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# Clean builds a release build and signs it with our release keys using the Autograph
# server. This script has no arguments. This script *MUST BE RUN FROM THE PROJECT ROOT.*
# To use this script, you'll need to create a <project-dir>/.autograph_config file
# with:
# ```
# AUTH_TOKEN=<autograph-auth-token>
# SERVER=<autograph-server-url-prod-or-staging>
# ```
# To get these credentials, contact the Cloud Services team.
# This script is based on the official Autograph documentation:
# For CI use, the documentation also links to a production TaskCluster configuration.
# If you're not creating a release but want to create a release build for local testing, you
# can append the `--test` flag to ignore some release checks.
# Crash script if any command exits with non-zero status
set -e
BUILD_TOOLS=~/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.3 # Update me on error!
# Assert pre-conditions.
source .autograph_config || exit 1
if [[ -z $AUTH_TOKEN ]]; then
echo "Error: AUTH_TOKEN not defined in .autograph_config"
exit 1
if [[ -z $SERVER ]]; then
echo "Error: SERVER not defined in .autograph_config"
exit 1
if [ ! -d $BUILD_TOOLS ]; then
echo "Error: Build tools not found; update BUILD_TOOLS variable in script to continue."
exit 1
# Assert pre-conditions, if test flag is not specified.
if [[ $1 = "--test" ]]; then
echo "--test specified: DISABLING RELEASE CHECKS"
if [ ! -f .sentry_dsn_release ]; then
echo "Error: expected <project-dir>/.sentry_dsn_release for Sentry key"
exit 1
GRADLE_VERSION=`cat app/build.gradle | grep versionName | grep --only-matching "[0-9.]\+"`
echo "Building release v$GRADLE_VERSION."
# Ensure the tests are passing.
./quality/ || exit 1
# Build the release build.
./gradlew --quiet clean assembleAmazonWebviewRelease $ASSEMBLE_FLAGS || exit 1
# Align ZIP to 4 byte addresses
# Sign via autograph. Signing can be found here:
curl -F "input=@$BUILD_DIR/$ALIGNED_NAME" \
-H "Authorization: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
$SERVER || exit 1
# We don't use `-Werr` (treat warnings as errors) because errors related to certain AndroidX
# files are expected here.
# When the build is signed by Autograph, files inside the META-INF folder are not signed because
# they use jarsigner/apksigner v1 instead of v2 We previously stripped these files out of the APK
# to avoid warnings, but after migrating to AndroidX important files are now stored in this
# directory (they appear to be Jetified libraries, but we haven't verified that). As we can't
# strip these files out, we stop failing on warnings instead.
# Verify.
$BUILD_TOOLS/apksigner verify $BUILD_DIR/$FINAL_NAME || exit 1
echo "Build and sign successful. Opening build directory... Look for $FINAL_NAME"
# Open build dir on macOS.