Revision control

Copy as Markdown

// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Common
import Foundation
import WebKit
public enum FindInPageFunction: String {
/// Find all the occurrences of this text in the page
case find
/// Find the next occurrence of this text in the page
case findNext
/// Find the previous occurrence of this text in the page
case findPrevious
public protocol FindInPageHelperDelegate: AnyObject {
func findInPageHelper(didUpdateCurrentResult currentResult: Int)
func findInPageHelper(didUpdateTotalResults totalResults: Int)
class FindInPageContentScript: WKContentScript {
weak var delegate: FindInPageHelperDelegate?
private var logger: Logger
init(logger: Logger = DefaultLogger.shared) {
self.logger = logger
class func name() -> String {
return "FindInPage"
func scriptMessageHandlerNames() -> [String] {
return ["findInPageHandler"]
func userContentController(
didReceiveMessage message: Any
) {
guard let parameters = message as? [String: Int] else {
// TODO: FXIOS-6463 - Integrate message handler check
logger.log("FindInPage.js sent wrong type of message",
level: .warning,
category: .webview)
if let currentResult = parameters["currentResult"] {
delegate?.findInPageHelper(didUpdateCurrentResult: currentResult)
if let totalResults = parameters["totalResults"] {
delegate?.findInPageHelper(didUpdateTotalResults: totalResults)