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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import Foundation
private func getDate(dayOffset: Int) -> Date {
let calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: Date())
let today = components)!
return .day, value: dayOffset, to: today)!
public struct DateGroupedTableData<T: Equatable> {
// Timestamps at which we want the data to be split
var timestamps: [TimeInterval] = []
// Data associated with timestamps -- in each section
var timestampData: [[(item: T, timing: TimeInterval)]] = []
var timestampDataNumSections: Int {
return timestampData.count
public var isEmpty: Bool {
return timestampData.allSatisfy { $0.isEmpty }
public init(includeLastHour: Bool = false) {
var timestamps: [TimeInterval] = []
if includeLastHour {
timestamps.append(contentsOf: [
getDate(dayOffset: 0).timeIntervalSince1970,
getDate(dayOffset: -1).timeIntervalSince1970,
getDate(dayOffset: -7).timeIntervalSince1970,
getDate(dayOffset: -30).timeIntervalSince1970])
self.init(timestamps: timestamps)
// Timestamps should be ordered chronolgically
public init(timestamps: [TimeInterval]) {
self.timestamps = timestamps
// Arrays maintaining data, split by timestamp. Additional array included for elements older than the last timestamp
timestampData = Array(repeating: [(item: T, timing: TimeInterval)](), count: timestamps.count + 1)
public mutating func add(_ item: T, timestamp: TimeInterval) -> IndexPath {
for i in 0..<timestamps.count where timestamp > timestamps[i] {
timestampData[i].append((item, timestamp))
return IndexPath(row: timestampData[i].count - 1, section: i)
// if we don't match any of the timestamps above, return the older data
timestampData[timestampDataNumSections - 1].append((item, timestamp))
return IndexPath(row: timestampData[timestampDataNumSections - 1].count - 1, section: timestampDataNumSections - 1)
public mutating func remove(_ item: T) {
for i in 0..<timestampDataNumSections {
if let index = timestampData[i].firstIndex(where: { item == $0.item }) {
timestampData[i].remove(at: index)
public func numberOfItemsForSection(_ section: Int) -> Int {
guard section >= 0 && section < timestampDataNumSections else {return 0}
return timestampData[section].count
public func itemsForSection(_ section: Int) -> [T] {
guard section >= 0 && section < timestampDataNumSections else {return []}
return timestampData[section].map({ $0.item })
/// Returns all currently fetched items in a single array: `[T.item]`.
public func allItems() -> [T] {
return timestampData.flatMap({ $0 }).map { $0.item }