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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
enum SettingsToggle: String, Equatable {
case trackingProtection = "TrackingProtection"
case biometricLogin = "BiometricLogin"
case blockAds = "BlockAds"
case blockAnalytics = "BlockAnalytics"
case blockSocial = "BlockSocial"
case blockOther = "BlockOther"
case blockFonts = "BlockFonts"
case showHomeScreenTips = "HomeScreenTips"
case safari = "Safari"
case sendAnonymousUsageData = "SendAnonymousUsageData"
case studies = "Studies"
case enableDomainAutocomplete = "enableDomainAutocomplete"
case enableCustomDomainAutocomplete = "enableCustomDomainAutocomplete"
case enableSearchSuggestions = "enableSearchSuggestions"
case displaySecretMenu = "displaySecretMenu"
extension SettingsToggle {
var trackerChanged: String {
switch self {
case .trackingProtection:
return ""
case .blockAds:
return "Advertising"
case .blockAnalytics:
return "Analytics"
case .blockSocial:
return "Social"
case .blockOther:
return "Content"
return ""
struct Settings {
private static let prefs = UserDefaults(suiteName: AppInfo.sharedContainerIdentifier)!
private static let customDomainSettingKey = "customDomains"
private static let siriRequestsEraseKey = "siriRequestsErase"
private static func defaultForToggle(_ toggle: SettingsToggle) -> Bool {
switch toggle {
case .trackingProtection: return true
case .biometricLogin: return false
case .blockAds: return true
case .blockAnalytics: return true
case .blockSocial: return true
case .blockOther: return false
case .blockFonts: return false
case .showHomeScreenTips: return true
case .safari: return true
case .sendAnonymousUsageData: return AppInfo.isKlar ? false : true
case .studies: return AppInfo.isKlar ? false : true
case .enableDomainAutocomplete: return true
case .enableCustomDomainAutocomplete: return true
case .enableSearchSuggestions: return false
case .displaySecretMenu: return false
static func getToggle(_ toggle: SettingsToggle) -> Bool {
return prefs.object(forKey: toggle.rawValue) as? Bool ?? defaultForToggle(toggle)
static func getCustomDomainSetting() -> [String] {
return prefs.array(forKey: customDomainSettingKey) as? [String] ?? []
static func setCustomDomainSetting(domains: [String]) {
prefs.set(domains, forKey: customDomainSettingKey)
static func set(_ value: Bool, forToggle toggle: SettingsToggle) {
prefs.set(value, forKey: toggle.rawValue)
static func siriRequestsErase() -> Bool {
return prefs.bool(forKey: siriRequestsEraseKey)
static func setSiriRequestErase(to value: Bool) {
prefs.set(value, forKey: siriRequestsEraseKey)