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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import UIKit
@testable import WebEngine
class MockWKEngineWebViewDelegate: WKEngineWebViewDelegate {
var webViewPropertyChangedCalled = 0
var lastWebViewPropertyChanged: WKEngineWebViewProperty?
func tabWebView(_ webView: WKEngineWebView, findInPageSelection: String) {}
func tabWebView(_ webView: WKEngineWebView, searchSelection: String) {}
func tabWebViewInputAccessoryView(_ webView: WKEngineWebView) -> EngineInputAccessoryView {
return .default
func webViewPropertyChanged(_ property: WKEngineWebViewProperty) {
webViewPropertyChangedCalled += 1
lastWebViewPropertyChanged = property