Name Description Size
ExperimentConfig.kt [ExperimentConfig] defines a set of supported [ExperimentDescriptor] from [Fretboard] 1958
ExperimentExceptions.kt [ExperimentIllegalStateException] signals an illegal or inappropriate experiment state For example, in AB testing (60/40), any experiment branches other than "A" or "B" would be considered an illegal experiment state 1128
ExperimentsProvider.kt [ExperimentsProvider] checks for experiment branch from [Fretboard] to provide its respective content. See [getAAExitButtonExperiment] for example Note: Consider implementing fallback options (log in Sentry using [ExperimentIllegalStateException] since fretboard doesn't necessarily load the latest changes from Kinto backend. See [FretboardProvider.updateExperiments] and [FretboardProvider.loadExperiments] for more details 8133
FretboardProvider.kt Asynchronously requests new experiments from the server and saves them to local storage 3066