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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
import LocalAuthentication
class TipManager {
@UserDefault(key: TipKey.releaseTip, defaultValue: true)
static var releaseTip: Bool
@UserDefault(key: TipKey.shortcutsTip, defaultValue: true)
static var shortcutsTip: Bool
@UserDefault(key: TipKey.sitesNotWorkingTip, defaultValue: true)
static var sitesNotWorkingTip: Bool
@UserDefault(key: TipKey.siriFavoriteTip, defaultValue: true)
static var siriFavoriteTip: Bool
@UserDefault(key: TipKey.biometricTip, defaultValue: true)
static var biometricTip: Bool
@UserDefault(key: TipKey.shareTrackersTip, defaultValue: true)
static var shareTrackersTip: Bool
@UserDefault(key: TipKey.siriEraseTip, defaultValue: true)
static var siriEraseTip: Bool
@UserDefault(key: TipKey.requestDesktopTip, defaultValue: true)
static var requestDesktopTip: Bool
struct Tip: Equatable {
enum ScrollDestination {
case siri
case biometric
case siriFavorite
enum Action {
case visit(topic: SupportTopic)
case showSettings(destination: ScrollDestination)
let title: String
let description: String?
let identifier: String
let action: Action?
let canShow: () -> Bool
title: String,
description: String? = nil,
identifier: String,
action: Action? = nil,
canShow: @escaping () -> Bool
) {
self.title = title
self.identifier = identifier
self.description = description
self.action = action
self.canShow = canShow
static func == (lhs: Tip, rhs: Tip) -> Bool {
return lhs.identifier == rhs.identifier
enum TipKey {
static let releaseTip = "releaseTip"
static let shortcutsTip = "shortcutsTip"
static let sitesNotWorkingTip = "sitesNotWorkingTip"
static let biometricTip = "biometricTip"
static let siriFavoriteTip = "siriFavoriteTip"
static let shareTrackersTip = "shareTrackersTip"
static let requestDesktopTip = "requestDesktopTip"
static let siriEraseTip = "siriEraseTip"
static let shared = TipManager()
private var tips: [Tip] {
var tips = [
if laContext.canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: nil) {
return tips
private var availableTips: [Tip] {
guard Settings.getToggle(.showHomeScreenTips) else { return [] }
return tips.filter { $0.canShow() }
private let laContext = LAContext()
private init() { }
private lazy var shortcutsTip = Tip(
title: .shortcutsTipTitle,
description: String(format: .shortcutsTipDescription, AppInfo.config.productName),
identifier: TipKey.shortcutsTip,
canShow: { TipManager.shortcutsTip }
private lazy var sitesNotWorkingTip = Tip(
title: .sitesNotWorkingTipTitle,
description: .sitesNotWorkingTipDescription,
identifier: TipKey.sitesNotWorkingTip,
canShow: { TipManager.sitesNotWorkingTip }
private lazy var biometricTip: Tip = {
let description: String = laContext.biometryType == .faceID
? .biometricTipFaceIdDescription
: .biometricTipTouchIdDescription
return Tip(
title: String(format: .biometricTipTitle, AppInfo.productName),
description: description,
identifier: TipKey.biometricTip,
action: .showSettings(destination: .biometric),
canShow: { TipManager.biometricTip }
private lazy var requestDesktopTip = Tip(
title: .requestDesktopTipTitle,
description: .requestDesktopTipDescription,
identifier: TipKey.requestDesktopTip,
canShow: { TipManager.requestDesktopTip }
private lazy var siriFavoriteTip = Tip(
title: .siriFavoriteTipTitle,
description: .siriFavoriteTipDescription,
identifier: TipKey.siriFavoriteTip,
action: .showSettings(destination: .siri),
canShow: { TipManager.siriFavoriteTip }
private lazy var siriEraseTip = Tip(
title: String(format: .siriEraseTipTitle, AppInfo.productName),
description: .siriEraseTipDescription,
identifier: TipKey.siriEraseTip,
action: .showSettings(destination: .siriFavorite),
canShow: { TipManager.siriEraseTip }
/// Return a string representing the trackers tip. It will include the current number of trackers blocked, formatted as a decimal.
func shareTrackersDescription() -> String {
let numberOfTrackersBlocked = UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: BrowserViewController.userDefaultsTrackersBlockedKey)
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
let formattedNumber = formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: numberOfTrackersBlocked)) ?? "0"
return String(format: .shareTrackersTipDescription, formattedNumber)
private var shareTrackersTip: Tip {
title: String(format: .shareTrackersTipTitle, AppInfo.productName),
description: shareTrackersDescription(),
identifier: TipKey.shareTrackersTip,
canShow: { UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: BrowserViewController.userDefaultsTrackersBlockedKey) >= 10 }
func fetchFirstTip() -> Tip? { availableTips.first }
func getTip(after: Tip) -> Tip? {
if let index = availableTips.firstIndex(where: { $0.identifier == after.identifier }) {
let after = index == availableTips.count - 1 ? availableTips[0] : availableTips[index + 1]
return after
return nil
func getTip(before: Tip) -> Tip? {
if let index = availableTips.firstIndex(where: { $0.identifier == before.identifier }) {
let before = index == 0 ? availableTips.last : availableTips[index - 1]
return before
return nil
var numberOfTips: Int { availableTips.count }
// MARK: - Home Screen Tips Strings
fileprivate extension String {
static let shortcutsTipTitle = NSLocalizedString("Tip.Shortcuts.Title", value: "Create shortcuts to the sites you visit most:", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the title for shortcuts tip.")
static let shortcutsTipDescription = NSLocalizedString("Tip.Shortcuts.Description", value: "Select Add to Shortcuts from the %@ menu", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the description for shortcuts tip. The placeholder is replaced with the short product name (Focus or Klar).")
static let sitesNotWorkingTipTitle = NSLocalizedString("Tip.SitesNotWorking.Title", value: "Site missing content or acting strange?", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the title for sites not working tip.")
static let sitesNotWorkingTipDescription = NSLocalizedString("Tip.SitesNotWorking.Description", value: "Try turning off Tracking Protection", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the description for sites not working tip.")
static let biometricTipTitle = NSLocalizedString("Tip.Biometric.Title", value: "Lock %@ when a site is open:", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the title for biometric tip. The placeholder is replaced with the long product name (Firefox Focus or Firefox Klar).")
static let biometricTipFaceIdDescription = NSLocalizedString("Tip.BiometricFaceId.Description", value: "Turn on Face ID", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the description for biometric Face ID tip.")
static let biometricTipTouchIdDescription = NSLocalizedString("Tip.BiometricTouchId.Description", value: "Turn on Touch ID", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the description for biometric Touch ID tip.")
static let requestDesktopTipTitle = NSLocalizedString("Tip.RequestDesktop.Title", value: "Want to see the full desktop version of a site?", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the title for request desktop tip.")
static let requestDesktopTipDescription = NSLocalizedString("Tip.RequestDesktop.Description", value: "Page Actions > Request Desktop Site", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the description for request desktop tip.")
static let siriFavoriteTipTitle = NSLocalizedString("Tip.SiriFavorite.Title", value: "“Siri, open my favorite site.”", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the title for siri favorite tip.")
static let siriFavoriteTipDescription = NSLocalizedString("Tip.SiriFavorite.Description", value: "Add Siri shortcut", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the description for siri favorite tip. The shortcut in this context is the iOS Siri Shortcut, not a Focus website shortcut.")
static let siriEraseTipTitle = NSLocalizedString("Tip.SiriErase.Title", value: "“Siri, erase my %@ session.”", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the title for siri erase tip. The placeholder is replaced with the long product name (Firefox Focus or Firefox Klar).")
static let siriEraseTipDescription = NSLocalizedString("Tip.SiriErase.Description", value: "Add Siri shortcut", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the description for siri erase tip. The shortcut in this context is the iOS Siri Shortcut, not a Focus website shortcut.")
static let shareTrackersTipTitle = NSLocalizedString("Tip.ShareTrackers.Title", value: "You browse. %@ blocks.", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the title for share trackers tip. The placeholder is replaced with the long product name (Firefox Focus or Firefox Klar).")
static let shareTrackersTipDescription = NSLocalizedString("Tip.ShareTrackers.Description", value: "%@ trackers blocked so far", comment: "Text for a label that indicates the description for share trackers tip. The placeholder is the number of trackers blocked. Only shown when there are more than 10 trackers blocked. For locales where we would need plural support, please feel free to translate this string as `Trackers blocked so far: %@` instead.")