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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import Foundation
public struct AddressToolbarUXConfiguration {
let toolbarCornerRadius: CGFloat
let browserActionsAddressBarDividerWidth: CGFloat
/// Whether navigations actions are included inside the Location container view.
/// When the actions are included they get the same background and rounding of the Location container view.
let isNavigationActionsInsideLocationView: Bool
let isLocationTextCentered: Bool
public static let experiment = AddressToolbarUXConfiguration(
toolbarCornerRadius: 12.0,
browserActionsAddressBarDividerWidth: 0.0,
isNavigationActionsInsideLocationView: true,
isLocationTextCentered: true
public static let `default` = AddressToolbarUXConfiguration(
toolbarCornerRadius: 8.0,
browserActionsAddressBarDividerWidth: 4.0,
isNavigationActionsInsideLocationView: false,
isLocationTextCentered: false