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/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
package org.mozilla.focus.webview.matcher;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mozilla.focus.webview.matcher.util.FocusString;
import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner;
import org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public class UrlMatcherTest {
public void matches() throws Exception {
final UrlMatcher matcher = new UrlMatcher(new String[] {
assertTrue(matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://bcd.random/something"), Uri.parse("")));
assertTrue(matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://www.bcd.random/something"), Uri.parse("")));
assertTrue(matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://foobar.bcd.random"), Uri.parse("")));
assertTrue(matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://foobar.bcd.random/something"), Uri.parse("")));
assertTrue(!matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://other.random/something"), Uri.parse("")));
assertTrue(!matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://www.other.random"), Uri.parse("")));
assertTrue(!matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://www.other.random/something"), Uri.parse("")));
assertTrue(!matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://bcd.specific/something"), Uri.parse("")));
assertTrue(!matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://www.bcd.specific"), Uri.parse("")));
assertTrue(!matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://www.bcd.specific/something"), Uri.parse("")));
// Check that we still do matching for data: URIs
assertFalse(matcher.matches(Uri.parse(""), Uri.parse("data:text/html;stuff here")));
assertTrue(matcher.matches(Uri.parse("http://bcd.random/resource"), Uri.parse("data:text/html;stuff here")));
public void categoriesWork() {
// Test that category enabling/disabling works correctly. We test this by creating
// 4 categories, each with only one domain. We then iterate over all permutations of categories,
// and test that only the expected domains are actually blocked.
// (This is an important test, since we do some caching in UrlMatcher, and we need to make
// sure that the caching doesn't break when categories are enabled/disabled at runtime.)
final Map<String, Trie> categories = new HashMap<>();
final Map<String, String> categoryPrefMap = new HashMap<>();
// Number of categories we want to test with.
final int CAT_COUNT = 4;
final SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(RuntimeEnvironment.application.getApplicationContext());
{ // Setup for category tests
final SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
for (int i = 0; i < CAT_COUNT; i++) {
final String domain = "category" + i + ".com";
final Trie trie = Trie.createRootNode();
final String categoryName = "category" + i;
categories.put(categoryName, trie);
editor.putBoolean(categoryName, false);
categoryPrefMap.put(categoryName, categoryName);
final UrlMatcher matcher = new UrlMatcher(RuntimeEnvironment.application, categoryPrefMap, categories, null);
// We can test every permutation by iterating over every value of a 4-bit integer (each bit
// indicates whether a given category is enabled or disabled).
// N categories -> N bits == (2^N - 1) == '1111...'
// 4 categories -> 4 bits == 15 == 2^N-1 = '1111'
final int allEnabledPattern = (1 << CAT_COUNT) - 1;
for (int categoryPattern = 0; categoryPattern <= allEnabledPattern; categoryPattern++) {
final SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
// Ensure all the correct categories enabled
for (int currentCategory = 0; currentCategory < CAT_COUNT; currentCategory++) {
final int currentBit = 1 << currentCategory;
final boolean enabled = ((currentBit & categoryPattern) == currentBit);
editor.putBoolean("category" + currentCategory, enabled);
// Sanity checks: just make sure our category enabling code actually sets the correct
// values for a few known combinations (i.e. we're doing a test within the test...)
if (categoryPattern == 0) {
assertFalse("All categories should be disabled for categorypattern==0", enabled);
} else if (categoryPattern == allEnabledPattern) {
assertTrue("All categories should be enabled for categorypattern=='111....'", enabled);
} else if (categoryPattern == Integer.parseInt("1100", 2)) {
if (currentCategory < 2) {
assertFalse("Categories 0/1 expected to be disabled", enabled);
} else {
assertTrue("Categories >= 2 expected to be enabled", enabled);
for (int currentCategory = 0; currentCategory < CAT_COUNT; currentCategory++) {
final int currentBit = 1 << currentCategory;
final boolean enabled = ((currentBit & categoryPattern) == currentBit);
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect category matched for combo=" + categoryPattern + " url=" + url,