Revision control

Copy as Markdown

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
public typealias AutoCompleteSuggestions = [String]
public protocol AutocompleteSource {
var enabled: Bool { get }
func getSuggestions() -> AutoCompleteSuggestions
public enum CompletionSourceError: Error {
case invalidUrl
case duplicateDomain
case indexOutOfRange
public typealias CustomCompletionResult = Result<Void, CompletionSourceError>
public protocol CustomAutocompleteSource: AutocompleteSource {
func add(suggestion: String) -> CustomCompletionResult
func add(suggestion: String, atIndex: Int) -> CustomCompletionResult
func remove(at index: Int) -> CustomCompletionResult
public class CustomCompletionSource: CustomAutocompleteSource {
private lazy var regex = getRegex()
var enableCustomDomainAutocomplete: () -> Bool
var getCustomDomainSetting: () -> AutoCompleteSuggestions
var setCustomDomainSetting: ([String]) -> Void
public init(
enableCustomDomainAutocomplete: @escaping () -> Bool,
getCustomDomainSetting: @escaping () -> AutoCompleteSuggestions,
setCustomDomainSetting: @escaping ([String]) -> Void
) {
self.enableCustomDomainAutocomplete = enableCustomDomainAutocomplete
self.getCustomDomainSetting = getCustomDomainSetting
self.setCustomDomainSetting = setCustomDomainSetting
private func getRegex() -> NSRegularExpression {
do {
return try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^(\\s+)?(?:https?:\\/\\/)?(?:www\\.)?", options: [.caseInsensitive])
} catch {
fatalError("Invalid regex pattern")
public var enabled: Bool { return enableCustomDomainAutocomplete() }
public func getSuggestions() -> AutoCompleteSuggestions {
return getCustomDomainSetting()
public func add(suggestion: String) -> CustomCompletionResult {
var sanitizedSuggestion = regex.stringByReplacingMatches(in: suggestion, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: suggestion.count), withTemplate: "")
guard !sanitizedSuggestion.isEmpty else { return .failure(.invalidUrl) }
guard sanitizedSuggestion.contains(".") else { return .failure(.invalidUrl) }
// Drop trailing slash, otherwise URLs will end with two when added from quick add URL menu action
if sanitizedSuggestion.suffix(1) == "/" {
sanitizedSuggestion = String(sanitizedSuggestion.dropLast())
var domains = getSuggestions()
guard !domains.contains(where: { domain in, options: .caseInsensitive) == .orderedSame
}) else { return .failure(.duplicateDomain) }
return .success(())
public func add(suggestion: String, atIndex: Int) -> CustomCompletionResult {
let sanitizedSuggestion = regex.stringByReplacingMatches(in: suggestion, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: suggestion.count), withTemplate: "")
guard !sanitizedSuggestion.isEmpty else { return .failure(.invalidUrl) }
var domains = getSuggestions()
guard !domains.contains(sanitizedSuggestion) else { return .failure(.duplicateDomain) }
domains.insert(sanitizedSuggestion, at: atIndex)
return .success(())
public func remove(at index: Int) -> CustomCompletionResult {
var domains = getSuggestions()
guard domains.count > index else { return .failure(.indexOutOfRange) }
domains.remove(at: index)
return .success(())
class TopDomainsCompletionSource: AutocompleteSource {
var enableDomainAutocomplete: () -> Bool
enableDomainAutocomplete: @escaping () -> Bool
) {
self.enableDomainAutocomplete = enableDomainAutocomplete
var enabled: Bool { return enableDomainAutocomplete() }
private lazy var topDomains: [String] = {
let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "topdomains", ofType: "txt")
do {
return try String(contentsOfFile: filePath!).components(separatedBy: "\n")
} catch {
fatalError("Invalid content in \(filePath!)")
func getSuggestions() -> AutoCompleteSuggestions {
return topDomains
class DomainCompletion: AutocompleteTextFieldCompletionSource {
private var completionSources: [AutocompleteSource]
init(completionSources: [AutocompleteSource]) {
self.completionSources = completionSources
func autocompleteTextFieldCompletionSource(_ autocompleteTextField: AutocompleteTextField, forText text: String) -> String? {
guard !text.isEmpty else { return nil }
let domains = completionSources.lazy
.filter({ $0.enabled }) // Only include domain sources that are enabled in settings
.flatMap({ $0.getSuggestions() }) // Flatten all sources into a [String]
for domain in domains {
if let completion = self.completion(forDomain: domain, withText: text) {
return completion
return nil
private func completion(forDomain domain: String, withText text: String) -> String? {
let domainWithDotPrefix: String = ".www.\(domain)"
if let range = domainWithDotPrefix.range(of: ".\(text)", options: .caseInsensitive, range: nil, locale: nil) {
// We don't actually want to match the top-level domain ("com", "org", etc.) by itself, so
// so make sure the result includes at least one ".".
let range = domainWithDotPrefix.index(range.lowerBound, offsetBy: 1)
let matchedDomain = domainWithDotPrefix[range...]
if matchedDomain.contains(".") {
if matchedDomain.contains("/") {
return String(matchedDomain)
return matchedDomain + "/"
return nil