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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import XCTest
import Common
@testable import SiteImageView
class URLCacheFileManagerTests: XCTestCase {
var subject: DefaultURLCacheFileManager!
var mockFileManager: MockFileManager!
override func setUp() {
mockFileManager = MockFileManager()
subject = DefaultURLCacheFileManager(fileManager: mockFileManager)
override func tearDown() {
mockFileManager = nil
subject = nil
func testGetURLCache() async {
_ = await subject.getURLCache()
XCTAssertEqual(mockFileManager.fileExistsCalledCount, 1)
XCTAssertEqual(mockFileManager.urlsCalledCount, 1)
func testSaveURLCache() async {
await subject.saveURLCache(data: Data())
XCTAssertEqual(mockFileManager.urlsCalledCount, 1)
class MockFileManager: FileManagerProtocol {
var urls = [URL(string: "firefox")!]
var fileExists = true
var fileExistsCalledCount = 0
var urlsCalledCount = 0
func fileExists(atPath path: String) -> Bool {
fileExistsCalledCount += 1
return fileExists
func urls(
for directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory,
in domainMask: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask
) -> [URL] {
urlsCalledCount += 1
return urls
func contentsOfDirectory(atPath path: String) throws -> [String] {
return []
func removeItem(atPath path: String) throws {}
func copyItem(at srcURL: URL, to dstURL: URL) throws {}
func createDirectory(atPath path: String,
withIntermediateDirectories createIntermediates: Bool,
attributes: [FileAttributeKey: Any]?) throws {}
func contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(_ path: String, withFilenamePrefix prefix: String) throws -> [String] {
return []