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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Foundation
import SwiftyBeaver
// MARK: - SwiftyBeaverWrapper
protocol SwiftyBeaverWrapper {
static func debug(_ message: @autoclosure () -> Any,
file: String,
function: String,
line: Int,
context: Any?)
static func info(_ message: @autoclosure () -> Any,
file: String,
function: String,
line: Int,
context: Any?)
static func warning(_ message: @autoclosure () -> Any,
file: String,
function: String,
line: Int,
context: Any?)
static func error(_ message: @autoclosure () -> Any,
file: String,
function: String,
line: Int,
context: Any?)
extension SwiftyBeaver: SwiftyBeaverWrapper {}
// MARK: - SwiftyBeaverBuilder
protocol SwiftyBeaverBuilder {
func setup(with destination: URL?) -> SwiftyBeaverWrapper.Type
struct DefaultSwiftyBeaverBuilder: SwiftyBeaverBuilder {
// Format has full date/time, colored log level, tag, file name and message
private let defaultFormat = "$Dyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS$d $C$L$c [$X] $N - $M"
/// Setup SwiftyBeaver as our basic logger for console and file destination.
/// Note that filters can be added here on the different destinations like the following:
/// `console.addFilter(Filters.Path.contains("BrowserViewController", minLevel: .debug))`
/// `console.addFilter(Filters.Function.contains("viewDidLoad", required: true))`
/// `console.addFilter(Filters.Path.excludes("Sync", required: true))`
/// `console.addFilter(Filters.Message.contains("HTTP", caseSensitive: true, required: true))`
func setup(with destination: URL?) -> SwiftyBeaverWrapper.Type {
let console = ConsoleDestination()
console.format = defaultFormat
console.minLevel = .info
console.levelString.error = "FATAL"
let file = FileDestination(logFileURL: destination)
file.format = defaultFormat
file.minLevel = .debug
file.levelString.error = "FATAL"
file.logFileAmount = 2
let logger = SwiftyBeaver.self
return logger