Revision control

Copy as Markdown

// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Foundation
enum MetadataKeys: String {
case imageURL = "image"
case imageDataURI = "image_data_uri"
case pageURL = "url"
case title = "title"
case description = "description"
case type = "type"
case provider = "provider"
case favicon = "icon"
case keywords = "keywords"
case language = "language"
/// Value types representing a page's metadata, is used amongst other things to fetch the faviconURL
public struct EnginePageMetadata {
public let id: Int?
public let siteURL: String
public let mediaURL: String?
public let title: String?
public let description: String?
public let type: String?
public let providerName: String?
public let faviconURL: String?
public let keywordsString: String?
public let language: String?
public var keywords: Set<String> {
guard let string = keywordsString else {
return Set()
let strings = string.split(separator: ",", omittingEmptySubsequences: true).map(String.init)
return Set(strings)
public init(
id: Int?,
siteURL: String,
mediaURL: String?,
title: String?,
description: String?,
type: String?,
providerName: String?,
faviconURL: String? = nil,
language: String? = nil,
keywords: String? = nil
) { = id
self.siteURL = siteURL
self.mediaURL = mediaURL
self.title = title
self.description = description
self.type = type
self.providerName = providerName
self.faviconURL = faviconURL
self.language = language
self.keywordsString = keywords
public static func fromDictionary(_ dict: [String: Any]) -> EnginePageMetadata? {
guard let siteURL = dict[MetadataKeys.pageURL.rawValue] as? String else { return nil }
return EnginePageMetadata(
id: nil,
siteURL: siteURL,
mediaURL: dict[MetadataKeys.imageURL.rawValue] as? String,
title: dict[MetadataKeys.title.rawValue] as? String,
description: dict[MetadataKeys.description.rawValue] as? String,
type: dict[MetadataKeys.type.rawValue] as? String,
providerName: dict[MetadataKeys.provider.rawValue] as? String,
faviconURL: dict[MetadataKeys.favicon.rawValue] as? String,
language: dict[MetadataKeys.language.rawValue] as? String,
keywords: dict[MetadataKeys.keywords.rawValue] as? String)