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* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
package mozilla.lockbox.model
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.AccessTokenInfo
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.OAuthScopedKey
private const val emptyString = ""
interface SyncCredentials {
val isNew: Boolean
val tokenServerURL: String
// The following three properties should only be used when we have checked that the
// credentials are syntactically valid, by calling `isValid`.
val accessToken: AccessTokenInfo
val kid: String
val syncKey: String
val isValid: Boolean
val support: DataStoreSupport
class FixedSyncCredentials(
override val isNew: Boolean,
override val accessToken: AccessTokenInfo = AccessTokenInfo(emptyString, emptyString, null, 0L),
override val kid: String = emptyString,
override val syncKey: String = emptyString,
override val tokenServerURL: String = emptyString
) : SyncCredentials {
override val isValid: Boolean = true
override val support: DataStoreSupport = FixedDataStoreSupport.shared
class FxASyncCredentials(
override val accessToken: AccessTokenInfo,
override val tokenServerURL: String,
override val isNew: Boolean
) : SyncCredentials {
private val scopedKey: OAuthScopedKey? by lazy {
// The following three properties should only be used when we have checked that the
// credentials are syntactically valid, by calling `isValid`.
override val kid: String
get() = scopedKey?.kid ?: emptyString
override val syncKey: String
get() = scopedKey?.k ?: emptyString
override val isValid: Boolean
get() = scopedKey != null
override val support: DataStoreSupport = FxASyncDataStoreSupport.shared