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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import Common
import Foundation
// Internal URLs helps with error pages, session restore and about pages
public struct InternalURL {
public static var uuid: String {
if let storedUUID = UserDefaults.standard.string(
forKey: PrefsKeys.Session.InternalURLUUID
) {
return storedUUID
} else {
let newUUID = UUID().uuidString
forKey: PrefsKeys.Session.InternalURLUUID
return newUUID
public static let scheme = "internal"
public static let baseUrl = "\(scheme)://local"
public enum Path: String {
case errorpage
func matches(_ string: String) -> Bool {
return string.range(of: "/?\(self.rawValue)", options: .regularExpression, range: nil, locale: nil) != nil
public enum Param: String {
case uuidkey
case url
func matches(_ string: String) -> Bool { return string == self.rawValue }
public let url: URL
public static func isValid(url: URL) -> Bool {
if isWebServerUrl, url.path.hasPrefix("/test-fixture/") {
// internal test pages need to be treated as external pages
return false
return isWebServerUrl || InternalURL.scheme == url.scheme
public init?(_ url: URL?) {
guard let url, InternalURL.isValid(url: url) else { return nil }
self.url = url
public var isAuthorized: Bool {
return (url.getQuery()[InternalURL.Param.uuidkey.rawValue] ?? "") == InternalURL.uuid
public var stripAuthorization: String {
guard var components = URLComponents(string: url.absoluteString),
let items = components.queryItems
else { return url.absoluteString }
components.queryItems = items.filter { !Param.uuidkey.matches($ }
if let items = components.queryItems, items.isEmpty {
components.queryItems = nil // This cleans up the url to not end with a '?'
return components.url?.absoluteString ?? ""
public static func authorize(url: URL) -> URL? {
guard var components = URLComponents(string: url.absoluteString) else { return nil }
if components.queryItems == nil {
components.queryItems = []
if var item = components.queryItems?.first(where: { Param.uuidkey.matches($ }) {
item.value = InternalURL.uuid
} else {
components.queryItems?.append(URLQueryItem(name: Param.uuidkey.rawValue, value: InternalURL.uuid))
return components.url
public var isErrorPage: Bool {
return InternalURL.Path.errorpage.matches(url.path)
public var originalURLFromErrorPage: URL? {
return isErrorPage ? extractedUrlParam : nil
public var extractedUrlParam: URL? {
if let nestedUrl = url.getQuery()[InternalURL.Param.url.rawValue]?.unescape() {
return URL(string: nestedUrl, invalidCharacters: false)
return nil
public var isAboutHomeURL: Bool {
if let urlParam = extractedUrlParam, let internalUrlParam = InternalURL(urlParam) {
return internalUrlParam.aboutComponent?.hasPrefix("home") ?? false
return aboutComponent?.hasPrefix("home") ?? false
public var isAboutURL: Bool {
return aboutComponent != nil
/// Return the path after "about/" in the URI.
public var aboutComponent: String? {
let aboutPath = "/about/"
guard let url = URL(string: stripAuthorization, invalidCharacters: false) else { return nil }
if url.path.hasPrefix(aboutPath) {
return String(url.path.dropFirst(aboutPath.count))
return nil