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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import Foundation
public let DefaultDispatchQueue =
public func asyncReducer<T, U>(
_ initialValue: T,
combine: @escaping (T, U) -> Deferred<Maybe<T>>
) -> AsyncReducer<T, U> {
return AsyncReducer(initialValue: initialValue, combine: combine)
* A appendable, async `reduce`.
* The reducer starts empty. New items need to be `append`ed.
* The constructor takes an `initialValue`, a `dispatch_queue_t`, and a `combine` function.
* The reduced value can be accessed via the `reducer.terminal` `Deferred<Maybe<T>>`, which is
* run once all items have been combined.
* The terminal will never be filled if no items have been appended.
* Once the terminal has been filled, no more items can be appended, and `append` methods will error.
open class AsyncReducer<T, U> {
// T is the accumulator. U is the input value. The returned T is the new accumulated value.
public typealias Combine = (T, U) -> Deferred<Maybe<T>>
fileprivate let lock = NSRecursiveLock()
private let dispatchQueue: DispatchQueue
private let combine: Combine
private let initialValueDeferred: Deferred<Maybe<T>>
public let terminal: Deferred<Maybe<T>> = Deferred()
private var queuedItems: [U] = []
private var isStarted = false
* Has this task queue finished?
* Once the task queue has finished, it cannot have more tasks appended.
open var isFilled: Bool {
defer { lock.unlock() }
return terminal.isFilled
public convenience init(
initialValue: T,
queue: DispatchQueue = DefaultDispatchQueue,
combine: @escaping Combine
) {
self.init(initialValue: deferMaybe(initialValue), queue: queue, combine: combine)
public init(
initialValue: Deferred<Maybe<T>>,
queue: DispatchQueue = DefaultDispatchQueue,
combine: @escaping Combine
) {
self.dispatchQueue = queue
self.combine = combine
self.initialValueDeferred = initialValue
// This is always protected by a lock, so we don't need to
// take another one.
fileprivate func ensureStarted() {
if self.isStarted {
func queueNext(_ deferredValue: Deferred<Maybe<T>>) {
deferredValue.uponQueue(dispatchQueue, block: continueMaybe)
func nextItem() -> U? {
// Because popFirst is only available on array slices.
// removeFirst is fine for range-replaceable collections.
return queuedItems.isEmpty ? nil : queuedItems.removeFirst()
func continueMaybe(_ res: Maybe<T>) {
defer { lock.unlock() }
if res.isFailure {
self.terminal.fill(Maybe(failure: res.failureValue!))
let accumulator = res.successValue!
guard let item = nextItem() else {
self.terminal.fill(Maybe(success: accumulator))
let combineItem = deferDispatchAsync(dispatchQueue) {
return self.combine(accumulator, item)
self.isStarted = true
* Append one or more tasks onto the end of the queue.
* @throws AlreadyFilled if the queue has finished already.
open func append(_ items: U...) throws -> Deferred<Maybe<T>> {
return try append(items)
* Append a list of tasks onto the end of the queue.
* @throws AlreadyFilled if the queue has already finished.
open func append(_ items: [U]) throws -> Deferred<Maybe<T>> {
defer { lock.unlock() }
if terminal.isFilled {
throw ReducerError.alreadyFilled
queuedItems.append(contentsOf: items)
return terminal
enum ReducerError: Error {
case alreadyFilled