Name Description Size
calIAlarm.idl Returns true if this alarm is able to be modified 4640
calIAlarmService.idl Gets called when an alarm has fired. Depending on type of alarm, an observer could bring up a dialog or play a sound. 3893
calIAttachment.idl The hash id is used to identify this attachment and compare it to others. 1538
calIAttendee.idl If true, indicates that this is not a standard attendee, but rather this icalProperty corresponds to the organizer of the event (rfc2445 Sec 2081
calICalendar.idl Unique ID of this calendar. Only the calendar manager is allowed to set this attribute. For everybody else, it should be considered to be read-only. The id is null for unregistered calendars. 24958
calICalendarACLManager.idl / [scriptable, uuid(a64bd8a0-e9f0-4f64-928a-1c98861e4703)] interface calICalendarACLManager : nsISupports { /* Gets the calICalendarACLEntry of the current user for the specified calendar. 3083
calICalendarManager.idl Gives the number of registered calendars that require network access. 5204
calICalendarProvider.idl High-level interface to allow providers to be pluggable. 3638
calICalendarView.idl An interface for view widgets containing calendaring data. @note Code that implements this interface is intended to be pure widgetry and thus not have any preference dependencies. 6079
calICalendarViewController.idl Create an event, with an optional start time and optional end time in the given Calendar. The Calendar will be the displayCalendar set on the View which invokes this method on the controller, or null, if the views wish to delegate the choice of the calendar to the controller. If neither aStartTime or aEndTime are given, the user wants to create a generic event with no information prefilled. If aStartTime is given and is a date, the user wants to create an all day event, optionally a multi-all-day event if aEndTime is given (and is also a date). If aStartTime is given and is a time, but no aEndTime is given, the user wants to create an event starting at aStartTime and of the default duration. The controller has the option of creating this event automatically or via the dialog. If both aStartTime and aEndTime are given as times, then the user wants to create an event going from aStartTime to aEndTime. 3096
calIChangeLog.idl Interface for managing offline flags in offline storage (calStorageCalendar), in particular from calICachedCalendar. 4943
calIDateTime.idl isMutable is true if this instance is modifiable. If isMutable is false, any attempts to modify the object will throw NS_ERROR_OBJECT_IS_IMMUTABLE. 6227
calIDeletedItems.idl Clean the database of all deleted items older than an internal threshold. 925
calIDuration.idl isMutable is true if this instance is modifiable. If isMutable is false, any attempts to modify the object will throw CAL_ERROR_ITEM_IS_MUTABLE. 1876
calIErrors.idl The first two constants are copied from nsError.h, but named slightly differently, because if they're named the same, the names collide and the compiler can't deal. 3934
calIEvent.idl The (inclusive) start of the event. 1210
calIFreeBusyProvider.idl Gets free/busy intervals. Results are notified to the passed listener interface. @param aCalId calid or MAILTO:rfc822addr @param aRangeStart start time of free-busy search @param aRangeEnd end time of free-busy search @param aBusyTypes what free-busy intervals should be returned @param aListener called with an array of calIFreeBusyInterval objects @return optional operation handle to track the operation 3490
calIIcsParser.idl -*- Mode: idl; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- 2666
calIIcsSerializer.idl -*- Mode: idl; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- 2244
calIICSService.idl -*- Mode: idl; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- 7509
calIImportExport.idl The default extension that should be associated with files of this type. 1638
calIItemBase.idl Returns true if this item is an instance of calIEvent. 10975
calIItipItem.idl calIItipItem is an interface used to carry information between the mime parser, the imip-bar UI, and the iTIP processor. It encapsulates a list of calIItemBase objects and provides specialized iTIP methods for those items. 3655
calIItipTransport.idl calIItipTransport is a generic transport interface that is implemented by transports (eg: email, XMPP, etc.) wishing to send calIItipItems 1722
calIOperation.idl Id for easy management of pending requests. 1467
calIPeriod.idl isMutable is true if this instance is modifiable. If isMutable is false, any attempts to modify the object will throw NS_ERROR_OBJECT_IS_IMMUTABLE. 1259
calIRecurrenceDate.idl 653
calIRecurrenceInfo.idl The start date of an item is directly referenced by parts of calIRecurrenceInfo, thus changing the former without adjusting the latter would break the internal structure. This method provides the necessary functionality. There's no need to call it manually after writing to the start date of an item, since it's called automatically in the appropriate setter of an item. 6754
calIRecurrenceItem.idl Search for the next occurrence after aTime and return its recurrence id. aRecurrenceId must be the recurrence id of an occurrence to search after. If this item has an unsupported FREQ value ("SECONDLY" or "MINUTELY"), null is returned. @require (aTime >= aRecurrenceId) @param aRecurrenceId The recurrence id to start searching at. @param aTime The earliest time to find the occurrence after. 2260
calIRecurrenceRule.idl 1744
calIRelation.idl The type of the relation between the items: PARENT CHILD SIBLING 1172
calISchedulingSupport.idl Accesses scheduling specific information of calendar items. Implementation by providers is optional. 1781
calIStartupService.idl Interface that can be used on services that need to be started up and shut down. The service needs to be registered within calStartupService.js, so this is only useful from within calendar code. If you want calendar code to be fully initialized, listen to "calendar-startup-done" via nsIObserverService. 1155
calIStatusObserver.idl Starts the display of an operation to check a series of calendars This operation may either be determined or undetermined @param aProgressMode An integer value that can accept DETERMINED_PROGRESS, UNDETERMINED_PROGRESS or NO_PROGRESS @param aCalendarsCount If the first parameter is DETERMINED_PROGRESS aCalendarCount is the number of Calendars which completion is to be displayed 2031
calITimezone.idl VTIMEZONE ical component, null if floating or UTC. 1082
calITimezoneDatabase.idl Provides access to raw iCalendar timezone definitions. Intended for providing a backing database for a calITimezoneService; most consumers will want to use calITimezoneService instead. 1487
calITimezoneService.idl Provides access to timezone definitions from the IANA Time Zone Database. 1525
calITodo.idl The duration of the todo, which is either set or defined as dueDate - entryDate. Please note that null is returned if there is no duration set and entry Date or dueDate don't exist. 2781
calIWeekInfoService.idl This interface will calculate a week title from a given datetime. This will depends on the users preferences. Extensions might override the default implementation, in order to generate week titles aimed at special cases (like weeknumbers for a schoolyear) 1937 1504