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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Foundation
import Sentry
// MARK: - CrashManager
public protocol CrashManager {
var crashedLastLaunch: Bool { get }
func captureError(error: Error)
func setup(sendUsageData: Bool)
func send(message: String,
category: LoggerCategory,
level: LoggerLevel,
extraEvents: [String: String]?)
*Crash report for rust errors
* We implement this on exception classes that correspond to Rust errors to
* customize how the crash reports look.
* CrashReporting implementors should test if exceptions implement this
* interface. If so, they should try to customize their crash reports to match.
public protocol CustomCrashReport {
var typeName: String { get set }
var message: String { get set }
public class DefaultCrashManager: CrashManager {
enum Environment: String {
case nightly = "Nightly"
case production = "Production"
// MARK: - Properties
private let deviceAppHashKey = "SentryDeviceAppHash"
private let defaultDeviceAppHash = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
private let deviceAppHashLength = UInt(20)
private var enabled = false
private var shouldSetup: Bool {
return !enabled
&& !isSimulator
&& isValidReleaseName
private var isValidReleaseName: Bool {
if skipReleaseNameCheck { return true }
return AppInfo.bundleIdentifier == "org.mozilla.ios.Firefox"
|| AppInfo.bundleIdentifier == "org.mozilla.ios.FirefoxBeta"
private var environment: Environment {
var environment = Environment.production
if AppInfo.appVersion == appInfo.nightlyAppVersion, appInfo.buildChannel == .beta {
environment = Environment.nightly
return environment
private var releaseName: String {
return "\(AppInfo.bundleIdentifier)@\(AppInfo.appVersion)"
// MARK: - Init
private var appInfo: BrowserKitInformation
private var sentryWrapper: SentryWrapper
private var isSimulator: Bool
private var skipReleaseNameCheck: Bool
// Only enable app hang tracking in Beta for now
private var shouldEnableAppHangTracking: Bool {
return appInfo.buildChannel == .beta
private var shouldEnableMetricKit: Bool {
return appInfo.buildChannel == .beta
private var shouldEnableTraceProfiling: Bool {
return appInfo.buildChannel == .beta
public init(appInfo: BrowserKitInformation = BrowserKitInformation.shared,
sentryWrapper: SentryWrapper = DefaultSentry(),
isSimulator: Bool = DeviceInfo.isSimulator(),
skipReleaseNameCheck: Bool = false) {
self.appInfo = appInfo
self.sentryWrapper = sentryWrapper
self.isSimulator = isSimulator
self.skipReleaseNameCheck = skipReleaseNameCheck
// MARK: - CrashManager protocol
public var crashedLastLaunch: Bool {
return sentryWrapper.crashedInLastRun
public func setup(sendUsageData: Bool) {
guard shouldSetup, sendUsageData, let dsn = sentryWrapper.dsn else { return }
sentryWrapper.startWithConfigureOptions(configure: { options in
options.dsn = dsn
if self.shouldEnableTraceProfiling {
options.tracesSampleRate = 0.2
options.profilesSampleRate = 0.2
options.environment = self.environment.rawValue
options.releaseName = self.releaseName
options.enableFileIOTracing = false
options.enableNetworkTracking = false
options.enableAppHangTracking = self.shouldEnableAppHangTracking
options.enableMetricKit = self.shouldEnableMetricKit
options.enableCaptureFailedRequests = false
options.enableSwizzling = false
options.beforeBreadcrumb = { crumb in
if crumb.type == "http" || crumb.category == "http" {
return nil
return crumb
// Turn Sentry breadcrumbs off since we have our own log swizzling
options.enableAutoBreadcrumbTracking = false
options.beforeSend = { event in
if event.error.self is CustomCrashReport {
self.alterEventForCustomCrash(event: event, crash: event.error as! CustomCrashReport)
return event
enabled = true
private func alterEventForCustomCrash(event: Sentry.Event, crash: CustomCrashReport) {
event.fingerprint = [crash.typeName]
// Sentry supports multiple exceptions in an event, modifying
// the top-level one controls how the event is displayed
// It's technically possible for the event to have a null
// or empty exception list, but that shouldn't happen in
// practice.
if event.exceptions?.first != nil {
event.exceptions?.first?.type = crash.typeName
event.exceptions?.first?.value = crash.message
public func send(message: String,
category: LoggerCategory,
level: LoggerLevel,
extraEvents: [String: String]?) {
guard enabled else { return }
guard shouldSendEventFor(level) else {
addBreadcrumb(message: message,
category: category,
level: level)
let event = makeEvent(message: message,
category: category,
level: level,
extra: extraEvents)
captureEvent(event: event)
// MARK: - Private
private func captureEvent(event: Event) {
// Capture event if Sentry is enabled and a message is available
guard let message = event.message?.formatted else { return }
sentryWrapper.captureMessage(message: message, with: { scope in
public func captureError(error: Error) {
// Using `shouldSendEventFor` below to prevent errors being sent
// in channels other than beta or release so there's only one place
// to control what gets sent.
guard shouldSendEventFor(.fatal) else { return }
sentryWrapper.captureError(error: error)
private func addBreadcrumb(message: String, category: LoggerCategory, level: LoggerLevel) {
let breadcrumb = Breadcrumb(level: level.sentryLevel,
category: category.rawValue)
breadcrumb.message = message
sentryWrapper.addBreadcrumb(crumb: breadcrumb)
private func makeEvent(message: String,
category: LoggerCategory,
level: LoggerLevel,
extra: [String: Any]?) -> Event {
let event = Event(level: level.sentryLevel)
event.message = SentryMessage(formatted: message)
event.tags = ["tag": category.rawValue]
if let extra = extra {
event.extra = extra
return event
/// Do not send messages to Sentry if disabled OR if we are not on beta and the severity isnt severe
/// This is the behaviour we want for Sentry logging
/// .info .warning .fatal
/// Debug n n n
/// Beta n n y
/// Release n n y
private func shouldSendEventFor(_ level: LoggerLevel) -> Bool {
let shouldSendRelease = appInfo.buildChannel == .release && level.isGreaterOrEqualThanLevel(.fatal)
let shouldSendBeta = appInfo.buildChannel == .beta && level.isGreaterOrEqualThanLevel(.fatal)
return shouldSendBeta || shouldSendRelease
private func configureScope() {
let deviceAppHash = UserDefaults(suiteName: appInfo.sharedContainerIdentifier)?
.string(forKey: self.deviceAppHashKey)
sentryWrapper.configureScope(scope: { scope in
scope.setContext(value: [
"device_app_hash": deviceAppHash ?? self.defaultDeviceAppHash
], key: "appContext")
/// If we have not already for this install, generate a completely random identifier for this device.
/// It is stored in the app group so that the same value will be used for both the main application
/// and the app extensions.
private func configureIdentifier() {
guard let defaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: appInfo.sharedContainerIdentifier),
defaults.string(forKey: deviceAppHashKey) == nil else { return }
forKey: deviceAppHashKey)
/// Ignore SIGPIPE exceptions globally.
private func setupIgnoreException() {