.cpp |
16529 |
nsMsgCopy.h |
_nsMsgCopy_H_ |
3587 |
nsMsgPrompts.cpp |
3230 |
nsMsgPrompts.h |
_nsMsgPrompts_H_ |
1292 |
nsMsgQuote.cpp |
We don't need to quote the message body but we still need
to extract the headers |
6091 |
nsMsgQuote.h |
__nsMsgQuote_h__ |
1197 |
nsMsgSendLater.cpp |
47435 |
nsMsgSendLater.h |
_nsMsgSendLater_H_ |
4736 |
nsMsgSendReport.cpp |
attribute boolean proceeded; |
12129 |
nsMsgSendReport.h |
1053 |
nsSmtpUrl.cpp |
start past the '?' |
23204 |
nsSmtpUrl.h |
4305 |
OutgoingServerService.sys.mjs |
The service in charge of creating and referencing all known outgoing message
@implements {nsIMsgOutgoingServerService}
5396 |
SmtpClient.sys.mjs |
The number of RCPT TO commands sent on the connection by this client.
This can count-up over multiple messages.
Per RFC, the minimum total number of recipients that MUST be buffered
is 100 recipients.
When 100 or more recipients have been counted on a connection, a new
connection will be established to handle the additional recipients.
47250 |
SMTPProtocolHandler.sys.mjs |
@implements {nsIProtocolHandler}
977 |
SmtpServer.sys.mjs |
This class represents a single SMTP server.
@implements {nsIMsgOutgoingServer}
@implements {nsISupportsWeakReference}
@implements {nsIObserver}
19601 |