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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import Foundation
extension URL {
/// Temporary init that will be removed with the update to XCode 15 where this URL API is available
public init?(string: String, invalidCharacters: Bool) {
// FXIOS-8107: Removed 'encodingInvalidCharacters' init for
// compatibility reasons that is available for iOS 17+ only
self.init(string: string)
/// Returns a shorter displayable string for a domain
public var shortDisplayString: String {
guard let publicSuffix = self.publicSuffix, let baseDomain = self.normalizedHost else {
return self.normalizedHost ?? self.absoluteString
return baseDomain.replacingOccurrences(of: ".\(publicSuffix)", with: "")
/// Returns just the domain, but with the same scheme, and a trailing '/'.
/// Any failure? Return this URL.
public var domainURL: URL {
if let normalized = self.normalizedHost {
// Use NSURLComponents instead of NSURL since the former correctly preserves
// brackets for IPv6 hosts, whereas the latter escapes them.
var components = URLComponents()
components.scheme = self.scheme
components.port = self.port = normalized
components.path = "/"
return components.url ?? self
return self
/// Creates a short domain version of a link's url
/// e.g. url: => "foosite"
public var shortDomain: String? {
return host.flatMap { shortDomain($0, etld: publicSuffix ?? "") }
/// Returns the base domain from a given hostname. The base domain name is defined as the public domain suffix
/// with the base private domain attached to the front. For example, for the URL, the base domain
/// would be The base domain includes the public suffix ( + one level down (bbc).
/// :returns: The base domain string for the given host name.
public var baseDomain: String? {
guard !isIPv6, let host = host else { return nil }
// If this is just a hostname and not a FQDN, use the entire hostname.
if !host.contains(".") {
return host
return publicSuffixFromHost(host, withAdditionalParts: 1)
public var normalizedHost: String? {
// Use instead of since the former correctly preserves
// brackets for IPv6 hosts, whereas the latter strips them.
guard let components = URLComponents(url: self, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false),
var host =,
else { return nil }
if let range = host.range(of: "^(www|mobile|m)\\.", options: .regularExpression) {
host.replaceSubrange(range, with: "")
// If the host equals the public suffix, it means that the host is already normalized.
// Therefore, we return the original host without any modifications.
guard host != publicSuffix else { return }
return host
var normalizedHostAndPath: String? {
return normalizedHost.flatMap { $0 + self.path }
/// Extracts the subdomain and host from a given URL string and appends a dot to the subdomain.
/// This function takes a URL string as input and returns a tuple containing the subdomain and the normalized host.
/// If the URL string does not contain a subdomain, the function returns `nil` for the subdomain.
/// If a subdomain is present, it is returned with a trailing dot.
/// - Parameter urlString: The URL string to extract the subdomain and host from.
/// - Returns: A tuple containing the subdomain (with a trailing dot) and the normalized host.
/// The subdomain is optional and may be `nil`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let (subdomain, host) = getSubdomainAndHost(from: "")
/// print(subdomain) // Prints "docs."
/// print(host) // Prints ""
/// ```
public static func getSubdomainAndHost(from urlString: String) -> (subdomain: String?, normalizedHost: String) {
guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else { return (nil, urlString) }
let normalizedHost = url.normalizedHost ?? urlString
guard let publicSuffix = url.publicSuffix else { return (nil, normalizedHost) }
let publicSuffixComponents = publicSuffix.split(separator: ".")
let normalizedHostWithoutSuffix = normalizedHost
.split(separator: ".")
.joined(separator: ".")
let components = normalizedHostWithoutSuffix.split(separator: ".")
guard components.count >= 2 else { return (nil, normalizedHost) }
let subdomain = components.dropLast()
.joined(separator: ".")
return (subdomain, normalizedHost)
/// Returns the public portion of the host name determined by the public suffix list found here:
/// For example for the url, based on the entries in the TLD list, the public suffix would return
/// :returns: The public suffix for within the given hostname.
public var publicSuffix: String? {
return host.flatMap { publicSuffixFromHost($0, withAdditionalParts: 0) }
var isIPv6: Bool {
return host?.contains(":") ?? false
/// Creates a short domain version of a link's url
/// e.g. url: => "foosite"
/// - Parameters:
/// - host: hostname
/// - etld: top level domain to remove from host
/// - Returns: The short version of the domain
func shortDomain(_ host: String, etld: String) -> String? {
// Check edge case where the host is either a single or double '.'.
if host.isEmpty || NSString(string: host).lastPathComponent == "." {
return ""
// Clean up the url by removing www.
var hostname = host.replacingOccurrences(of: "www.", with: "")
hostname = hostname.replacingOccurrences(of: ".\(etld)", with: "")
return hostname
func publicSuffixFromHost(_ host: String, withAdditionalParts additionalPartCount: Int) -> String? {
if host.isEmpty {
return nil
// Check edge case where the host is either a single or double '.'.
if host.isEmpty || NSString(string: host).lastPathComponent == "." {
return ""
// The following algorithm breaks apart the domain and checks each sub domain against the effective TLD
// entries from the effective_tld_names.dat file. It works like this:
// Example Domain:
// TLD Entry: bbc
// 1. Start off by checking the current domain (
// 2. Also store the domain after the next dot (
// 3. If we find an entry that matches the current domain (, perform the following checks:
// i. If the domain is a wildcard AND the previous entry is not nil, then the current domain matches
// since it satisfies the wildcard requirement.
// ii. If the domain is normal (no wildcard) and we don't have anything after the next dot, then
// currentDomain is a valid TLD
// iii. If the entry we matched is an exception case, then the base domain is the part after the next dot
// On the next run through the loop, we set the new domain to check as the part after the next dot,
// update the next dot reference to be the string after the new next dot, and check the TLD entries again.
// If we reach the end of the host (nextDot = nil) and we haven't found anything, then we've hit the
// top domain level so we use it by default.
let tokens = host.components(separatedBy: ".")
let tokenCount = tokens.count
var suffix: String?
var previousDomain: String?
var currentDomain: String = host
for offset in 0..<tokenCount {
// Store the offset for use outside of this scope so we can add additional parts if needed
let nextDot: String? = offset + 1 < tokenCount ? tokens[offset + 1..<tokenCount].joined(separator: ".") : nil
if let entry = etldEntries?[currentDomain] {
if entry.isWild && (previousDomain != nil) {
suffix = previousDomain
} else if entry.isNormal || (nextDot == nil) {
suffix = currentDomain
} else if entry.isException {
suffix = nextDot
previousDomain = currentDomain
if let nextDot = nextDot {
currentDomain = nextDot
} else {
var baseDomain: String?
if additionalPartCount > 0 {
if let suffix = suffix {
// Take out the public suffixed and add in the additional parts we want.
let literalFromEnd: NSString.CompareOptions = [.literal, // Match the string exactly.
.backwards, // Search from the end.
.anchored] // Stick to the end.
let suffixlessHost = host.replacingOccurrences(
of: suffix,
with: "",
options: literalFromEnd,
range: nil
let suffixlessTokens = suffixlessHost.components(separatedBy: ".").filter { !$0.isEmpty }
let maxAdditionalCount = max(0, suffixlessTokens.count - additionalPartCount)
let additionalParts = suffixlessTokens[maxAdditionalCount..<suffixlessTokens.count]
let partsString = additionalParts.joined(separator: ".")
baseDomain = [partsString, suffix].joined(separator: ".")
} else {
return nil
} else {
baseDomain = suffix
return baseDomain
public var absoluteDisplayString: String {
var urlString = absoluteString
// For http URLs, get rid of the trailing slash if the path is empty or '/'
if (scheme == "http" || scheme == "https") && (path == "/") && urlString.hasSuffix("/") {
urlString = String(urlString[..<urlString.index(urlString.endIndex, offsetBy: -1)])
// If it's basic http, strip out the string but leave anything else in
if urlString.hasPrefix("http://") {
return String(urlString[urlString.index(urlString.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)...])
} else {
return urlString
public func removeBlobFromUrl() -> URL {
let urlString = absoluteString
guard scheme == "blob" else {
return self
let stringURL = String(urlString[urlString.index(urlString.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)...])
return URL(string: stringURL) ?? self
public func getQuery() -> [String: String] {
var results = [String: String]()
guard let components = URLComponents(url: self, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false),
let queryItems = components.percentEncodedQueryItems
else {
return results
for item in queryItems {
if let value = item.value {
results[] = value
return results
public var origin: String? {
guard isWebPage(includeDataURIs: false),
let hostPort = self.hostPort,
let scheme = scheme
else { return nil }
return "\(scheme)://\(hostPort)"
public var hostPort: String? {
if let host = {
if let port = (self as NSURL).port?.int32Value {
return "\(host):\(port)"
return host
return nil
public func isWebPage(includeDataURIs: Bool = true) -> Bool {
let schemes = includeDataURIs ? ["http", "https", "data"] : ["http", "https"]
return { schemes.contains($0) } ?? false
private struct ETLDEntry: CustomStringConvertible {
let entry: String
var isNormal: Bool { return isWild || !isException }
var isWild = false
var isException = false
init(entry: String) {
self.entry = entry
self.isWild = entry.hasPrefix("*")
self.isException = entry.hasPrefix("!")
var description: String {
return "{ Entry: \(entry), isWildcard: \(isWild), isException: \(isException) }"
private typealias TLDEntryMap = [String: ETLDEntry]
private func loadEntries() -> TLDEntryMap? {
var entries = TLDEntryMap()
for line in ETLD_NAMES_LIST where !line.isEmpty && !line.hasPrefix("//") {
let entry = ETLDEntry(entry: line)
let key: String
if entry.isWild {
// Trim off the '*.' part of the line
key = String(line[line.index(line.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)...])
} else if entry.isException {
// Trim off the '!' part of the line
key = String(line[line.index(line.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)...])
} else {
key = line
entries[key] = entry
return entries
private var etldEntries: TLDEntryMap? = {
return loadEntries()