Revision control

Copy as Markdown

// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Foundation
import Shared
import struct MozillaAppServices.RemoteTabRecord
public struct ClientAndTabs: Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
public let client: RemoteClient
public let tabs: [RemoteTab]
public var description: String {
return "<Client guid: \(client.guid ?? "nil"), \(tabs.count) tabs.>"
public init(client: RemoteClient, tabs: [RemoteTab]) {
self.client = client
self.tabs = tabs
public func == (lhs: ClientAndTabs, rhs: ClientAndTabs) -> Bool {
return (lhs.client == rhs.client) &&
(lhs.tabs == rhs.tabs)
public struct RemoteTab: Equatable {
public let clientGUID: String?
public let URL: Foundation.URL
public let title: String
public let history: [Foundation.URL]
public let lastUsed: Timestamp
public let icon: Foundation.URL?
public let inactive: Bool
public static func shouldIncludeURL(_ url: Foundation.URL) -> Bool {
if InternalURL(url) != nil {
return false
if url.scheme == "javascript" {
return false
return != nil
public init(
clientGUID: String?,
URL: Foundation.URL,
title: String,
history: [Foundation.URL],
lastUsed: Timestamp,
icon: Foundation.URL?,
inactive: Bool
) {
self.clientGUID = clientGUID
self.URL = URL
self.title = title
self.history = history
self.lastUsed = lastUsed
self.icon = icon
self.inactive = inactive
public func withClientGUID(_ clientGUID: String?) -> RemoteTab {
return RemoteTab(
clientGUID: clientGUID,
title: title,
history: history,
lastUsed: lastUsed,
icon: icon,
inactive: inactive
public func toRemoteTabRecord() -> RemoteTabRecord {
var history: [String] = []
history.append(contentsOf: { $0.absoluteString })
let icon = self.icon != nil ? self.icon?.absoluteString : nil
return RemoteTabRecord(
title: self.title,
urlHistory: history,
icon: icon,
lastUsed: Int64(self.lastUsed),
inactive: self.inactive
public func == (lhs: RemoteTab, rhs: RemoteTab) -> Bool {
return lhs.clientGUID == rhs.clientGUID &&
lhs.URL == rhs.URL &&
lhs.title == rhs.title &&
lhs.history == rhs.history &&
lhs.lastUsed == rhs.lastUsed &&
lhs.icon == rhs.icon &&
lhs.inactive == rhs.inactive