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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools="">
<!-- This string is a promotional sentence used across all the applications to describe the purpose of the application. -->
<string name="app_tagline">Vezměte si svá hesla všude s sebou.</string>
<!-- This is used for screenreaders to know the application logo image is currently selected. %1$s will be replaced with application name. -->
<string name="app_logo">Logo aplikace %1$s</string>
<!-- This is the text on a button to cancel the current operation or request such as unlocking the application with a fingerprint. -->
<string name="cancel">Zrušit</string>
<!-- This is the title of a link for users to tap to open a web page to learn more about a related setting or feature. -->
<string name="learn_more">Zjistit více</string>
<!-- This is the label a screenreader uses to inform the user they selected a link that will open a webpage to learn more about the feature or setting. -->
<string name="learn_more_description">Otevřete odkaz a získejte další informace</string>
<!-- This is used as the label on a button on a first-run welcome screen to automatically sign in to an existing account and start using the application -->
<string name="welcome_start_automatic_btn">%s</string>
<!-- This is used as the label on a button on a first-run welcome screen to force manual sign in and start using the application -->
<string name="welcome_start_force_manual_btn">Jiný účet</string>
<!-- This is used as the label on a button on a first-run welcome screen to manually sign in (no existing account) and start using the application -->
<string name="welcome_start_btn">Začít</string>
<!-- This provides context near a button on the first-run welcome screen to describe application requirements. Firefox Account is to be translated consistently to match use in other Firefox products. %1$s will be replaced with application name. -->
<string name="welcome_instructions">Pro používání aplikace %1$s budete potřebovat účet Firefoxu a nějaká hesla k uložení.</string>
<!-- This is the link on the first-run welcome screen to learn more about the requirements of the application -->
<string name="welcome_learn_more_btn">Zjistit více</string>
<!-- This is the label used for the title in the web view of the account's authentication instances. -->
<string name="get_started_title">Začít</string>
<!-- This is the label used by screenreaders to inform the user the navigation button selected is to go backwards from where they came from -->
<string name="backable_description">Zpět</string>
<!-- This is the label used by screenreaders to inform the user the button selected is meant to open a navigation menu -->
<string name="menu_description">Nabídka</string>
<!-- This is the label for the navigation item that opens a Frequently Asked Questions web page -->
<string name="nav_menu_faq">Časté otázky</string>
<!-- This is the label for the navigation item that opens a survey or feedback web page to submit to the developers -->
<string name="nav_menu_feedback">Zpětná vazba</string>
<!-- This is the label for the navigation item that opens a screen to manage the user account currently signed in to the application -->
<string name="nav_menu_account">Účet</string>
<!-- This is the label for the navigation item that opens a settings screen with options and preferences and more application information -->
<string name="nav_menu_settings">Nastavení</string>
<!-- This is the label for a button, primarily in the navigation drawer, that securely locks the application requiring the user to unlock it -->
<string name="lock_now">Zamknout</string>
<!-- This label is used by screenreaders to inform the user they have selected an image of a lock -->
<string name="lock_icon_description">Obrázek ikony zámku</string>
<!-- This is the label for the button to unlock the application for use while on a lock screen -->
<string name="unlock_button">Odemknout</string>
<!-- This message appears in a toast informing the user it is currently downloading and syncing login (a saved login is basically the URL, username and password) data -->
<string name="syncing_logins">Synchronizace přihlašovacích údajů…</string>
<!-- This is the label used by screenreaders to inform the user the selected menu is for sorting the saved logins in the list -->
<string name="sort_description">Řazení přihlašovacích údajů</string>
<!-- This is the label for the sorting option of the list of passwords to be in alphabetical order -->
<string name="sort_menu_az">Abecedně</string>
<!-- This is a corresponding heading to describe the list view is showing all saved logins sorted alphabetically -->
<string name="all_logins_a_z">Všechny údaje (A-Z)</string>
<!-- This is the label for the sorting option of the list of passwords to be in order of recency the item was accessed or used -->
<string name="sort_menu_recent">Naposledy použité</string>
<!-- This is a corresponding heading to describe the list view is showing all saved logins sorted by recent use -->
<string name="all_logins_recent">Všechny údaje (nedávno použité)</string>
<!-- This is the label used by screenreaders to inform the user the selected text area is used to search the logins in the list -->
<string name="search_description">Hledat přihlašovací údaje</string>
<!-- This is the placeholder text to visibly describe a text area is to be used to search all the logins seen in the list view -->
<string name="search_logins">Hledat přihlašovací údaje</string>
<!-- This is the placeholder text to visibly describe a text area is to be used to search all the logins seen in the list view with the first letter capitalized -->
<string name="search_logins_cap">Hledat přihlašovací údaje</string>
<!-- This is the label used by screenreaders to inform the user the selected button will clear the text currently input in the search area -->
<string name="search_clear_content_description">Vymazat text v vyhledávacím poli</string>
<!-- This is shown when a user has entered search terms that have filtered the list of logins to find no results -->
<string name="no_matching_logins">Nenalezeny žádné přihlašovací údaje.</string>
<!-- This is a heading that appears above the URL in context of a detailed item view -->
<string name="hint_hostname">Adresa serveru</string>
<!-- This is a heading that appears above the username in context of a detailed item view -->
<string name="hint_username">Uživatelské jméno</string>
<!-- This is a heading that appears above a password in context of a detailed item view -->
<string name="hint_password">Heslo</string>
<!-- This describes an icon to screenreaders that the button tapped will open the web address in a web browser -->
<string name="launch_hostname_content_description">Otevře adresu ve webovém prohlížeči</string>
<!-- This describes an icon to screenreaders that the button tapped will copy the username to the device clipboard to paste and use in another application -->
<string name="copy_username_content_description">Kopírovat uživatelské jméno</string>
<!-- This message appears when the user taps to copy the username to the device clipboard -->
<string name="toast_username_copied">Uživatelské jméno zkopírováno</string>
<!-- This describes an icon to screenreaders that the button tapped will copy the password to the device clipboard to paste and use in another application -->
<string name="copy_password_content_description">Kopírovat heslo</string>
<!-- This message appears when the user taps to copy the password to the device clipboard -->
<string name="toast_password_copied">Heslo zkopírováno</string>
<!-- This describes an icon to screenreaders that the button tapped will display the password in plain text for immediate reading or use -->
<string name="display_password_content_description">Zobrazí vaše heslo v čitelné podobě</string>
<!-- This is a heading that appears above a group of application settings to configure the user experience -->
<string name="configuration_title">Konfigurace</string>
<!-- This is a heading that appears above a group of application settings or links related to what is supported by the application -->
<string name="support_title">Podpora</string>
<!-- This is the title of a setting that allows the user to change the time duration before the application locks and requires unlocking -->
<string name="auto_lock">Automaticky zamknout po</string>
<!-- This is the label a screenreader uses to inform the user they selected the auto lock setting toggle -->
<string name="auto_lock_description">Nastavení automatického zámku</string>
<!-- This is a time duration for the automatic application locking setting equal to 1 minute -->
<string name="one_minute">1 minutě</string>
<!-- This is a time duration for the automatic application locking setting equal to 5 minutes -->
<string name="five_minutes">5 minutách</string>
<!-- This is a time duration for the automatic application locking setting equal to 15 minutes -->
<string name="fifteen_minutes">15 minutách</string>
<!-- This is a time duration for the automatic application locking setting equal to 30 minutes -->
<string name="thirty_minutes">30 minutách</string>
<!-- This is a time duration for the automatic application locking setting equal to 1 hour -->
<string name="one_hour">1 hodině</string>
<!-- This is a time duration for the automatic application locking setting equal to 12 hours -->
<string name="twelve_hours">12 hodinách</string>
<!-- This is a time duration for the automatic application locking setting equal to 24 hours -->
<string name="twenty_four_hours">24 hodinách</string>
<!-- This is a time duration for the automatic application locking setting that means it will never automatically lock -->
<string name="never">Nikdy</string>
<!-- This is the title of a setting that allows the user to automatically fill forms in Android applications and websites using username and password data from this application. Autofill should match the Android name for this system feature -->
<string name="autofill">Automatické vyplňování</string>
<!-- This is the sub-title of a setting that allows the user to automatically fill forms in Android applications and websites using username and password data from this application. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="autofill_summary">%1$s bude automaticky vyplňovat přihlašovací údaje</string>
<!-- This is the label a screenreader uses to inform the user they selected the autofill setting toggle. Autofill should match the Android name for this system feature -->
<string name="autofill_description">Nastavení automatického doplňování</string>
<!-- This is the title of a setting that allows the user to enable and disable the sending of telemetry usage data to Mozilla -->
<string name="send_usage_data">Odesílat údaje o používání</string>
<!-- This is the sub-title of a setting that allows the user to automatically fill forms in Android applications and websites using username and password data from this application -->
<string name="send_usage_data_summary">Mozilla sbírá jenom informace potřené pro vylepšování Firefoxu.</string>
<!-- This is the label a screenreader uses to inform the user they selected a label on the screen that includes the application version number -->
<string name="app_version_description">Číslo verze aplikace</string>
<!-- This is the title of a setting that shows the version and the build number of an app -->
<string name="app_version_title">Verze aplikace: %1$s (%2$d)</string>
<!-- This is the title of a setting that allows the user to use the device fingerprint biometrics to unlock the application -->
<string name="unlock">Odemknout otiskem prstu</string>
<!-- This is the label a screenreader uses to inform the user they selected the fingerprint setting toggle -->
<string name="fingerprint_description">Povolit nastavení otisku prstu</string>
<!-- This is the title of a dialog that pops up to unlock the application when the unlock with fingerprint setting is enabled. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="fingerprint_dialog_title">Odemknout aplikaci %1$s</string>
<!-- This is the message displayed to the user to unlock the application. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="unlock_fallback_title">Odemknout aplikaci %1$s</string>
<!-- This is an instructional message displayed to use the fingerprint sensor to unlock the application -->
<string name="touch_fingerprint_sensor">Dotkněte se snímače otisků prstu.</string>
<!-- This is the title of a dialog requesting permission for the application to unlock using the device fingerprint sensor -->
<string name="enable_fingerprint_dialog_title">Povolit otisk prstu</string>
<!-- This is the message requesting permission for the application to unlock using the device fingerprint sensor. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="enable_fingerprint_dialog_subtitle">Povolte odemykání aplikace %1$s pomocí snímače otisků prstu.</string>
<!-- This is the error displayed when attempting to unlock the application with a fingerprint and the device does not recognize it as a match -->
<string name="fingerprint_not_recognized">Nerozpoznáno</string>
<!-- This is the success message displayed after using the fingerprint sensor to unlock the application -->
<string name="fingerprint_success">Úspěch!</string>
<!-- This is the error displayed when attempting to unlock the application with a fingerprint and after multiple tries a match is not made -->
<string name="fingerprint_error_lockout">Příliš mnoho pokusů.</string>
<!-- This is the error displayed when attempting to unlock the application with a fingerprint and the device returns a generic error to the application -->
<string name="fingerprint_sensor_error">Chyba snímače otisků prstu</string>
<!-- This is an instructional message displayed to use the device-provided unlock features to unlock the application -->
<string name="confirm_pattern">Zadejte své gesto, PIN nebo heslo.</string>
<!-- This is the title of a dialog displayed to encourage the user to enable security to lock their device and the application -->
<string name="no_device_security_title">Zabezpečte své zařízení.</string>
<!-- This is a message displayed requiring the user to enable device-provided security to lock their device and the application. -->
<string name="no_device_security_message">Pro automatického zamykání aplikace je potřeba mít na zařízení nastaveno gesto, PIN nebo heslo.</string>
<!-- This is the message displayed on a button to open the device settings for the user to set up device-provided security protections -->
<string name="set_up_security_button">Nastavit</string>
<!-- This is used for screenreaders to inform the user they have selected the account profile image. Firefox Account is to be translated consistently to match use in other Firefox products. -->
<string name="profile_image_content_description">Profilový obrázek účtu Firefoxu</string>
<!-- This message is displayed to inform users how to change their Firefox Account profile details on a setting screen. Firefox Account is to be translated consistently to match use in other Firefox products. -->
<string name="account_information">Pro změnu nastavení vašeho účtu Firefoxu se k němu přihlaste v kterémkoliv prohlížeči.</string>
<!-- This is the text on a button to sign out and disconnect the account from the application. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="disconnect_button">Odpojit aplikaci %1$s</string>
<!-- This message is displayed near a button to sign out and disconnect the account from the application explaining this does not affect the data stored with Firefox. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="disconnect_disclaimer">Tímto z aplikace %1$s odstraníte synchronizované přihlašovací údaje. Ve vašem Firefoxu ale zůstanou nadále uloženy.</string>
<!-- This is the text on a final confirmation button to sign out and disconnect the account from the application. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="disconnect_disclaimer_title">Odpojit aplikaci %1$s?</string>
<!-- This message is displayed on a final confirmation dialog to sign out and disconnect their account from the application. Firefox Account is to be translated consistently to match use in other Firefox products. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="disconnect_disclaimer_message">Tímto z aplikace %1$s odstraníte data ze svého účtu Firefoxu a všechny uložené přihlašovací údaje.</string>
<!-- This is the text on a final confirmation button to sign out and disconnect the account from the application -->
<string name="disconnect">Odpojit</string>
<!-- This is the hint value for an autofill box that appears when suggesting a value for a password field. It is interpolated with the user's account name. -->
<string name="password_for">Heslo pro účet %1$s</string>
<!-- This label is used by screenreaders to inform the user that their device is not connected to the internet -->
<string name="networkWarningMessage">Pozor, zařízení není připojeno k internetu.</string>
<!-- This label is used by screenreaders to inform the user that the message contains an image of a warning icon -->
<string name="warningIcon">Varovná ikona</string>
<!-- This is used as the title for an alert message to inform the user that the app does not detect network connectivity -->
<string name="no_internet_connection">Žádné připojení k internetu</string>
<!-- This is used in the app logs to inform that network connectivity has successfully been detected -->
<string name="network_connection_success">Připojení k síti bylo úspěšné.</string>
<!-- This is used to inform the user that there are no saved logins in the list -->
<string name="no_logins_found">Nenalezeny žádné přihlašovací údaje</string>
<!-- This explains the steps the user should take, if no saved logins are found: sign in and sync in Firefox. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="no_logins_description">S aplikací %1$s získáte přístup k heslům uloženým ve vašem Firefoxu.
Pro jejich zobrazení a synchronizaci se přihlaste ke svému účtu Firefoxu.</string>
<!-- This is the title for the biometric unlock onboarding screen. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="onboarding_unlock_title">Odemknout aplikaci %1$s otiskem prstu.</string>
<!-- This is the onboarding description for enabling biometric unlock with the fingerprint sensor. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="onboarding_unlock_description">Povolte odemykání aplikace %1$s pomocí snímače otisků prstu.</string>
<!-- This is the description of the button to skip the onboarding for biometric unlock with the fingerprint sensor. -->
<string name="onboarding_skip">Přeskočit</string>
<!-- This is the description of the fingerprint icon on the onboarding screen -->
<string name="fingerprint_icon_description">Ikona otisku prstu</string>
<!-- This is the title of the autofill onboarding screen. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="onboarding_autofill_title">%1$s bude automaticky vyplňovat vaše hesla.</string>
<!-- This is the onboarding description for enabling the application as an autofill provider through the device's autofill settings. -->
<string name="onboarding_autofill_description">Nechte si vyplnit přihlašovací údaje kamkoliv, kde je potřebujete.</string>
<!-- This button will take you to your phone's autofill settings screen. -->
<string name="go_to_settings">Přejít do nastavení</string>
<!-- This is the content description for the autofill image on the autofill onboarding screen. %1$s will be replaced with application name. Autofill should match the Android name for this system feature -->
<string name="onboarding_autofill_image_description">Automatické vyplňování aplikací %1$s</string>
<!-- This is the title for the final onboarding screen -->
<string name="all_set">Vše máte nastaveno.</string>
<!-- This is the button to dismiss the final onboarding screen -->
<string name="finish">Dokončit</string>
<!-- This description of the app functionality is shown on the final onboarding screen -->
<string name="onboarding_access_description">Přistupujte ke svým přihlašovacím údajům uloženým ve Firefoxu i ze svého telefonu</string>
<!-- This description of the app security is shown on the final onboarding screen. %s will be replaced with the security link. -->
<string name="onboarding_security_description">Synchronizace mezi zařízeními zabezpečená pomocí 256-bitového šifrování</string>
<!-- This description of the app convenience is shown on the final onboarding screen. -->
<string name="onboarding_convenience_description">Aplikaci snadno odemknete pomocí otisku prstu</string>
<!-- This is the title of the device security dialog box. -->
<string name="secure_your_device">Zabezpečte své zařízení.</string>
<!-- This is the description explaining the device security requirements. -->
<string name="device_security_description">Pro ochranu svého telefonu použijte gesto, PIN nebo heslo. Bez nich se do vašeho telefonu a k uloženým datům může dostat kdokoliv.</string>
<!-- This is the skip button description on the device security dialog box. -->
<string name="skip_button">Přeskočit</string>
<!-- This is the the button description on the device security dialog box which routes to system security settings. -->
<string name="set_up_now">Nastavit</string>
<!-- This header appears above the Privacy page of the application website. -->
<string name="privacy">Ochrana osobních údajů</string>
<!-- This is the prompt when autofill is triggered and the application is locked. It appears on top of the login form as an action available to the user to take. %1$s will be replaced with application name -->
<string name="autofill_authenticate_cta">Odemknout aplikaci %1$s</string>
<!-- This is the message suggesting that if the user does not see the matching login to autofill into a form, they can search all their logins by opening this action. %1$s will be replaced with application name. -->
<string name="autofill_search_cta">Hledat v aplikaci %1$s</string>
<!-- This is the error message when autofill is triggered and the application is in an error state. %1$s will be replaced with application name. %2$s refers to the localized error message that will be provided by the system. -->
<string name="autofill_error_toast">V aplikaci %1$s došlo k chybě: %2$s</string>
<!-- This is the placeholder text for an empty or null username. -->
<string name="no_username">(žádné uživatelské jméno)</string>
<!-- This is the description for the kebab menu in the item detail toolbar. -->
<string name="kebab_menu">Další možnosti</string>
<!-- This is the text on an item in the item detail toolbar menu to delete an entry. -->
<string name="delete">Odstranit</string>
<!-- This is the confirmation message title seen when attempting to delete a login. -->
<string name="delete_this_login">Odstranit tyto přihlašovací údaje?</string>
<!-- This is the description for the deletion dialog. -->
<string name="delete_description">Tímto smažete přihlašovací údaje z aplikace %1$s i z Firefoxu.</string>
<!-- This is the text on an item in the item detail toolbar menu to edit an entry. -->
<string name="edit">Upravit</string>
<!-- This is the description for the entry password in context of an edit item view. -->
<string name="entry_password_description">Heslo pro tento záznam.</string>
<!-- This is the title text on the dialog when you attempt to close the edit view and changes have been made. -->
<string name="discard_changes">Zahodit změny?</string>
<!-- This is the additional text when you attempt to close the edit view and changes have been made. -->
<string name="discard_changes_description">Provedené změny nebudou uloženy.</string>
<!-- This is the text on the button to discard your current changes from the edit entry view. -->
<string name="discard">Zahodit</string>
<!-- This is the description for the hostname in the edit entry view. -->
<string name="web_address_description">Název hostitele</string>
<!-- This is the description for the username in the edit entry view. -->
<string name="username_description">Uživatelské jméno</string>
<!-- This is the title of the edit login page. -->
<string name="edit_login_title">Upravit přihlašovacích údajů</string>
<!-- This is the error message that is shown in edit or create view when input text for password is not valid. -->
<string name="password_invalid_text">Heslo nemůže být prázdné</string>
<!-- This is the error message that is shown in edit or create view when a username matches a previously existing credential for that domain combination. -->
<string name="username_duplicate_exists">Přihlašovací údaje s tímto uživatelským jménem už existují</string>
<!-- This is the text description that is shown in the manual create view underneath the hostname field to describe a valid hostname. -->
<string name="create_hostname_description">Ujistěte se, že adresa přesně odpovídá doméně serveru (včetně protokolu „https://“ a případného „www“).</string>
<!-- This is the title of the create new login page. -->
<string name="create_title">Nové přihlašovací údaje</string>
<!-- This is the hint text that is shown inline on the username field of the create new login page. -->
<string name="create_username_hint_text">např. jannovak</string>
<!-- This is the hint text that is shown inline on the hostname field of the create new login page. -->
<string name="create_hostname_hint_text"></string>
<!-- This is an error message shown below the hostname field of the create new login page when a hostname is invalid. -->
<string name="hostname_invalid_text">Adresa serveru musí obsahovat „https://“ nebo „http://“</string>
<!-- This is the error message that is shown in the create view when input text for hostname is empty. -->
<string name="hostname_empty_invalid_text">Název hostitele nemůže být prázdný</string>