Revision control

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import argparse
import glob
import logging
import os
import sys
import yaml
from zipfile import ZipFile
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Ensures a directory has all expected locales and screenshots.")
parser.add_argument("--artifacts-directory", required=True, help="The directory containing the zip archives to look into")
parser.add_argument("--screenshots-configuration", type=argparse.FileType("r"), required=True, help="YAML file that contains the number of screenshots to expect as well as exceptions/")
parser.add_argument("--importLocales", dest="locales", metavar="LOCALE", action="append", required=True, help="locale that must be present(can be repeated)")
result = parser.parse_args()
number_of_screenshots_per_locale = _parse_screenshots_configuration(result.screenshots_configuration)
_check_files(result.artifacts_directory, result.locales, number_of_screenshots_per_locale)
def _init_logging():
format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
def _parse_screenshots_configuration(config_file):
config = yaml.safe_load(config_file)
number_of_screenshots_per_locale = {}
for locale in config["locales"]:
expected_screenshots = config["usual-number-of-screenshots"]
if locale in config["locales-with-shorter-context-menu"]:
expected_screenshots -= 1
number_of_screenshots_per_locale[locale] = expected_screenshots
return number_of_screenshots_per_locale
# This exit code was picked to avoid collision with famous exit codes (like 1 or 2). This way,
# Taskcluster can spot if this script failed for a known reason and rerun this task if needed.
def _check_files(artifacts_directory, locales, number_of_screenshots_per_locale):
errors = []
archives = set(glob.glob("{}/*.zip".format(artifacts_directory)))
archives = _filter_out_derived_data_archive(archives)
expected_number_of_screenshots_per_archive = {
"{}/{}.zip".format(artifacts_directory, locale): number_of_screenshots_per_locale[locale]
for locale in locales
expected_archives = set(expected_number_of_screenshots_per_archive.keys())
if archives != expected_archives:
"The list of archives (zip files) does not match the expected one. Expected: {}. Got: {}.".format(
expected_archives, archives
)"Processing {} archives...".format(len(expected_archives)))
log.debug("Archives are expected to have these numbers of screenshots: {}".format(expected_number_of_screenshots_per_archive))
for archive, expected_number_of_screenshots in expected_number_of_screenshots_per_archive.items():
errors.extend(_check_single_archive(archive, expected_number_of_screenshots))
if errors:
error_list = "\n * ".join(errors)
log.critical("Got {} error(s) while verifying screenshots: \n * {}".format(len(errors), error_list))
sys.exit(_FAILURE_EXIT_CODE)"No archive is missing and all of them contain the right number of screenshots!")
def _filter_out_derived_data_archive(archives):
filtered_out_archives = set()
for archive in archives:
with ZipFile(archive) as zip_file:
# So far, only the derived data archive contains info.plist
if "info.plist" in zip_file.namelist():
log.warn('Archive "{}" seems to be the derived data archive. Ignoring...'.format(archive))
return filtered_out_archives
def _check_single_archive(archive, expected_number_of_screenshots):
errors = []
with ZipFile(archive) as zip_file:
all_files = set(zip_file.namelist())
png_files = set(file for file in all_files if file.endswith(".png"))
non_png_files = all_files - png_files
if non_png_files:
errors.append('Archive "{}" contains non-png files: {}'.format(archive, non_png_files))
actual_number_of_screenshots = len(png_files)
if actual_number_of_screenshots != expected_number_of_screenshots:
'Archive "{}" does not contain the expected number of screenshots. Expected: {}. Got: {}'.format(
archive, expected_number_of_screenshots, actual_number_of_screenshots
return errors
__name__ == "__main__" and main()