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/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "nsISupports.idl"
// decls for stuff from other files
interface nsIURI;
interface calIItemBase;
interface nsIVariant;
// forward decls for this file
interface calICalendarACLManager;
interface calICalendarACLEntry;
interface calIObserver;
interface calIOperationListener;
interface calIRange;
interface calISchedulingSupport;
interface calIDateTime;
interface calIOperation;
interface calIStatusObserver;
interface nsIDOMWindow;
[scriptable, uuid(b18782c0-6557-4e8e-931d-4bf052f0a31e)]
interface calICalendar : nsISupports
* Unique ID of this calendar. Only the calendar manager is allowed to set
* this attribute. For everybody else, it should be considered to be
* read-only.
* The id is null for unregistered calendars.
attribute AUTF8String id;
* Name of the calendar
* Notes: Can only be set after the calendar is registered with the calendar manager.
attribute AUTF8String name;
* Type of the calendar
* 'memory', 'storage', 'caldav', etc
readonly attribute AUTF8String type;
* If this calendar is provided by an extension, this attribute should return
* the extension's id, otherwise null.
readonly attribute AString providerID;
* Returns the acl manager for the calendar, based on the "aclManagerClass"
* property. If this property is not defined, the default manager is used
readonly attribute calICalendarACLManager aclManager;
* Returns the acl entry associated to the calendar.
readonly attribute calICalendarACLEntry aclEntry;
* Multiple calendar instances may be composited, logically acting as a
* single calendar, e.g. for caching puorposing.
* This attribute determines the topmost calendar that returned items should
* belong to. If the current instance is the topmost calendar, then it should
* be returned directly.
* @see calIItemBase::calendar
attribute calICalendar superCalendar;
* Setting this URI causes the calendar to be (re)loaded.
* This is not an unique identifier! It is also not unchangeable. Don't
* use it to identify a calendar, use the id attribute for that purpose.
attribute nsIURI uri;
* Is this calendar read-only? Used by the UI to decide whether or not
* widgetry should allow editing.
attribute boolean readOnly;
* Whether or not it makes sense to call refresh() on this calendar.
readonly attribute boolean canRefresh;
* Setting this attribute to true will prevent the calendar to make calendar properties
* persistent, which is useful if you would like to set properties on unregistered
* calendar instances.
attribute boolean transientProperties;
* Gets a calendar property.
* The call returns null in case the property is not known;
* callers should use a sensible default in that case.
* It's up to the provider where to store properties,
* e.g. on the server or in local prefs.
* Currently known properties are:
* [boolean] disabled
* [boolean] auto-enabled If true, the calendar will be enabled on next startup.
* [boolean] force-disabled If true, the calendar cannot be enabled (transient).
* [boolean] calendar-main-in-composite
* [string] name
* [boolean] readOnly
* [boolean] requiresNetwork If false, the calendar does not require
* network access at all. This is mainy used
* as a UI hint.
* [boolean] suppressAlarms If true, alarms of this calendar are not minded.
* [boolean] cache.supported If true, the calendar should to be cached,
* e.g. this generally applies to network calendars;
* default is true (if not present).
* [boolean] cache.enabled If true, the calendar is cached; default is false.
* [boolean] cache.always If true, the cache will always be enabled
* and the user cannot turn it off. For
* backward compatibility, return true for
* cache.enabled too.
* [nsresult] currentStatus The current error status of the calendar (transient).
* [calIItipTransport] itip.transport If the provider implements a custom calIItipTransport (transient)
* If null, then Email Scheduling will effectively be
* disabled. This means for example, the calendar will
* not show up in the list of calendars to store an
* invitation in.
* [boolean] itip.disableRevisionChecks If true, the iTIP handling code disables revision checks
* against SEQUENCE and DTSTAMP, and will never reject an
* iTIP message as outdated
* [nsIMsgIdentity] imip.identity If provided, this is the email identity used for
* scheduling purposes
* [boolean] imip.identity.disabled If true, this calendar doesn't support switching imip
* identities. This for example means that the
* dropdown of identities will not be shown in the
* calendar properties dialog. (transient)
* scheduling purposes
* [nsIMsgAccount] imip.account If provided, this is the email account used for
* scheduling purposes
* [string] imip.identity.key If provided, this is the email internal identity key used to
* get the above
* [string] organizerId If provided, this is the preset organizer id on creating
* scheduling appointments (transient)
* [string] organizerCN If provided, this is the preset organizer common name on creating
* scheduling appointments (transient)
* The following calendar capabilities can be used to inform the UI or backend
* that certain features are not supported. If not otherwise mentioned, not
* specifying these capabilities assumes a default value of true
* capabilities.alarms.popup.supported Supports popup alarms
* capabilities.alarms.oninviations.supported Supports alarms on inviations.
* capabilities.alarms.maxCount Maximum number of alarms supported per event
* capabilities.attachments.supported Supports attachments
* capabilities.categories.maxCount Maximum number of supported categories.
* -1 means infinite, 0 means disabled.
* capabilities.privacy.supported Supports a privacy state
* capabilities.priority.supported Supports the priority field
* Supports tasks
* capabilities.tasks.supported Supports events
* capabilities.timezones.floating.supported Supports local time
* capabilities.timezones.UTC.supported Supports UTC/GMT timezone
* capabilities.autoschedule.supported Supports caldav schedule properties in
* The following capabilities are used to restrict the values for specific
* fields. An array should be specified with the values, the default
* values are specified here. Extensions using this need to take care of
* adding any UI elements needed in an overlay. To make sure the correct
* elements are shown, those elements should additionally specify an attribute
* "provider", with the type of the provider.
* capabilities.privacy.values = ["PUBLIC", "CONFIDENTIAL", "PRIVATE"];
* The following special capability disables rewriting the WWW-Authenticate
* header on HTTP requests to include the calendar name. The default value
* is false, i.e rewriting is NOT disabled.
* capabilities.realmrewrite.disabled = false
* The following capability describes if the calendar can be permanently
* deleted, or just unsubscribed. If this property is not specified, then
* only unsubscribing is allowed. If an empty array is specified, neither
* deleting nor unsubscribing is presented in the UI.
* capabilities.removeModes = ["delete", "unsubscribe"]
* @param aName property name
* @return value (string, integer and boolean values are supported),
* else null
nsIVariant getProperty(in AUTF8String aName);
* Sets a calendar property.
* This will (only) cause a notification onPropertyChanged() in case
* the value has changed.
* It's up to the provider where to store properties,
* e.g. on the server or in local prefs.
* @param aName property name
* @param aValue value
* (string, integer and boolean values are supported)
void setProperty(in AUTF8String aName, in nsIVariant aValue);
* Deletes a calendar property.
* It's up to the provider where to store properties,
* e.g. on the server or in local prefs.
* @param aName property name
void deleteProperty(in AUTF8String aName);
* In combination with the other parameters to getItems(), these
* constants provide for a very basic filtering mechanisms for use
* in getting and observing items. At some point fairly soon, we're
* going to need to generalize this mechanism significantly (so we
* can allow boolean logic, categories, etc.).
* When adding item filters (bits which, when not set to 1, reduce the
* scope of the results), use bit positions <= 15, so that
* ITEM_FILTER_ALL_ITEMS remains compatible for components that have the
* constant compiled in.
* XXX the naming here is questionable; adding a filter (setting a bit, in
* this case) usually _reduces_ the set of items that pass the set of
* filters, rather than adding to it.
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_COMPLETED_YES = 1 << 0;
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_COMPLETED_NO = 1 << 1;
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_TYPE_TODO = 1 << 2;
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_TYPE_EVENT = 1 << 3;
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_TYPE_JOURNAL = 1 << 4;
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_ALL_ITEMS = 0xFFFF;
* If set, return calIItemBase occurrences for all the appropriate instances,
* as determined by an item's recurrenceInfo. All of these occurrences will
* have their parentItem set to the recurrence parent. If not set, will
* return only calIItemBase parent items.
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_CLASS_OCCURRENCES = 1 << 16;
* Scope: Attendee
* Filter items that correspond to an invitation from another
* user and the current user has not replied to it yet.
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_REQUEST_NEEDS_ACTION = 1 << 17;
* Flags for items that have been created, modified or deleted while
* offline.
* ITEM_FILTER_OFFLINE_DELETED is a particular case in that elements *must*
* be excluded from searches when not specified in the filter mask.
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_OFFLINE_CREATED = 1 << 29;
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_OFFLINE_MODIFIED = 1 << 30;
const unsigned long ITEM_FILTER_OFFLINE_DELETED = 1 << 31;
void addObserver( in calIObserver observer );
void removeObserver( in calIObserver observer );
* supportsScheduling indicates whether the calendar implements the
* calISchedulingSupport interface.
readonly attribute boolean supportsScheduling;
* getSchedulingSupport provides a calISchedulingSupport implementation for
* calendars that support it.
calISchedulingSupport getSchedulingSupport();
* addItem adds the given calIItemBase to the calendar.
* @param aItem item to add
* @return optional operation handle to track the operation
* - If aItem already has an ID, that ID is used when adding.
* - If aItem is mutable and has no ID, the calendar is expected
* to generate an ID for the item.
* - If aItem is immutable and has no ID, an error is thrown.
* The result of the operation is the calIItemBase corresponding to the
* immutable version of the newly added item.
* If an item with a given ID already exists in the calendar, the Promise is
* rejected with a NS_ERROR_XXXXX error.
* @return {Promise<calIItemBase>}
Promise addItem(in calIItemBase aItem);
* adoptItem adds the given calIItemBase to the calendar, but doesn't
* clone it. It adopts the item as-is. This is generally for use in
* performance-critical situations where there is no danger of the caller
* using the item after making the call.
* @see addItem
* @return {Promise<calIItemBase>}
Promise adoptItem(in calIItemBase aItem);
* modifyItem takes a modified item and modifies the
* calendar's internal version of the item to match. The item is expected to
* be mutable and have an ID that already exists in the calendar. If it does
* not, the Promise is rejected with NS_ERROR_XXXXX.
* If the generation of the given aNewItem does not match the generation
* of the internal item (indicating that someone else modified the
* item), the Promise is rejected with NS_ERROR_XXXXX.
* If you would like to disable revision checks, pass null as aOldItem. This
* will overwrite the item on the server.
* @param aNewItem new version to replace the old one
* @param aOldItem caller's view of the item to be changed, as it is now
* @return {Promise<calIItemBase>} the newly-updated immutable version of
* the modified item.
Promise modifyItem(in calIItemBase aNewItem, in calIItemBase aOldItem);
* Deletes an item. The item is expected to have an ID that already exists in
* the calendar.
* @param aItem item to delete
* @return {Promise<void>} optional operation handle to track the operation
Promise deleteItem(in calIItemBase aItem);
* Get a single event. The event will be typed as one of the subclasses
* of calIItemBase (whichever concrete type is most appropriate).
* @param aId UID of the event
* @return {Promise<calIItemBase|null>} A Promise that is resolved with the item if found.
Promise getItem(in string aId);
* XXX As mentioned above, this method isn't suitably general. It's just
* placeholder until it gets supplanted by something more SQL or RDF-like.
* Ordering: This method is currently guaranteed to return lists ordered
* as follows to make for the least amount of pain when
* migrating existing frontend code:
* The events are sorted based on the order of their next occurrence
* if they recur in the future or their last occurrence in the past
* otherwise. Here's a presentation of the sort criteria using the
* time axis:
* -----(Last occurrence of Event1)---(Last occurrence of Event2)----(Now)----(Next occurrence of Event3)---->
* (Note that Event1 and Event2 will not recur in the future.)
* We should probably be able get rid of this ordering constraint
* at some point in the future.
* Note that the range is intended to act as a mask on the
* occurrences, not just the initial recurring items. So if a
* getItems() call without ITEM_FILTER_CLASS_occurrenceS is made, all
* events and todos which have occurrences inside the range should
* be returned, even if some of those events or todos themselves
* live outside the range.
* @param aItemFilter ITEM_FILTER flags, or-ed together
* @param aCount Maximum number of items to return, or 0 for
* an unbounded query.
* @param aRangeStart Items starting at this time or after should be
* returned. If invalid, assume "since the beginning
* of time".
* @param aRangeEndEx Items starting before (not including) aRangeEndEx should be
* returned. If null, assume "until the end of time".
* @return {ReadableStream<calIItemBase>}
jsval getItems(in unsigned long aItemFilter,
in unsigned long aCount,
in calIDateTime aRangeStart,
in calIDateTime aRangeEndEx);
* Similar to getItems() but returns all results in a single array.
* @param aItemFilter ITEM_FILTER flags, or-ed together
* @param aCount Maximum number of items to return, or 0 for
* an unbounded query.
* @param aRangeStart Items starting at this time or after should be
* returned. If invalid, assume "since the beginning
* of time".
* @param aRangeEndEx Items starting before (not including) aRangeEndEx should be
* returned. If null, assume "until the end of time".
* @return {Promise<calIItemBase[]>}
Promise getItemsAsArray(in unsigned long aItemFilter,
in unsigned long aCount,
in calIDateTime aRangeStart,
in calIDateTime aRangeEndEx);
* Refresh the datasource, and call the observers for any changes found.
* If the provider doesn't know the details of the changes it must call
* onLoad on its observers.
* @return optional operation handle to track the operation
calIOperation refresh();
* Turn on batch mode. Observers will get a notification of this.
* They will still get notified for every individual change, but they are
* free to ignore those notifications.
* Use this when a lot of changes are about to happen, and it would be
* useless to refresh the display (or the backend store) for every change.
* Caller must make sure to also call endBatchMode. Make sure all errors
* are caught!
void startBatch();
* Turn off batch mode.
void endBatch();
* Used to allow multiple calendars (eg work and home) to be easily queried
* and displayed as a single unit. All calendars are referenced by ID, i.e.
* calendars need to have an ID when being added.
[scriptable, uuid(6748fa00-79b5-4728-84f3-20dd47e0b031)]
interface calICompositeCalendar : calICalendar
* Adds a calendar to the composite, if not already part of it.
* @param aCalendar the calendar to be added
void addCalendar(in calICalendar aCalendar);
* Remove a calendar from the composite
* @param aCalendar the calendar to be removed
void removeCalendar(in calICalendar aCalendar);
* If a calendar for the given ID exists in the CompositeCalendar,
* return it; otherwise return null.
* @param aId id of calendar
* @return calendar, or null if none
calICalendar getCalendarById(in AUTF8String aId);
/* return a list of all calendars currently registered */
Array<calICalendar> getCalendars();
* In order for addItem() to be called on this object, it is first necessary
* to set this attribute to specify which underlying calendar the item is
* to be added to.
attribute calICalendar defaultCalendar;
* If set, the composite will initialize itself from calICalendarManager
* prefs keyed off of the provided prefPrefix, and update those prefs to
* track changes in calendar membership and default calendar.
attribute ACString prefPrefix;
* If returns true there is a process running that needs to displayed
* by the statusObserver
readonly attribute boolean statusDisplayed;
* Sets a statusobserver for status notifications like startMeteors() and StopMeteors().
void setStatusObserver(in calIStatusObserver aStatusObserver, in nsIDOMWindow aWindow);
* Make a more general nsIObserverService2 and friends to support
* nsISupports data and use that instead?
* NOTE: When adding methods here, please also add them in calUtils.sys.mjs's
* createAdapter() method.
[scriptable, uuid(2953c9b2-2c73-11d9-80b6-00045ace3b8d)]
interface calIObserver : nsISupports
void onStartBatch(in calICalendar aCalendar);
void onEndBatch(in calICalendar aCalendar);
void onLoad( in calICalendar aCalendar );
void onAddItem( in calIItemBase aItem );
void onModifyItem( in calIItemBase aNewItem, in calIItemBase aOldItem );
void onDeleteItem( in calIItemBase aDeletedItem );
void onError( in calICalendar aCalendar, in nsresult aErrNo, in AUTF8String aMessage );
/// Called after a property is changed.
void onPropertyChanged(in calICalendar aCalendar,
in AUTF8String aName,
in nsIVariant aValue,
in nsIVariant aOldValue);
/// Called before the property is deleted.
void onPropertyDeleting(in calICalendar aCalendar,
in AUTF8String aName);
* calICompositeObserver interface adds things to observe changes to
* a calICompositeCalendar
[scriptable, uuid(a3584c92-b8eb-4aa8-a638-e46a2e11d6a9)]
interface calICompositeObserver : calIObserver
void onCalendarAdded( in calICalendar aCalendar );
void onCalendarRemoved( in calICalendar aCalendar );
void onDefaultCalendarChanged( in calICalendar aNewDefaultCalendar );
* Async operations are called back via this interface. If you know that your
* object is not going to get called back for either of these methods, having
* them return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED is reasonable.
* NOTE: When adding methods here, please also add them in calUtils.sys.mjs's
* createAdapter() method.
[scriptable, uuid(ed3d87d8-2c77-11d9-8f5f-00045ace3b8d)]
interface calIOperationListener : nsISupports
* For add, modify, and delete.
* @param aCalendar the calICalendar on which the operation took place
* @param aStatus status code summarizing what happened
* @param aOperationType type of operation that was completed
* @param aId UUID of element that was changed
* @param aDetail not yet fully specified. If aStatus is an error
* result, this will probably be an extended error
* string (eg one returned by a server).
void onOperationComplete(in calICalendar aCalendar,
in nsresult aStatus,
in unsigned long aOperationType,
in string aId,
in nsIVariant aDetail);
const unsigned long ADD = 1;
const unsigned long MODIFY = 2;
const unsigned long DELETE = 3;
const unsigned long GET = 4;
* For getItem and getItems.
* @param aStatus status code summarizing what happened.
* @param aItemType type of interface returned in the array (@see
* calICalendar::GetItems).
* @param aDetail not yet fully specified. If aStatus is an error
* result, this will probably be an extended error
* string (eg one returned by a server).
* @param aItems array of immutable items
* Multiple onGetResults might be called
void onGetResult(in calICalendar aCalendar,
in nsresult aStatus,
in nsIIDRef aItemType,
in nsIVariant aDetail,
[iid_is(aItemType)] in Array<nsQIResult> aItems);