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Apply some defaults and minor modifications to the jobs defined in the
push_bundle kind.
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.util.treeherder import inherit_treeherder_from_dep
transforms = TransformSequence()
def build_android_app_task(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
dep = task.pop("primary-dependency")
task["attributes"] = dep.attributes.copy()
if "aab" in task["attributes"]:
paths = ["public/target.aab"]
task_type = "signing-bundle"
paths = list(dep.attributes["apks"].values())
task_type = "signing"
task["dependencies"] = {task_type: dep.label}
task["name"] = dep.label[len(dep.kind) + 1 :]
if "run_on_tasks_for" in task["attributes"]:
task["run-on-tasks-for"] = task["attributes"]["run_on_tasks_for"]
task["treeherder"] = inherit_treeherder_from_dep(task, dep)
task["worker"]["upstream-artifacts"] = [
"taskId": {"task-reference": f"<{task_type}>"},
"taskType": "signing",
"paths": paths,
task["worker"]["dep"] = config.params["level"] != "3"
yield task