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# Firefox Lockwise for Android
The Android application repository for [Firefox Lockwise][org-website] (formerly Lockbox).
## [Documentation][docs-link]
*This is just one component of the Firefox Lockwise product. Please see the
[Firefox Lockwise website][org-website] for more context.*
For detailed documentation and installation instructions, please see the
[`docs` directory][docs-link].
## Contributing ##
See the [guidelines][contributing-link] for contributing to this project.
This project is governed by a [Code Of Conduct][coc-link].
To disclose potential a security vulnerability please see our
[security][security-link] documentation.
Localization happens on [Pontoon]( Please get in touch with delphine (at) mozilla (dot) com directly for more information.
## [License][license-link]
This module is licensed under the [Mozilla Public License,
version 2.0][license-link].
Note that some test fixtures and all code in the `thirdparty` directory use source code from third-party services, and are not subject to this license.
All alternative licenses and the origins of third party code is cited in the [third party readme][third-party-link].
[docs-link]: docs/
[contributing-link]: docs/
[coc-link]: /
[security-link]: docs/
[license-link]: /LICENSE
[third-party-link]: thirdparty/