Name Description Size
AutoReferenceChainGuard.h This helper class helps us to protect against two related issues that can occur in SVG content: reference loops, and reference chains that we deem to be too long. Some SVG effects can reference another effect of the same type to produce a chain of effects to be applied (e.g. clipPath), while in other cases it is possible that while processing an effect of a certain type another effect of the same type may be encountered indirectly (e.g. pattern). In order to avoid stack overflow crashes and performance issues we need to impose an arbitrary limit on the length of the reference chains that SVG content may try to create. (Some SVG authoring tools have been known to create absurdly long reference chains. For example, bug 1253590 details a case where Adobe Illustrator was used to created an SVG with a chain of 5000 clip paths which could cause us to run out of stack space and crash.) This class is intended to be used with the nsIFrame's of SVG effects that may involve reference chains. To use it add a boolean member, something like this: // Flag used to indicate whether a methods that may reenter due to // following a reference to another instance is currently executing. bool mIsBeingProcessed; Make sure to initialize the member to false in the class' constructons. Then add the following to the top of any methods that may be reentered due to following a reference: static int16_t sRefChainLengthCounter = AutoReferenceChainGuard::noChain; AutoReferenceChainGuard refChainGuard(this, &mIsBeingProcessed, &sRefChainLengthCounter); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!refChainGuard.Reference())) { return; // Break reference chain } Note that mIsBeingProcessed and sRefChainLengthCounter should never be used by the frame except when it initialize them as indicated above. 6420
CSSClipPathInstance.cpp static 8829
CSSClipPathInstance.h The frame for the element that is currently being clipped. 2705
CSSFilterInstance.cpp 12052
CSSFilterInstance.h This class helps FilterInstance build its filter graph. It turns a CSS filter function (e.g. blur(3px)) from the style system into a FilterPrimitiveDescription connected to the filter graph. 5749
DisplaySVGItem.cpp 2234
DisplaySVGItem.h Hit testing for display lists. @param aRect the point or rect being tested, relative to aFrame. If the width and height are both 1 app unit, it indicates we're hit testing a point, not a rect. @param aOutFrames each item appends the frame(s) in this display item that the rect is considered over (if any) to aOutFrames. 1488
FilterInstance.cpp InputIsTainted 84015
FilterInstance.h This class performs all filter processing. We build a graph of the filter image data flow, essentially converting the filter graph to SSA. This lets us easily propagate analysis data (such as bounding-boxes) over the filter primitive graph. Definition of "filter space": filter space is a coordinate system that is aligned with the user space of the filtered element, with its origin located at the top left of the filter region, and with one unit equal in size to one pixel of the offscreen surface into which the filter output would/will be painted. The definition of "filter region" can be found here: 16674
ISVGDisplayableFrame.h This class is used for elements that can be part of a directly displayable section of a document. This includes SVGGeometryFrame and SVGGFrame. (Even though the latter doesn't display anything itself, if it contains SVGGeometryFrame descendants it is can still be part of a displayable section of a document) This class is not used for elements that can never display directly, including SVGGradientFrame and SVGPatternFrame. (The latter may contain displayable content, but it and its content are never *directly* displayed in a document. It can only end up being displayed by means of a reference from other content.) Note specifically that SVG frames that inherit SVGContainerFrame do *not* implement this class (only those that inherit SVGDisplayContainerFrame do.) 6390
ISVGSVGFrame.h Called when non-attribute changes have caused the element's width/height or its for-children transform to change, and to get the element to notify its children appropriately. aFlags must be set to ISVGDisplayableFrame::COORD_CONTEXT_CHANGED and/or ISVGDisplayableFrame::TRANSFORM_CHANGED. 982 2354
svg.css We need to be an absolute and fixed container 2032
SVGAFrame.cpp DEBUG 2284
SVGClipPathFrame.cpp 16175
SVGClipPathFrame.h Applies the clipPath by pushing a clip path onto the DrawTarget. This method must only be used if IsTrivial() returns true, otherwise use GetClipMask. @param aContext The context that the clip path is to be applied to. @param aClippedFrame The/an nsIFrame of the element that references this clipPath that is currently being processed. @param aMatrix The transform from aClippedFrame's user space to aContext's current transform. 6614
SVGContainerFrame.cpp Traverses a frame tree, marking any SVGTextFrame frames as dirty and calling InvalidateRenderingObservers() on it. The reason that this helper exists is because SVGTextFrame is special. None of the other SVG frames ever need to be reflowed when they have the NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY bit set on them because their PaintSVG methods (and those of any containers that they can validly be contained within) do not make use of mRect or overflow rects. "em" lengths, etc., are resolved as those elements are painted. SVGTextFrame is different because its anonymous block and inline frames need to be reflowed in order to get the correct metrics when things like inherited font-size of an ancestor changes, or a delayed webfont loads and applies. However, we only need to do this work if we were reflowed with NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY, which implies that all descendants are dirty. When that reflow reaches an NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY frame it would normally stop, but this helper looks for any SVGTextFrame descendants of such frames and marks them NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY so that the next time that they are painted their anonymous kid will first get the necessary reflow. 16916
SVGContainerFrame.h Base class for SVG container frames. Frame sub-classes that do not display their contents directly (such as the frames for <marker> or <pattern>) just inherit this class. Frame sub-classes that do or can display their contents directly (such as the frames for inner-<svg> or <g>) inherit our SVGDisplayContainerFrame sub-class. *** WARNING *** Do *not* blindly cast to SVG element types in this class's methods (see the warning comment for SVGDisplayContainerFrame below). 5539
SVGContextPaint.cpp static 14236
SVGContextPaint.h This class is used to pass information about a context element through to SVG painting code in order to resolve the 'context-fill' and related keywords. See: This feature allows the color in an SVG-in-OpenType glyph to come from the computed style for the text that is being drawn, for example, or for color in an SVG embedded by an <img> element to come from the embedding <img> element. This class is reference counted so that it can be shared among many similar SVGImageContext objects. (SVGImageContext objects are frequently copy-constructed with small modifications, and we'd like for those copies to be able to share their context-paint data cheaply.) However, in most cases, SVGContextPaint instances are stored in a local RefPtr and only last for the duration of a function call. XXX Note: SVGImageContext doesn't actually have a SVGContextPaint member yet, but it will in a later patch in the patch series that added this comment. 10231
SVGFEContainerFrame.cpp This frame is used by filter primitive elements that have special child elements that provide parameters. 3418
SVGFEImageFrame.cpp virtual 4902
SVGFELeafFrame.cpp This frame is used by filter primitive elements that don't have special child elements that provide parameters. 3251
SVGFEUnstyledLeafFrame.cpp 2802
SVGFilterFrame.cpp 6378
SVGFilterFrame.h Parses this frame's href and - if it references another filter - returns it. It also makes this frame a rendering observer of the specified ID. 2858
SVGFilterInstance.cpp 14990
SVGFilterInstance.h This class helps FilterInstance build its filter graph by processing a single SVG reference filter. In BuildPrimitives, this class iterates through the referenced <filter> element's primitive elements, creating a FilterPrimitiveDescription for each one. This class uses several different coordinate spaces, defined as follows: "user space" The filtered SVG element's user space or the filtered HTML element's CSS pixel space. The origin for an HTML element is the top left corner of its border box. "filter space" User space scaled to device pixels. Shares the same origin as user space. This space is the same across chained SVG and CSS filters. To compute the overall filter space for a chain, we first need to build each filter's FilterPrimitiveDescriptions in some common space. That space is filter space. To understand the spaces better, let's take an example filter: <filter id="f">...</filter> And apply the filter to a div element: <div style="filter: url(#f); ...">...</div> And let's say there are 2 device pixels for every 1 CSS pixel. Finally, let's define an arbitrary point in user space: "user space point" = (10, 10) The point will be inset 10 CSS pixels from both the top and left edges of the div element's border box. Now, let's transform the point from user space to filter space: "filter space point" = "user space point" * "device pixels per CSS pixel" "filter space point" = (10, 10) * 2 "filter space point" = (20, 20) 9588
SVGForeignObjectFrame.cpp 16752
SVGForeignObjectFrame.h 3229
SVGGeometryFrame.cpp virtual 30780
SVGGeometryFrame.h @param aMatrix The transform that must be multiplied onto aContext to establish this frame's SVG user space. 6369
SVGGFrame.cpp DEBUG 2030
SVGGFrame.h 1717
SVGGradientFrame.cpp 23207
SVGGradientFrame.h Parses this frame's href and - if it references another gradient - returns it. It also makes this frame a rendering observer of the specified ID. 6997
SVGImageContext.cpp static 4805
SVGImageContext.h Currently it seems that the aViewportSize parameter ends up being used for different things by different pieces of code, and probably in some cases being used incorrectly (specifically in the case of pixel snapping under the nsLayoutUtils::Draw*Image() methods). An unfortunate result of the messy code is that aViewportSize is currently a Maybe<T> since it is difficult to create a utility function that consumers can use up front to get the "correct" viewport size (i.e. which for compatibility with the current code (bugs and all) would mean the size including all the snapping and resizing magic that happens in various places under the nsLayoutUtils::Draw*Image() methods on the way to DrawImageInternal creating |fallbackContext|). Using Maybe<T> allows code to pass Nothing() in order to get the size that's created for |fallbackContext|. At some point we need to clean this code up, make our abstractions clear, create that utility and stop using Maybe for this parameter. 5582
SVGImageFrame.cpp virtual 32762
SVGImageFrame.h 6507
SVGInnerSVGFrame.cpp DEBUG 1326
SVGInnerSVGFrame.h 1433
SVGIntegrationUtils.cpp This class is used to get the pre-effects ink overflow rect of a frame, or, in the case of a frame with continuations, to collect the union of the pre-effects ink overflow rects of all the continuations. The result is relative to the origin (top left corner of the border box) of the frame, or, if the frame has continuations, the origin of the _first_ continuation. 48866
SVGIntegrationUtils.h Whether we're dealing with a backdrop-filter or a filter. 11201
SVGMarkerFrame.cpp DEBUG 8647
SVGMarkerFrame.h 5299
SVGMaskFrame.cpp aPreserveTransform 6548
SVGMaskFrame.h Generate a mask surface for the target frame. The return surface can be null, it's the caller's responsibility to null-check before dereferencing. 3300
SVGObserverUtils.cpp Return a baseURL for resolving a local-ref URL. @param aContent an element which uses a local-ref property. Here are some examples: <rect fill=url(#foo)> <circle clip-path=url(#foo)> <use xlink:href="#foo"> 65993
SVGObserverUtils.h This class contains URL and referrer information (referrer and referrer policy). We use it to pass to svg system instead of nsIURI. The object brings referrer and referrer policy so we can send correct Referer headers. 17473
SVGOuterSVGFrame.cpp 32449
SVGOuterSVGFrame.h Return true only if the height is unspecified (defaulting to 100%) or else the height is explicitly set to a percentage value no greater than 100%. 7934
SVGPaintServerFrame.cpp 561
SVGPaintServerFrame.h RAII class used to temporarily set and remove the NS_FRAME_DRAWING_AS_PAINTSERVER frame state bit while a frame is being drawn as a paint server. 2588
SVGPatternFrame.cpp DEBUG 26058
SVGPatternFrame.h Parses this frame's href and - if it references another pattern - returns it. It also makes this frame a rendering observer of the specified ID. 5184
SVGStopFrame.cpp DEBUG 3431
SVGSwitchFrame.cpp DEBUG 8492
SVGSymbolFrame.cpp 1668
SVGSymbolFrame.h 1514
SVGTextFrame.cpp Using the specified gfxSkipCharsIterator, converts an offset and length in original char indexes to skipped char indexes. @param aIterator The gfxSkipCharsIterator to use for the conversion. @param aOriginalOffset The original offset. @param aOriginalLength The original length. 187563
SVGTextFrame.h Information about the positioning for a single character in an SVG <text> element. During SVG text layout, we use infinity values to represent positions and rotations that are not explicitly specified with x/y/rotate attributes. 21566
SVGUseFrame.cpp 4912
SVGUseFrame.h 1877
SVGUtils.cpp static 55453
SVGUtils.h Sometimes we need to distinguish between an empty box and a box that contains an element that has no size e.g. a point at the origin. 24425
SVGViewFrame.cpp While views are not directly rendered in SVG they can be linked to and thereby override attributes of an <svg> element via a fragment identifier. The SVGViewFrame class passes on any attribute changes the view receives to the overridden <svg> element (if there is one). 3749
SVGViewportFrame.cpp 9479
SVGViewportFrame.h Superclass for inner SVG frames and symbol frames. 1754