Assert.kt |
Asserts the two bitmaps are the same by ensuring their dimensions, config, and
pixel data are the same (within the provided delta): this is the same metrics that
[Bitmap.sameAs] uses.
1488 |
BrowserActivityTestRule.kt |
A [org.junit.Rule] to handle shared test set up for tests on [BrowserActivity].
@param initialTouchMode See [ActivityTestRule]
@param launchActivity See [ActivityTestRule]
1710 |
Constants.kt |
321 |
ext |
matchers |
Matchers.kt |
The [espressoIsEnabled] function that can also handle disabled state through the boolean argument.
2597 |
MockWebServer.kt |
A [MockWebServer] [Dispatcher] that will return Android assets in the body of requests.
If the dispatcher is unable to read a requested asset, it will fail the test by throwing an
Exception on the main thread.
@sample []
3316 |
RetryTestRule.kt |
1479 |
SessionLoadedIdlingResource.kt |
An IdlingResource implementation that waits until the current session is not loading anymore.
Only after loading has completed further actions will be performed.
1571 |
TestAssetHelper.kt |
Helper for hosting web pages locally for testing purposes.
3662 |
TestHelper.kt |
3806 |