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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import UIKit
/// The colour palette for a theme.
/// Do not add any named colours in here unless it's part of the official theme
public protocol ThemeColourPalette {
// MARK: - Layers
var layer1: UIColor { get }
var layer2: UIColor { get }
var layer3: UIColor { get }
var layer4: UIColor { get }
var layer5: UIColor { get }
var layer5Hover: UIColor { get }
var layerScrim: UIColor { get }
var layerGradient: Gradient { get }
var layerGradientOverlay: Gradient { get }
var layerAccentNonOpaque: UIColor { get }
var layerAccentPrivate: UIColor { get }
var layerAccentPrivateNonOpaque: UIColor { get }
var layerSepia: UIColor { get }
var layerHomepage: Gradient { get }
var layerInfo: UIColor { get }
var layerConfirmation: UIColor { get }
var layerWarning: UIColor { get }
var layerError: UIColor { get }
var layerSelectedText: UIColor { get }
var layerAutofillText: UIColor { get }
var layerSearch: UIColor { get }
var layerGradientURL: Gradient { get }
// MARK: - Ratings
var layerRatingA: UIColor { get }
var layerRatingASubdued: UIColor { get }
var layerRatingB: UIColor { get }
var layerRatingBSubdued: UIColor { get }
var layerRatingC: UIColor { get }
var layerRatingCSubdued: UIColor { get }
var layerRatingD: UIColor { get }
var layerRatingDSubdued: UIColor { get }
var layerRatingF: UIColor { get }
var layerRatingFSubdued: UIColor { get }
// MARK: - Actions
var actionPrimary: UIColor { get }
var actionPrimaryHover: UIColor { get }
var actionPrimaryDisabled: UIColor { get }
var actionSecondary: UIColor { get }
var actionSecondaryHover: UIColor { get }
var formSurfaceOff: UIColor { get }
var formKnob: UIColor { get }
var indicatorActive: UIColor { get }
var indicatorInactive: UIColor { get }
var actionConfirmation: UIColor { get }
var actionWarning: UIColor { get }
var actionError: UIColor { get }
var actionInfo: UIColor { get }
var actionTabActive: UIColor { get }
var actionTabInactive: UIColor { get }
// MARK: - Text
var textPrimary: UIColor { get }
var textSecondary: UIColor { get }
var textDisabled: UIColor { get }
var textWarning: UIColor { get }
var textAccent: UIColor { get }
var textOnDark: UIColor { get }
var textOnLight: UIColor { get }
var textInverted: UIColor { get }
var textInvertedDisabled: UIColor { get }
// MARK: - Icons
var iconPrimary: UIColor { get }
var iconSecondary: UIColor { get }
var iconDisabled: UIColor { get }
var iconAction: UIColor { get }
var iconOnColor: UIColor { get }
var iconWarning: UIColor { get }
var iconSpinner: UIColor { get }
var iconAccentViolet: UIColor { get }
var iconAccentBlue: UIColor { get }
var iconAccentPink: UIColor { get }
var iconAccentGreen: UIColor { get }
var iconAccentYellow: UIColor { get }
var iconRatingNeutral: UIColor { get }
// MARK: - Border
var borderPrimary: UIColor { get }
var borderAccent: UIColor { get }
var borderAccentNonOpaque: UIColor { get }
var borderAccentPrivate: UIColor { get }
var borderInverted: UIColor { get }
var borderToolbarDivider: UIColor { get }
// MARK: - Shadow
var shadowDefault: UIColor { get }