Revision control

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### Required Libraries
Our linting configuration requires you to have an up-to-date installation of
### Steps to Run / Build
1. Install the latest Android Studio
2. Clone the repository
3. Open the project in Android Studio
4. Gradle Sync & build/run the project
### Testing
The tests can be run from Android Studio or from the command line:
./gradlew testDebug
#### Code coverage
Local code coverage reports can be generated from Android Studio or from the
command line:
./gradlew -Pcoverage jacocoDebugTestReport
The command line reports can be found at
**N.B.:** each method uses a different reporter and will provide different
results. They both tend to miss things: it's often best to test your code using
The project's [official code coverage rating can be found on][codecov],
which uses the results from jacoco (i.e. the command line).