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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import Kingfisher
import UIKit
import Common
// MARK: - Kingfisher wrappers
/// Image downloader wrapper around Kingfisher image downloader
/// Used in FaviconFetcher
protocol SiteImageDownloader: AnyObject {
/// Specifies the timeout on image downloads
var timeoutDelay: Double { get }
var logger: Logger { get }
func downloadImage(with url: URL) async throws -> SiteImageLoadingResult
extension SiteImageDownloader {
/// Downloads an image at the given URL. Throws `SiteImageError` errors.
func downloadImage(with url: URL) async throws -> SiteImageLoadingResult {
// Override Kingfisher's default timeout (which is 15s)
let modifier = AnyModifier { [weak self] request in
var modifiedRequest = request
modifiedRequest.timeoutInterval = self?.timeoutDelay ?? 15
return modifiedRequest
do {
let result = try await ImageDownloader.default.downloadImage(
with: url,
options: [
return result
} catch let error as KingfisherError {
// Log telemetry for Kingfisher timeout errors
if case .responseError(let reason) = error,
case .URLSessionError(let sessionError) = reason,
let error = sessionError as? URLError,
error.code == .timedOut {
self.logger.log("Timeout when downloading image reached",
level: .warning,
category: .images)
throw SiteImageError.unableToDownloadImage(error.errorDescription ?? "No description")
} catch {
throw SiteImageError.unableToDownloadImage(error.localizedDescription)
/// Image loading result wrapper for Kingfisher type so we have control when testing
/// Used in FaviconFetcher
protocol SiteImageLoadingResult {
var image: UIImage { get }
extension ImageLoadingResult: SiteImageLoadingResult {}