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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Foundation
import Sentry
public protocol SentryWrapper {
var crashedInLastRun: Bool { get }
var dsn: String? { get }
func startWithConfigureOptions(configure options: @escaping (Options) -> Void)
func captureMessage(message: String, with scopeBlock: @escaping (Scope) -> Void)
func captureError(error: Error)
func addBreadcrumb(crumb: Breadcrumb)
func configureScope(scope: @escaping (Scope) -> Void)
public class DefaultSentry: SentryWrapper {
private let dsnKey = "SentryCloudDSN"
public init() {}
public var crashedInLastRun: Bool {
return SentrySDK.crashedLastRun
public var dsn: String? {
let bundle = AppInfo.applicationBundle
guard let dsn = bundle.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: dsnKey) as? String,
!dsn.isEmpty else {
return nil
return dsn
public func startWithConfigureOptions(configure options: @escaping (Options) -> Void) {
SentrySDK.start(configureOptions: options)
public func captureMessage(message: String, with scopeBlock: @escaping (Scope) -> Void) {
SentrySDK.capture(message: message, block: scopeBlock)
public func captureError(error: Error) {
SentrySDK.capture(error: error)
public func addBreadcrumb(crumb: Breadcrumb) {
public func configureScope(scope: @escaping (Scope) -> Void) {