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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Common
import Foundation
extension AppInfo {
public static var displayName: String {
guard let displayName = applicationBundle.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleDisplayName") as? String else {
fatalError("CFBundleDisplayName not found in info.plist")
return displayName
public static var majorAppVersion: String {
return appVersion.components(separatedBy: ".").first!
/// The port for the internal webserver, tests can change this
/// Please be aware that we needed to migrate this webserverPort in WebEngine.WKEngineInfo
/// due to Shared target issues in #17721. This webserverPort needs to be deleted with
/// FXIOS-7960 once the WebEngine package is integrated in Firefox iOS
public static var webserverPort = 6571
/// Return the keychain access group.
public static func keychainAccessGroupWithPrefix(_ prefix: String) -> String {
var bundleIdentifier = baseBundleIdentifier
if bundleIdentifier == "org.mozilla.ios.FennecEnterprise" {
// Bug 1373726 - Base bundle identifier incorrectly generated for Nightly builds
// This can be removed when we are able to fix the app group in the developer portal
bundleIdentifier = "org.mozilla.ios.Fennec.enterprise"
return prefix + "." + bundleIdentifier
// Return the MozWhatsNewTopic key from the Info.plist
public static var whatsNewTopic: String? {
// By default we don't want to add dot version to what's new section. Set
// this to true if you'd like to add dot version for whats new article.
let shouldAddDotVersion = false
let appVersionSplit = AppInfo.appVersion.components(separatedBy: ".")
let majorAppVersion = appVersionSplit[0]
var dotVersion = ""
if appVersionSplit.count > 1, appVersionSplit[0] != "0" { dotVersion = appVersionSplit[1] }
let topic = "whats-new-ios-\(majorAppVersion)\(shouldAddDotVersion ? dotVersion : "")"
return topic
public static let debugPrefIsChinaEdition = "debugPrefIsChinaEdition"
public static var isChinaEdition: Bool = {
if UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: AppInfo.debugPrefIsChinaEdition) {
return true
return Locale.current.identifier == "zh_CN"
// The App Store page identifier for the Firefox iOS application
public static var appStoreId = "id989804926"
/// Return the shared container identifier (also known as the app group) to be used with for example background
/// http requests. It is the base bundle identifier with a "group." prefix.
public static var sharedContainerIdentifier: String {
var bundleIdentifier = baseBundleIdentifier
if bundleIdentifier == "org.mozilla.ios.FennecEnterprise" {
// Bug 1373726 - Base bundle identifier incorrectly generated for Nightly builds
// This can be removed when we are able to fix the app group in the developer portal
bundleIdentifier = "org.mozilla.ios.Fennec.enterprise"
return "group." + bundleIdentifier