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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Common
import Foundation
import WebKit
/// Abstraction that allow us to create a `WKWebView` object through
/// the usage of a configuration provider and an webview abstraction.
protocol WKWebViewProvider {
func createWebview(configurationProvider: WKEngineConfigurationProvider) -> WKEngineWebView?
struct DefaultWKWebViewProvider: WKWebViewProvider {
private var logger: Logger
init(logger: Logger = DefaultLogger.shared) {
self.logger = logger
func createWebview(configurationProvider: WKEngineConfigurationProvider) -> WKEngineWebView? {
guard let webView = DefaultWKEngineWebView(frame: .zero,
configurationProvider: configurationProvider) else {
logger.log("WKEngineWebView creation failed on configuration",
level: .fatal,
category: .webview)
return nil
// TODO: FXIOS-7898 #17643 Handle WebView a11y label
// webView.accessibilityLabel = .WebViewAccessibilityLabel
webView.allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures = true
webView.allowsLinkPreview = true
// Allow Safari Web Inspector (requires toggle in Settings > Safari > Advanced).
if #available(iOS 16.4, *) {
webView.isInspectable = true
// Night mode enables this by toggling WKWebView.isOpaque, otherwise this has no effect.
webView.backgroundColor = .black
// Turning off masking allows the web content to flow outside of the scrollView's frame
// which allows the content appear beneath the toolbars in the BrowserViewController
webView.scrollView.layer.masksToBounds = false
return webView