Revision control

Copy as Markdown

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
from lxml import html
from lxml import etree
import copy
import json
import os
import requests
import shutil
import sys
import subprocess
import urllib
# Paths for en-US plugins included in the core Android repo.
# Paths for plugins in the l10n repos.
# TODO: Download list from Android repo once the mobile list is in the tree.
LIST_PATH = "./list.json"
def main():
# Remove and recreate the SearchPlugins directory.
if os.path.exists("SearchPlugins"):
with open(LIST_PATH) as list:
plugins = json.load(list)
engines = {}
# Import engines from the l10n repos.
locales = plugins["locales"]
supportedLocales = getSupportedLocales()
for locale in locales:
regions = locales[locale]
for region in regions:
if region == "default":
code = locale
language = locale.split("-")[0]
code = ("%s-%s" % (language, region))
if code in supportedLocales:
print("adding %s..." % code)
print("skipping %s" % code)
visibleEngines = regions[region]["visibleDefaultEngines"]
downloadEngines(code, L10nScraper(locale), visibleEngines)
engines[code] = visibleEngines
# Import default engines from the core repo.
print("adding defaults...")
defaultEngines = EnScraper().getFileList()
downloadEngines("default", EnScraper(), defaultEngines)
engines['default'] = plugins['default']['visibleDefaultEngines']
# Remove Bing.
if "bing" in engines['default']: engines['default'].remove('bing')
# Make sure fallback directories contain any skipped engines.
# Write the list of engine names for each locale.
def downloadEngines(locale, scraper, engines):
directory = os.path.join("SearchPlugins", locale)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
# Remove Bing.
if 'bing' in engines: engines.remove('bing')
# Always include DuckDuckGo.
if "duckduckgo" not in engines:
lastEngine = '~'
for i, engine in reversed(list(enumerate(engines))):
if i > 0 and "duckduckgo" < engine and engine < lastEngine and not engine.startswith("google"):
lastEngine = engine
engines.insert(i + 1, "duckduckgo")
for engine in engines:
file = engine + ".xml"
path = os.path.join(directory, file)
downloadedFile = scraper.getFile(file)
if downloadedFile == None:
print(" skipping: %s..." % file)
print(" downloading: %s..." % file)
name, extension = os.path.splitext(file)
# Apply iOS-specific overlays for this engine if they are defined.
if extension == ".xml":
engine = name.split("-")[0]
overlay = overlayForEngine(engine)
if overlay:
plugin = etree.parse(downloadedFile)
contents = etree.tostring(plugin.getroot(), encoding="utf-8", pretty_print=True)
with open(path, "w") as outfile:
# Otherwise, just use the downloaded file as is.
shutil.move(downloadedFile, path)
def verifyEngines(engines):
print("verifying engines...")
error = False
for locale in engines:
dirs = [locale, locale.split('-')[0], 'default']
dirs = map(lambda dir: os.path.join('SearchPlugins', dir), dirs)
for engine in engines[locale]:
file = engine + '.xml'
if not any(os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, file)) for dir in dirs):
error = True
print(" ERROR: missing engine %s for locale %s" % (engine, locale))
if not error:
print(" OK!")
def getSupportedLocales():
supportedLocales = subprocess.Popen("./get_supported_locales.swift", stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
return json.loads(supportedLocales.replace("_", "-"))
def overlayForEngine(engine):
path = os.path.join("SearchOverlays", "%s.xml" % engine)
if not os.path.exists(path):
return None
return Overlay(path)
def writeList(engines):
root = etree.Element('dict')
for locale in sorted(engines.keys()):
key = etree.Element('key')
key.text = locale
values = etree.Element('array')
for engine in engines[locale]:
value = etree.Element('string')
value.text = engine
plist = etree.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8", pretty_print=True)
with open("SearchEngines.plist", "w") as outfile:
class Scraper:
def pluginsFileURL(self): pass
def getFile(self, file):
path = self.pluginsFileURL % file
handle = urllib.urlopen(path)
if handle.code != 200:
return None
result = urllib.urlretrieve(path)
return result[0]
def getFileList(self):
response = requests.get(self.pluginsFileURL % '')
if not response.ok:
raise Exception("error: could not read plugins directory")
lines = response.content.strip().split('\n')
lines = map(lambda line: line.split(' ')[-1], lines)
lines = filter(lambda f: f.endswith('.xml'), lines)
return map(lambda f: f[:-4], lines)
class L10nScraper(Scraper):
def __init__(self, locale):
self.pluginsFileURL = L10N_PLUGINS_FILE_URL % locale
class EnScraper(Scraper):
def __init__(self):
self.pluginsFileURL = EN_PLUGINS_FILE_URL
class Overlay:
def __init__(self, path):
overlay = etree.parse(path)
self.actions = overlay.getroot().getchildren()
def apply(self, doc):
for action in self.actions:
if action.tag == "replace":
self.replace(target=action.get("target"), replacement=action[0], doc=doc)
elif action.tag == "append":
self.append(parent=action.get("parent"), child=action[0], doc=doc)
def replace(self, target, replacement, doc):
for element in doc.xpath(target, namespaces=ns):
replacementCopy = copy.deepcopy(replacement)
element.getparent().replace(element, replacementCopy)
# Try to preserve indentation.
replacementCopy.tail = element.tail
def append(self, parent, child, doc):
for element in doc.xpath(parent, namespaces=ns):
childCopy = copy.deepcopy(child)
# Try to preserve indentation.
childCopy.tail = "\n"
previous = childCopy.getprevious()
if previous is not None:
childCopy.tail = previous.tail
prevPrevious = previous.getprevious()
if prevPrevious is not None:
previous.tail = prevPrevious.tail
if __name__ == "__main__":