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* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import mozilla.lockbox.action.Setting
object Constant {
object Common {
const val emptyString = ""
const val sixtySeconds: Long = 60000
const val twentyFourHours: Long = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000
object App {
const val keystoreLabel = "lockbox-keystore"
const val dbFilename = "firefox-lockbox.db"
const val testMarker = "TEST"
const val bootIDPath = "/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id"
const val appToken = "383z4i46o48w"
val delay: Long = if (isTesting()) 0 else 1
object FxA {
const val clientID = "e7ce535d93522896"
const val profileScope = "profile"
val scopes = setOf(profileScope, lockboxScope, oldSyncScope)
object Faq {
const val faqUri = uri + "/getting-started-firefox-lockwise"
const val syncUri = uri + "/sync-logins-firefox-android"
object Privacy {
object SendFeedback {
const val uri = ""
object SettingDefault {
val itemListSort = Setting.ItemListSort.ALPHABETICALLY
val autoLockTime = Setting.AutoLockTime.FiveMinutes
val noSecurityAutoLockTime = Setting.AutoLockTime.Never
const val sendUsageData = true
const val unlockWithFingerprint = false
object Key {
const val firefoxAccount = "firefox-account"
const val encryptionKey = "database-encryption-key"
const val autoLockTimerDate = "auto-lock-timer-date"
const val syncTimerDate = "sync-timer-date"
const val bootCompletedIntent = "android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"
const val clearClipboardIntent = "mozilla.lockbox.intent.CLEAR_CLIPBOARD"
const val clipboardDirtyExtra = "clipboard-dirty"
const val accessToken = "access-token"
const val parsedStructure = "parsed-structure"
object FingerprintTimeout {
const val errorTimeoutMillis: Long = 1600
const val successDelayMillis: Long = 1300
object RequestCode {
const val noResult = 0
const val unlock = 221
object Sentry {