Revision control

Copy as Markdown

// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Foundation
import Common
public protocol TabDataStore {
/// Fetches the previously saved window data matching the provided UUID,
/// if it exists. This data contains the list of tabs.
/// - Returns: The window data object if one was previously saved
func fetchWindowData(uuid: UUID) async -> WindowData?
/// Saves the window data (contains the list of tabs) to disk
/// - Parameter window: the window data object to be saved
func saveWindowData(window: WindowData, forced: Bool) async
/// Erases all window data on disk
func clearAllWindowsData() async
/// Synchronous function that lists UUIDs for all WindowData currently saved
/// to disk. Because this requires no decoding (we can just check the list of
/// saved files in the directory) it is faster than fetchWindowData() and is
/// preferable when only the UUIDs are needed.
/// - Returns: a list of UUIDs for any saved WindowData.
func fetchWindowDataUUIDs() -> [WindowUUID]
/// Erases the on-disk data for tab windows matching the provided UUIDs.
/// - Parameter forUUIDs: the UUIDs to delete the on-disk tab files for.
func removeWindowData(forUUIDs: [WindowUUID]) async
public actor DefaultTabDataStore: TabDataStore {
enum TabDataError: Error {
case failedToFetchData
private let logger: Logger
private let fileManager: TabFileManager
private let throttleTime: UInt64
private var windowDataToSave: WindowData?
private var nextSaveIsScheduled = false
private let filePrefix = "window-"
public init(logger: Logger = DefaultLogger.shared,
fileManager: TabFileManager = DefaultTabFileManager(),
throttleTime: UInt64 = 2 * NSEC_PER_SEC) {
self.logger = logger
self.fileManager = fileManager
self.throttleTime = throttleTime
// MARK: Fetching Window Data
public func fetchWindowData(uuid: UUID) async -> WindowData? {
logger.log("Attempting to fetch window data", level: .debug, category: .tabs)
// Adding more logging for FXIOS-9517
var shouldLogFileFailure = false // Whether pulling from the main file failed
var shouldLogBackupFailure = false // Whether pulling from the backup file failed
var fileInfoMessage = "" // Specifics of main file failure
var backupInfoMessage = "" // Specifics of backup file failure
defer {
if shouldLogFileFailure {
let errorMessage: String
errorMessage = shouldLogBackupFailure
? "Failed to open window data (including backup data) for UUID: \(uuid)"
: "Failed to open window data (but backup recovery worked) for UUID: \(uuid)"
"\(errorMessage) File Info: [\(fileInfoMessage)] Backup File Info: [\(backupInfoMessage)]",
level: .fatal,
category: .tabs
do {
guard let fileURL = windowURLPath(for: uuid, isBackup: false) else {
fileInfoMessage += "fileURL nil"
shouldLogFileFailure = true
throw TabDataError.failedToFetchData
guard fileManager.fileExists(atPath: fileURL) else {
fileInfoMessage += "file doesn't exist"
shouldLogFileFailure = true
throw TabDataError.failedToFetchData
guard let windowData = parseWindowDataFile(fromURL: fileURL) else {
fileInfoMessage += "file parsing failed"
shouldLogFileFailure = true
throw TabDataError.failedToFetchData
logger.log("Successfully fetched window data", level: .debug, category: .tabs)
return windowData
} catch {
logger.log("Error fetching window data for UUID: \(uuid) Error: \(error)", level: .warning, category: .tabs)
guard let backupURL = windowURLPath(for: uuid, isBackup: true) else {
backupInfoMessage += "backup fileURL nil"
shouldLogBackupFailure = true
return nil
guard fileManager.fileExists(atPath: backupURL) else {
backupInfoMessage += "backup file doesn't exist"
shouldLogBackupFailure = true
return nil
guard let backupWindowData = parseWindowDataFile(fromURL: backupURL) else {
backupInfoMessage += "backup file parsing failed"
shouldLogBackupFailure = true
return nil
logger.log("Returned backup window data for UUID: \(uuid)", level: .debug, category: .tabs)
return backupWindowData
nonisolated public func fetchWindowDataUUIDs() -> [WindowUUID] {
guard let directoryURL = fileManager.windowDataDirectory(isBackup: false) else {
logger.log("Could not resolve window data directory", level: .warning, category: .tabs)
return []
let fileURLs = fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(at: directoryURL)
return fileURLs.compactMap { windowUUID(fromURL: $0) }
private func parseWindowDataFile(fromURL url: URL) -> WindowData? {
return try? fileManager.getWindowDataFromPath(path: url)
// MARK: - Saving Data
public func saveWindowData(window: WindowData, forced: Bool) async {
guard let windowSavingPath = windowURLPath(for:, isBackup: false) else { return }
// Hold onto a copy of the latest window data so whenever the save happens it is using the latest
windowDataToSave = window
if let windowDataDirectoryURL = fileManager.windowDataDirectory(isBackup: false),
!fileManager.fileExists(atPath: windowDataDirectoryURL) {
fileManager.createDirectoryAtPath(path: windowDataDirectoryURL)
logger.log("Save window data, is forced: \(forced)",
level: .debug,
category: .tabs)
if forced {
await writeWindowDataToFile(path: windowSavingPath)
} else {
await writeWindowDataToFileWithThrottle(path: windowSavingPath)
private func createWindowDataBackup(windowPath: URL) {
guard let windowID = windowDataToSave?.id,
let backupWindowSavingPath = windowURLPath(for: windowID, isBackup: true),
let backupDirectoryPath = fileManager.windowDataDirectory(isBackup: true)
else { return }
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: backupDirectoryPath) {
fileManager.createDirectoryAtPath(path: backupDirectoryPath)
do {
try fileManager.copyItem(at: windowPath, to: backupWindowSavingPath)
} catch {
logger.log("Failed to create window data backup: \(error)",
level: .warning,
category: .tabs)
// Throttles the saving of the data so that it happens every 'throttleTime' nanoseconds
// as long as their is new data to be saved
private func writeWindowDataToFileWithThrottle(path: URL) async {
// Ignore the request because a save is already scheduled to happen
guard !nextSaveIsScheduled else { return }
// Set the guard bool to true so no new saves can be initiated while waiting
nextSaveIsScheduled = true
// Dispatch to a task so as not to block the caller
Task {
// Once the throttle time has passed initiate the save and reset the bool
try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: throttleTime)
nextSaveIsScheduled = false
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: path) {
createWindowDataBackup(windowPath: path)
await writeWindowDataToFile(path: path)
private func writeWindowDataToFile(path: URL) async {
do {
guard let windowDataToSave = windowDataToSave else {
logger.log("Tried to save window data but found nil",
level: .fatal,
category: .tabs)
try fileManager.writeWindowData(windowData: windowDataToSave, to: path)
} catch {
logger.log("Failed to save window data: \(error)",
level: .warning,
category: .tabs)
// MARK: - Deleting Window Data
public func clearAllWindowsData() async {
guard let directoryURL = fileManager.windowDataDirectory(isBackup: false),
let backupURL = fileManager.windowDataDirectory(isBackup: true) else {
fileManager.removeAllFilesAt(directory: directoryURL)
fileManager.removeAllFilesAt(directory: backupURL)
public func removeWindowData(forUUIDs uuids: [WindowUUID]) async {
guard let directoryURL = fileManager.windowDataDirectory(isBackup: false) else { return }
let fileURLs = fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(at: directoryURL)
for url in fileURLs {
guard let uuid = windowUUID(fromURL: url) else { continue }
guard uuids.contains(where: { $0 == uuid }) else {
logger.log("Will not remove window data for UUID: \(uuid)", level: .info, category: .tabs)
logger.log("Removing window data for UUID: \(uuid)", level: .info, category: .tabs)
fileManager.removeFileAt(path: url)
// MARK: - URL Utils
private func windowURLPath(for windowID: UUID, isBackup: Bool) -> URL? {
guard let baseURL = fileManager.windowDataDirectory(isBackup: isBackup) else { return nil }
let baseFilePath = filePrefix + windowID.uuidString
return baseURL.appendingPathComponent(baseFilePath)
/// For a URL that points to a window tab data file, returns the associated UUID
/// for that window based on the file name.
/// - Parameter url: the URL to parse.
/// - Returns: a window UUID or nil if the URL was invalid.
private nonisolated func windowUUID(fromURL url: URL) -> WindowUUID? {
let file = url.lastPathComponent
guard file.hasPrefix(filePrefix) else { return nil }
let uuidString = String(file.dropFirst(filePrefix.count))
return WindowUUID(uuidString: uuidString)