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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import Foundation
// Problem: Sites like amazon exist with .ca/.de and many other tlds. There's sometimes also prefixes like m. or mobile.
// in front of the domain. The bundled favicon doesn't support all of those domain formats, we need a
// standard way to retrieve.
// Solution: Favicons are stored as "amazon" instead of "" or "facebook" instead of "m.facebook" in the
// bundle. This allows us to have favicons for every tld.
struct BundleDomainBuilder {
func buildDomains(for siteURL: URL) -> [String] {
let shortURL = siteURL.shortDisplayString
let absoluteURL = siteURL.absoluteDisplayString.removingOccurrences(of: "\(siteURL.scheme ?? "")://")
var domains = [shortURL, absoluteURL]
if let baseDomain = siteURL.baseDomain {
return domains