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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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"""This file contains various locale lists consumed by other tools"""
# Sorted list of locales that ship in release builds of Focus/Klar.
# Other builds might include more locales.
# Note that there are differences in the locale codes used by Pontoon
# and by Android (e.g. Hebrew: he (Pontoon) vs. iw (Android)).
# This list uses the Android notation. A valid entry can be a
# language code (de) or a language plus country (de-DE). Do not use
# the name of the Androidresource folder (de-rDE) here.
# Releases should contain all locales that are at 100% or have been
# shipping in previous releases. Ping :delphine in case you want
# to add or remove locales from releases.
# This is the list of locales that we want to take automated screenshots of
# in addition to the list of release locales. We want to take screenshots
# of other locales so that translators of not yet completed locales can
# verify their work in progress.
# Those are locales that we take automated screenshots of.