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import Foundation
// New keys should follow the name: "[nameOfTheFeature]Key" written with camel case
public struct PrefsKeys {
// When this pref is set (by the user) it overrides default behaviour which is just based on app locale.
public static let KeyEnableChinaSyncService = "useChinaSyncService"
public static let KeyLastRemoteTabSyncTime = "lastRemoteTabSyncTime"
// Global sync state for rust sync manager
public static let RustSyncManagerPersistedState = "rustSyncManagerPersistedStateKey"
public static let KeyLastSyncFinishTime = "lastSyncFinishTime"
public static let KeyDefaultHomePageURL = "KeyDefaultHomePageURL"
public static let KeyNoImageModeStatus = "NoImageModeStatus"
public static let KeyMailToOption = "MailToOption"
public static let HasFocusInstalled = "HasFocusInstalled"
public static let HasPocketInstalled = "HasPocketInstalled"
public static let IntroSeen = "IntroViewControllerSeen"
public static let TermsOfServiceAccepted = "TermsOfServiceAccepted"
public static let HomePageTab = "HomePageTab"
public static let HomeButtonHomePageURL = "HomeButtonHomepageURL"
public static let NumberOfTopSiteRows = "NumberOfTopSiteRows"
public static let LoginsSaveEnabled = "saveLogins"
public static let LoginsShowShortcutMenuItem = "showLoginsInAppMenu"
public static let KeyInstallSession = "installSessionNumber"
public static let KeyDefaultBrowserCardShowType = "defaultBrowserCardShowType"
public static let DidDismissDefaultBrowserMessage = "DidDismissDefaultBrowserCard"
public static let KeyDidShowDefaultBrowserOnboarding = "didShowDefaultBrowserOnboarding"
public static let ContextMenuShowLinkPreviews = "showLinkPreviews"
public static let BlockOpeningExternalApps = "blockOpeningExternalApps"
public static let NewTabCustomUrlPrefKey = "HomePageURLPref"
public static let GoogleTopSiteAddedKey = "googleTopSiteAddedKey"
public static let GoogleTopSiteHideKey = "googleTopSiteHideKey"
public static let InstallType = "InstallType"
public static let KeyCurrentInstallVersion = "KeyCurrentInstallVersion"
public static let KeySecondRun = "SecondRun"
public static let KeyAutofillCreditCardStatus = "KeyAutofillCreditCardStatus"
public static let KeyAutofillAddressStatus = "KeyAutofillAddressStatus"
// Only set if we get an actual response, no assumptions, nil otherwise
public static let AppleConfirmedUserIsDefaultBrowser = "AppleConfirmedUserIsDefaultBrowser"
public struct Session {
public static let FirstAppUse = "firstAppUse"
public static let Last = "lastSession"
public static let Count = "sessionCount"
public static let firstWeekAppOpenTimestamps = "firstWeekAppOpenTimestamps"
public static let firstWeekSearchesTimestamps = "firstWeekSearchesTimestamps"
public static let didUpdateConversionValue = "didUpdateConversionValue"
public static let InternalURLUUID = "InternalURLUUID"
public struct AppVersion {
public static let Latest = "latestAppVersion"
public struct Wallpapers {
public static let MetadataLastCheckedDate = "WallpaperMetadataLastCheckedUserPrefsKey"
public static let CurrentWallpaper = "CurrentWallpaperUserPrefsKey"
public static let ThumbnailsAvailable = "ThumbnailsAvailableUserPrefsKey"
public static let OnboardingSeenKey = "WallpaperOnboardingSeenKeyUserPrefsKey"
public static let legacyAssetMigrationCheck = "legacyAssetMigrationCheckUserPrefsKey"
public static let v1MigrationCheck = "v1MigrationCheckUserPrefsKey"
public struct Notifications {
public static let SyncNotifications = "SyncNotificationsUserPrefsKey"
public static let TipsAndFeaturesNotifications = "TipsAndFeaturesNotificationsUserPrefsKey"
// For ease of use, please list keys alphabetically.
public struct FeatureFlags {
public static let DebugSuffixKey = "DebugKey"
public static let FirefoxSuggest = "FirefoxSuggest"
public static let HistoryHighlightsSection = "HistoryHighlightsSectionUserPrefsKey"
public static let InactiveTabs = "InactiveTabsUserPrefsKey"
public static let JumpBackInSection = "JumpBackInSectionUserPrefsKey"
public static let SearchBarPosition = "SearchBarPositionUsersPrefsKey"
public static let SentFromFirefox = "SentFromFirefoxUserPrefsKey"
public struct SearchSettings {
public static let showFirefoxBrowsingHistorySuggestions = "FirefoxSuggestBrowsingHistorySuggestions"
public static let showFirefoxBookmarksSuggestions = "FirefoxSuggestBookmarksSuggestions"
public static let showFirefoxSyncedTabsSuggestions = "FirefoxSuggestSyncedTabsSuggestions"
public static let showFirefoxNonSponsoredSuggestions = "FirefoxSuggestShowNonSponsoredSuggestions"
public static let showFirefoxSponsoredSuggestions = "FirefoxSuggestShowSponsoredSuggestions"
public static let showPrivateModeFirefoxSuggestions = "ShowPrivateModeFirefoxSuggestionsKey"
public static let showPrivateModeSearchSuggestions = "ShowPrivateModeSearchSuggestionsKey"
public static let showSearchSuggestions = "FirefoxSuggestShowSearchSuggestions"
public struct Sync {
public static let numberOfSyncedDevices = "numberOfSyncedDevicesKey"
public static let signedInFxaAccount = "signedInFxaAccountKey"
public struct UserFeatureFlagPrefs {
public static let ASPocketStories = "ASPocketStoriesUserPrefsKey"
public static let BookmarksSection = "BookmarksSectionUserPrefsKey"
public static let SponsoredShortcuts = "SponsoredShortcutsUserPrefsKey"
public static let StartAtHome = "StartAtHomeUserPrefsKey"
public static let TopSiteSection = "TopSitesUserPrefsKey"
// Firefox contextual hint
public enum ContextualHints: String, CaseIterable {
case dataClearanceKey = "ContextualHintDataClearance"
case jumpBackinKey = "ContextualHintJumpBackin"
case jumpBackInConfiguredKey = "JumpBackInConfigured"
case jumpBackInSyncedTabKey = "ContextualHintJumpBackInSyncedTab"
case jumpBackInSyncedTabConfiguredKey = "JumpBackInSyncedTabConfigured"
case inactiveTabsKey = "ContextualHintInactiveTabs"
case toolbarOnboardingKey = "ContextualHintToolbarOnboardingKey"
case mainMenuKey = "MainMenuHintKey"
case shoppingOnboardingKey = "ShoppingOnboardingCFRKey"
case shoppingOnboardingCFRsCounterKey = "ShoppingOnboardingCFRsCounterKey"
case navigationKey = "ContextualHintNavigation"
// Firefox settings
public struct Settings {
public static let closePrivateTabs = "ClosePrivateTabs"
public static let sentFromFirefoxWhatsApp = "SentFromFirefoxWhatsApp"
// Activity Stream
public static let KeyTopSitesCacheIsValid = "topSitesCacheIsValid"
public static let KeyTopSitesCacheSize = "topSitesCacheSize"
public static let KeyNewTab = "NewTabPrefKey"
public static let ASLastInvalidation = "ASLastInvalidation"
public static let KeyUseCustomSyncTokenServerOverride = "useCustomSyncTokenServerOverride"
public static let KeyCustomSyncTokenServerOverride = "customSyncTokenServerOverride"
public static let KeyUseCustomFxAContentServer = "useCustomFxAContentServer"
public static let KeyUseReactFxA = "useReactFxA"
public static let KeyCustomFxAContentServer = "customFxAContentServer"
public static let UseStageServer = "useStageSyncService"
public static let KeyFxALastCommandIndex = "FxALastCommandIndex"
public static let KeyFxAHandledCommands = "FxAHandledCommands"
public static let AppExtensionTelemetryOpenUrl = "AppExtensionTelemetryOpenUrl"
public static let AppExtensionTelemetryEventArray = "AppExtensionTelemetryEvents"
public static let KeyBlockPopups = "blockPopups"
// Tabs Tray
public static let KeyTabDisplayOrder = "KeyTabDisplayOrderKey"
public static let TabMigrationKey = "TabMigrationKey"
public static let TabSyncEnabled = "sync.engine.tabs.enabled"
// Widgetkit Key
public static let WidgetKitSimpleTabKey = "WidgetKitSimpleTabKey"
public static let WidgetKitSimpleTopTab = "WidgetKitSimpleTopTab"
// Shopping Keys
public static let Shopping2023EnableAds = "Shopping2023EnableAdsKey"
public static let Shopping2023OptIn = "Shopping2023OptInKey"
public static let Shopping2023OptInSeen = "Shopping2023OptInSeenKey"
public static let Shopping2023ExplicitOptOut = "Shopping2023ExplicitOptOutKey"
// WallpaperManager Keys - Legacy
public static let WallpaperManagerCurrentWallpaperObject = "WallpaperManagerCurrentWallpaperObject"
public static let WallpaperManagerCurrentWallpaperImage = "WallpaperManagerCurrentWallpaperImage"
public static let WallpaperManagerCurrentWallpaperImageLandscape = "WallpaperManagerCurrentWallpaperImageLandscape"
public static let WallpaperManagerLogoSwitchPreference = "WallpaperManagerLogoSwitchPreference"
// Application Services migrated to Places DB Successfully
public static let PlacesHistoryMigrationSucceeded = "PlacesHistoryMigrationSucceeded"
// The number of times we have attempted the Application Services to Places DB migration
public static let HistoryMigrationAttemptNumber = "HistoryMigrationAttemptNumber"
// The last timestamp we polled FxA for missing send tabs
public static let PollCommandsTimestamp = "PollCommandsTimestamp"
// The last recorded CFR timestamp
public static let FakespotLastCFRTimestamp = "FakespotLastCFRTimestamp"
// Representing whether or not the last user session was private
public static let LastSessionWasPrivate = "wasLastSessionPrivate"
// Only used in unit tests to override the user's setting for nimbus features
public static let NimbusUserEnabledFeatureTestsOverride = "NimbusUserEnabledFeatureTestsOverride"
// Only used to force faster transition of tabs to the inactive state (10 seconds)
public static let FasterInactiveTabsOverride = "FasterInactiveTabsOverride"
// Only used to force showing the App Store review dialog for debugging purposes
public static let ForceShowAppReviewPromptOverride = "ForceShowAppReviewPromptOverride"
// Used to show splash screen only during first time on fresh install
public static let splashScreenShownKey = "splashScreenShownKey"
public static let PasswordGeneratorShown = "PasswordGeneratorShown"
// Represents whether or not the user has seen the photon main menu once, at least.
public static let PhotonMainMenuShown = "PhotonMainMenuShown"
// The guid of the bookmark folder that was most recently created or saved to by the user.
// Used to indicate where we should save the next bookmark by default.
public static let RecentBookmarkFolder = "RecentBookmarkFolder"
// Represents whether or not the bookmark refactor feature flag is enabled
// Used in the share extension
public static let IsBookmarksRefactorEnabled = "IsBookmarksRefactorEnabled"
public struct Usage {
public static let profileId = "profileId"
public protocol Prefs {
func getBranchPrefix() -> String
func branch(_ branch: String) -> Prefs
func setTimestamp(_ value: Timestamp, forKey defaultName: String)
func setLong(_ value: UInt64, forKey defaultName: String)
func setLong(_ value: Int64, forKey defaultName: String)
func setInt(_ value: Int32, forKey defaultName: String)
func setString(_ value: String, forKey defaultName: String)
func setBool(_ value: Bool, forKey defaultName: String)
func setObject(_ value: Any?, forKey defaultName: String)
func stringForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> String?
func objectForKey<T: Any>(_ defaultName: String) -> T?
func boolForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> Bool?
func intForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> Int32?
func timestampForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> Timestamp?
func longForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> Int64?
func unsignedLongForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> UInt64?
func stringArrayForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> [String]?
func arrayForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> [Any]?
func dictionaryForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> [String: Any]?
func removeObjectForKey(_ defaultName: String)
func clearAll()
open class MockProfilePrefs: Prefs {
let prefix: String
open func getBranchPrefix() -> String {
return self.prefix
// Public for testing.
open var things = NSMutableDictionary()
public init(things: NSMutableDictionary, prefix: String) {
self.things = things
self.prefix = prefix
public init() {
self.prefix = ""
open func branch(_ branch: String) -> Prefs {
return MockProfilePrefs(things: self.things, prefix: self.prefix + branch + ".")
private func name(_ name: String) -> String {
return self.prefix + name
open func setTimestamp(_ value: Timestamp, forKey defaultName: String) {
self.setLong(value, forKey: defaultName)
open func setLong(_ value: UInt64, forKey defaultName: String) {
setObject(NSNumber(value: value as UInt64), forKey: defaultName)
open func setLong(_ value: Int64, forKey defaultName: String) {
setObject(NSNumber(value: value as Int64), forKey: defaultName)
open func setInt(_ value: Int32, forKey defaultName: String) {
things[name(defaultName)] = NSNumber(value: value as Int32)
open func setString(_ value: String, forKey defaultName: String) {
things[name(defaultName)] = value
open func setBool(_ value: Bool, forKey defaultName: String) {
things[name(defaultName)] = value
open func setObject(_ value: Any?, forKey defaultName: String) {
things[name(defaultName)] = value
open func stringForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> String? {
return things[name(defaultName)] as? String
open func boolForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> Bool? {
return things[name(defaultName)] as? Bool
open func objectForKey<T: Any>(_ defaultName: String) -> T? {
return things[name(defaultName)] as? T
open func timestampForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> Timestamp? {
return unsignedLongForKey(defaultName)
open func unsignedLongForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> UInt64? {
return things[name(defaultName)] as? UInt64
open func longForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> Int64? {
return things[name(defaultName)] as? Int64
open func intForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> Int32? {
return things[name(defaultName)] as? Int32
open func stringArrayForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> [String]? {
if let arr = self.arrayForKey(defaultName) {
if let arr = arr as? [String] {
return arr
return nil
open func arrayForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> [Any]? {
let r: Any? = things.object(forKey: name(defaultName)) as Any?
if r == nil {
return nil
if let arr = r as? [Any] {
return arr
return nil
open func dictionaryForKey(_ defaultName: String) -> [String: Any]? {
return things.object(forKey: name(defaultName)) as? [String: Any]
open func removeObjectForKey(_ defaultName: String) {
self.things.removeObject(forKey: name(defaultName))
open func clearAll() {
guard let dictionary = things as? [String: Any] else { return }
let keysToDelete: [String] = dictionary.keys.filter { $0.hasPrefix(self.prefix) }
things.removeObjects(forKeys: keysToDelete)