Revision control

Copy as Markdown

// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import XCTest
@testable import ToolbarKit
final class BrowserAddressToolbarTests: XCTestCase {
private var sut: BrowserAddressToolbar?
private var toolbarElement: ToolbarElement?
private var toolbarElement2: ToolbarElement?
override func setUp() {
sut = BrowserAddressToolbar()
toolbarElement = ToolbarElement(
iconName: "icon",
isEnabled: true,
isSelected: false,
a11yLabel: "Test Button",
a11yHint: nil,
a11yId: "a11yID-1",
a11yCustomActionName: nil,
a11yCustomAction: nil,
hasLongPressAction: false,
onSelected: nil,
onLongPress: nil
toolbarElement2 = ToolbarElement(
iconName: "icon2",
isEnabled: true,
isSelected: false,
a11yLabel: "Test Button2",
a11yHint: nil,
a11yId: "a11yID-2",
a11yCustomActionName: nil,
a11yCustomAction: nil,
hasLongPressAction: false,
onSelected: nil,
onLongPress: nil
override func tearDown() {
sut = nil
toolbarElement = nil
toolbarElement2 = nil
func testGetToolbarButton_CreatesAndReturnsTheCachedButton() {
// First call to getToolbarButton should create a new button
guard let toolbarElement else { return }
let button1 = sut?.getToolbarButton(for: toolbarElement)
XCTAssertNotNil(button1, "Button should not be nil.")
// Second call to getToolbarButton should return the cached button
let button2 = sut?.getToolbarButton(for: toolbarElement)
XCTAssertNotNil(button2, "Button should not be nil.")
// Verify that the same button instance is returned
XCTAssertEqual(button1, button2, "The button should be cached and reused.")
// Verify the cache count
XCTAssertEqual(sut?.cachedButtonReferences.count, 1, "Cache should contain one button.")
func testGetToolbarButton_CreatesNewButtonForDifferentElements() {
guard let toolbarElement, let toolbarElement2 else { return }
// First call to getToolbarButton should create a new button for the first element
let button1 = sut?.getToolbarButton(for: toolbarElement)
XCTAssertNotNil(button1, "Button should not be nil.")
// First call to getToolbarButton should create a new button for the second element
let button2 = sut?.getToolbarButton(for: toolbarElement2)
XCTAssertNotNil(button2, "Button should not be nil.")
// Verify that different button instances are returned for different elements
XCTAssertNotEqual(button1, button2, "Different button instances should be created for different elements.")
// Verify the cache count
XCTAssertEqual(sut?.cachedButtonReferences.count, 2, "Cache should contain two buttons.")