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import Foundation
import Common
// Pipelining.
precedencegroup PipelinePrecedence {
associativity: left
infix operator |> : PipelinePrecedence
public func |> <T, U>(x: T, f: (T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
// Basic currying.
public func curry<A, B>(_ f: @escaping (A) -> B) -> (A) -> B {
return { a in
return f(a)
public func curry<A, B, C>(_ f: @escaping (A, B) -> C) -> (A) -> (B) -> C {
return { a in
return { b in
return f(a, b)
public func curry<A, B, C, D>(_ f: @escaping (A, B, C) -> D) -> (A) -> (B) -> (C) -> D {
return { a in
return { b in
return { c in
return f(a, b, c)
public func curry<A, B, C, D, E>(_ f: @escaping (A, B, C, D) -> E) -> (A, B, C) -> (D) -> E {
return { (a, b, c) in
return { d in
return f(a, b, c, d)
// Function composition.
infix operator •
public func • <T, U, V>(f: @escaping (T) -> U, g: @escaping (U) -> V) -> (T) -> V {
return { t in
return g(f(t))
public func • <T, V>(f: @escaping (T) -> Void, g: @escaping () -> V) -> (T) -> V {
return { t in
return g()
public func • <V>(f: @escaping () -> Void, g: @escaping () -> V) -> () -> V {
return {
return g()
// Why not simply provide an override for ==? Well, that's scary, and can accidentally recurse.
// This is enough to catch arrays, which Swift will delegate to element-==.
public func optArrayEqual<T: Equatable>(_ lhs: [T]?, rhs: [T]?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.none, .none):
return true
case (.none, _):
return false
case (_, .none):
return false
// This delegates to Swift's own array '==', which calls T's == on each element.
return lhs! == rhs!
* Given an array, return an array of slices of size `by` (possibly excepting the last slice).
* If `by` is longer than the input, returns a single chunk.
* If `by` is less than 1, acts as if `by` is 1.
* If the length of the array isn't a multiple of `by`, the final slice will
* be smaller than `by`, but never empty.
* If the input array is empty, returns an empty array.
public func chunk<T>(_ arr: [T], by: Int) -> [ArraySlice<T>] {
var result = [ArraySlice<T>]()
var chunk = -1
let size = max(1, by)
for (index, elem) in arr.enumerated() {
if index % size == 0 {
chunk += 1
return result
public func chunkCollection<E, X, T: Collection>(
_ items: T,
by: Int,
f: ([E]) -> [X]
) -> [X] where T.Iterator.Element == E {
guard by >= 0 else {
return []
let max = by > 0 ? by : 1
var i = 0
var acc: [E] = []
var results: [X] = []
var iter = items.makeIterator()
while let item = {
if i >= max {
results.append(contentsOf: f(acc))
acc = []
i = 0
i += 1
if !acc.isEmpty {
results.append(contentsOf: f(acc))
return results
public extension Sequence {
// [T] -> (T -> K) -> [K: [T]]
// As opposed to `groupWith` (to follow Haskell's naming), which would be
// [T] -> (T -> K) -> [[T]]
func groupBy<Key, Value>(
_ selector: (Self.Iterator.Element) -> Key,
transformer: (Self.Iterator.Element) -> Value
) -> [Key: [Value]] {
var acc: [Key: [Value]] = [:]
for x in self {
let k = selector(x)
var a = acc[k] ?? []
acc[k] = a
return acc
func zip<S: Sequence>(_ elems: S) -> [(Self.Iterator.Element, S.Iterator.Element)] {
var rights = elems.makeIterator()
return self.compactMap { lhs in
guard let rhs = else { return nil }
return (lhs, rhs)
public func optDictionaryEqual<K, V: Equatable>(_ lhs: [K: V]?, rhs: [K: V]?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.none, .none):
return true
case (.none, _):
return false
case (_, .none):
return false
return lhs! == rhs!
* Return members of `a` that aren't nil, changing the type of the sequence accordingly.
public func optFilter<T>(_ a: [T?]) -> [T] {
return a.compactMap { $0 }
* Return a new map with only key-value pairs that have a non-nil value.
public func optFilter<K, V>(_ source: [K: V?]) -> [K: V] {
var m = [K: V]()
for (k, v) in source {
if let v = v {
m[k] = v
return m
* Map a function over the values of a map.
public func mapValues<K, T, U>(_ source: [K: T], f: (T) -> U) -> [K: U] {
var m = [K: U]()
for (k, v) in source {
m[k] = f(v)
return m
public func findOneValue<K, V>(_ map: [K: V], f: (V) -> Bool) -> V? {
for v in map.values where f(v) {
return v
return nil
* Take a JSON array, returning the String elements as an array.
* It's usually convenient for this to accept an optional.
public func jsonsToStrings(_ arr: [[String: Any]]?) -> [String]? {
return arr?.compactMap { $0.asString }
// Encapsulate a callback in a way that we can use it with NSTimer.
private class Callback {
private let handler: () -> Void
init(handler: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.handler = handler
func go() {
* Allows creating a block that will fire after a delay. Resets the timer if called again before the delay expires.
public func debounce(_ delay: TimeInterval, action: @escaping () -> Void) -> () -> Void {
let callback = Callback(handler: action)
var timer: Timer?
return {
// If calling again, invalidate the last timer.
if let timer = timer {
timer = Timer(
timeInterval: delay,
target: callback,
selector: #selector(Callback.go),
userInfo: nil,
repeats: false
RunLoop.current.add(timer!, forMode: RunLoop.Mode.default)