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// AnalyticsManager.swift
// XRViewer
// Created by Roberto Garrido on 20/12/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import MozillaTelemetry
Category of the event being tracked
- action
- api
@objc enum EventCategory: Int {
case action
case api
func name() -> String {
switch self {
case .action: return "action"
case .api: return "api"
Method of the event being tracked
- tap: when the user taps on anything within the app
- webXR: when there is an action initiated by the webXR API
- foreground: when the app goes to foreground
- background: when the app goes to background
@objc enum EventMethod: Int {
case tap
case webXR
case foreground
case background
func name () -> String {
switch self {
case .tap: return "tap"
case .webXR: return "webXR"
case .foreground: return "foreground"
case .background: return "background"
Event being tracked
- initialize: when the app initializes
- app: when there is an event related with the app
@objc enum EventObject: Int {
case initialize
case app
func name () -> String {
switch self {
case .initialize: return "init"
case .app: return "app"
/// A class managing the tracking of the events within the app
public class AnalyticsManager: NSObject {
@objc public static let sharedInstance = AnalyticsManager()
override private init() {}
/// Initializes the telemetry framework
/// - Parameter sendUsageData: whether we want to send user data
@objc func initialize(sendUsageData: Bool) {
let telemetryConfig = Telemetry.default.configuration
telemetryConfig.appName = "WebXR"
telemetryConfig.updateChannel = "Release"
telemetryConfig.isCollectionEnabled = sendUsageData
telemetryConfig.isUploadEnabled = sendUsageData
Telemetry.default.add(pingBuilderType: CorePingBuilder.self)
Telemetry.default.add(pingBuilderType: MobileEventPingBuilder.self)
/// Sends an event to telemetry
/// - Parameters:
/// - category: The category of the event. See EventCategory.
/// - method: The method of the event. See EventMethod.
/// - object: The object of the event. See EventObject.
@objc func sendEvent(category: EventCategory, method: EventMethod, object: EventObject) {
let event = TelemetryEvent(category:, method:, object: