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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import Foundation
/// The SecurityManager takes in a BrowsingContext to determine if it's safe or not to navigate to a certain URL
public protocol SecurityManager {
func canNavigateWith(browsingContext: BrowsingContext) -> NavigationDecisionType
public class DefaultSecurityManager: SecurityManager {
public init() {}
public func canNavigateWith(browsingContext: BrowsingContext) -> NavigationDecisionType {
guard let url = URL(string: browsingContext.url) else {
// The URL is not a URL, refuse the navigation
return .refused
switch browsingContext.type {
case .externalNavigation:
return handleExternalNavigation(url: url)
case .internalNavigation:
return handleInternalNavigation(url: url)
case .redirectionNavigation:
return handleRedirectionNavigation(url: url)
// MARK: - External
private func handleExternalNavigation(url: URL) -> NavigationDecisionType {
return schemeIsExternalNavigationValid(for: url) ? .allowed : .refused
private func schemeIsExternalNavigationValid(for url: URL) -> Bool {
let acceptedSchemes = [] + SchemesDefinition.webpageSchemes
return acceptedSchemes.contains { $0.rawValue == url.scheme }
// MARK: - Internal
private func handleInternalNavigation(url: URL) -> NavigationDecisionType {
return schemeIsInternalNavigationValid(for: url) ? .allowed : .refused
/// Returns whether the URL's scheme is one of those listed on the official list of URI schemes
private func schemeIsInternalNavigationValid(for url: URL) -> Bool {
guard let scheme = url.scheme else { return false }
let schemesList = SchemesDefinition.permanentURISchemes + [SchemesDefinition.standardSchemes.internalURL.rawValue]
let isValidScheme = schemesList.contains(scheme.lowercased())
let urlIsNotComposedOnlyOfAScheme = url.absoluteURL.absoluteString.lowercased() != scheme + ":"
return isValidScheme && urlIsNotComposedOnlyOfAScheme
// MARK: - Redirection
private func handleRedirectionNavigation(url: URL) -> NavigationDecisionType {
return .allowed
// TODO: FXIOS-8375 - Handle redirection navigation
// if schemeIsRedirectionNavigationValid(for: url) {
// return .allowed
// } else if schemeIsRedirectionThirdPartyNavigationValid(for: url) {
// return .clientHandled
// } else {
// return .refused
// }
// private func schemeIsRedirectionNavigationValid(for url: URL) -> Bool {
// let acceptedSchemes = [] + SchemesDefinition.callingSchemes
// return acceptedSchemes.contains { $0.rawValue == url.scheme }
// }
// private func schemeIsRedirectionThirdPartyNavigationValid(for url: URL) -> Bool {
// let acceptedSchemes = [SchemesDefinition.standardSchemes.mailto]
// + SchemesDefinition.appStoreSchemes
// + SchemesDefinition.callingSchemes
// return acceptedSchemes.contains { $0.rawValue == url.scheme }
// }