Name Description Size
Assert.kt Asserts the two bitmaps are the same by ensuring their dimensions, config, and pixel data are the same (within the provided delta): this is the same metrics that [Bitmap.sameAs] uses. 1481
MainActivityTestRule.kt A [org.junit.Rule] to handle shared test set up for tests on [MainActivity]. @param initialTouchMode See [ActivityTestRule] @param launchActivity See [ActivityTestRule] @param skipOnboarding true to skip the onboarding screen, false otherwise 2734
MockWebServer.kt A [MockWebServer] [Dispatcher] that will return Android assets in the body of requests. If the dispatcher is unable to read a requested asset, it will fail the test by throwing an Exception on the main thread. @sample [] 2624
NestedScrollToAction.kt [scrollTo] only works inside [ScrollView] and traditional [ListView]s: this class has the same functionality, but works inside [NestedScrollView]s. 1473
RecyclerViewHelpers.kt 1239
SessionLoadedIdlingResource.kt An IdlingResource implementation that waits until the current session is not loading anymore. Only after loading has completed further actions will be performed. 1601
TestAssetHelper.kt Helper for hosting web pages locally for testing purposes. 1365
ToastHelper.kt 939