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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import Foundation
class TelemetryManager {
static let shared = TelemetryManager()
// Flag to disable/enable the telemetry feature
let isTelemetryFeatureEnabled = false
private init() {}
var isGleanEnabled: Bool {
// Override the feature using the global flag
if !isTelemetryFeatureEnabled {
return false
// Default to the value in UserDefaults if the feature is not globally disabled
return Settings.getToggle(.sendAnonymousUsageData)
var isNewTosEnabled: Bool {
if let dailyUsagePing = Settings.getToggleIfAvailable(.dailyUsagePing) {
// If dailyUsagePing is explicitly set, use its value
return dailyUsagePing
} else if let sendAnonymousUsageData = Settings.getToggleIfAvailable(.sendAnonymousUsageData) {
// If dailyUsagePing is not set, fall back to sendAnonymousUsageData
// Persist this value into dailyUsagePing for future consistency
Settings.set(sendAnonymousUsageData, forToggle: .dailyUsagePing)
return sendAnonymousUsageData
} else {
// Default to true if neither setting is available
Settings.set(true, forToggle: .dailyUsagePing)
return true