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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "MailNewsTypes2.idl"
interface nsIAuthPrompt;
interface nsIUrlListener;
interface nsIURI;
interface nsIFile;
interface nsIMsgStatusFeedback;
interface nsIRequestObserver;
interface nsIMsgIdentity;
interface nsIMsgWindow;
interface msgIAddressObject;
* This interface represents a single outgoing Server. An outgoing server
* instance may be created/obtained from nsIMsgOutgoingServerService.
* Most of the attributes will set/get preferences from the main preferences
* file.
[scriptable, uuid(a53dce6c-cd81-495c-83bc-45a65df1f08e)]
interface nsIMsgOutgoingServer : nsISupports {
* A unique identifier for the server.
attribute AUTF8String key;
* A unique identifier for this server that can be used for the same
* server synced across multiple profiles. Auto-generated on first use.
attribute AUTF8String UID;
* A short identifier for the server's type, i.e. the protocol it implements.
* Matches the `type` parameter in the implementation's contract ID.
readonly attribute AUTF8String type;
* A user supplied description for the server.
attribute AUTF8String description;
* The username to access the server with (if required).
attribute AUTF8String username;
* The password to access the server with (if required).
* @note this is stored within the server instance but not within preferences.
* It can be specified/saved here to avoid prompting the user constantly for
* the sending password.
attribute AUTF8String password;
* Returns a displayname of the format hostname:port or just hostname
readonly attribute AUTF8String displayname;
* Authentication mechanism.
* @see nsMsgAuthMethod (in MailNewsTypes2.idl)
* For SMTP servers, this is the same as the "mail.smtpserver...authMethod"
* pref.
* Compatibility note: This attribute had a different meaning in TB < 3.1
attribute nsMsgAuthMethodValue authMethod;
* Whether to SSL or STARTTLS or not
* @see nsMsgSocketType (in MailNewsTypes2.idl)
* For SMTP servers, this is the same as the "mail.smtpserver...try_ssl" pref.
attribute nsMsgSocketTypeValue socketType;
* Returns the URI of the server.
readonly attribute nsIURI serverURI;
* Limit of concurrent connections to a server.
attribute long maximumConnectionsNumber;
* Sends a mail message via the given parameters.
* @note The file to send must be in the format specified by RFC 2822 for
* sending data. This includes having the correct CRLF line endings
* throughout the file, and the <CRLF>.<CRLF> at the end of the file.
* sendMailMessage does no processing/additions on the file.
* @note Some protocols require custom handling for Bcc recipients (since they
* are excluded from the MIME content), so they are passed separately
* from To and Cc recipients.
* @param aFilePath The file to send.
* @param aVisibleRecipients The visible recipients (i.e. To and Cc) for
* this message.
* @param aBccRecipients The Bcc recipients for this message.
* @param aSenderIdentity The identity of the sender.
* @param aSender The senders email address.
* @param aPassword Pass this in to prevent a dialog if the
* password is needed for secure transmission.
* @param aStatusListener A feedback listener for slightly different
* feedback on the message send status. This
* parameter may be null.
* @param aRequestDSN Whether to request Delivery Status
* Notification.
* @param aMessageId The message ID for this email message.
* @param aObserver A request observer that is given a
* cancellable nsIRequest. This is used to
* provide the request asynchronously, which is
* necessary in order to allow the server to
* manage its connection pool (and e.g. wait
* for an available connection when necessary).
void sendMailMessage(in nsIFile aFilePath,
in Array<msgIAddressObject> aVisibleRecipients,
in Array<msgIAddressObject> aBccRecipients,
in nsIMsgIdentity aSenderIdentity,
in AUTF8String aSender,
in AUTF8String aPassword,
in nsIMsgStatusFeedback aStatusListener,
in boolean aRequestDSN,
in AUTF8String aMessageId,
in nsIRequestObserver aObserver);
* Close cached server connections.
void closeCachedConnections();
* Gets a password for this server, using a UI prompt if necessary.
* @param promptString The string to prompt the user with when asking for
* the password.
* @param promptTitle The title of the prompt.
* @return The password to use (may be null if no password was
* obtained).
AUTF8String getPasswordWithUI(in AUTF8String promptString, in AUTF8String promptTitle);
* Calling this will *remove* the saved password for this server from the
* password manager and from the stored value.
void forgetPassword();
* Verify that we can log onto the server.
* @param aPassword The password to use
* @param aUrlListener A listener thatgets called back with success or
* failure.
* @return The URI for the server.
nsIURI verifyLogon(in nsIUrlListener aUrlListener, in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow);
/// Call this to clear all preference values for this server.
void clearAllValues();